The Item from Sumter, South Carolina (2024)

i Tobacco Crop In Good Shape Despite Heat COLUMBIA (AP) South Carolina agriculture officials say some more rain wouldn't hurt, but considering the current heat wave, the state's tobacco crop is in good shape. State Agriculture Commissioner G. Bryan Patrick urged farmers Friday to get their tobacco to market as soon as possible after the flue-cured selling season opens Monday. "A lot of our growers like to feel out the market for the first couple weeks," Patrick said. "I would like to urge our growers to take advantage of the sales opportunity these first two THE AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT says South Carolina growers will have 2.15 million pounds of tobacco for sale on opening day and 17 million pounds for the first two sales weeks.

Forty warehouses will be selling on 10 South Carolina markets this year. Patrick and department tobacco specialist Susan Hardwick said some plants still i in the field are suffering from heat stress. But they said crops planted earlier in the year are in good shape. "Even with the weather conditions this crop has grown under, we'll have some of the finest quality this year we've had lately. From early observation, these lugs look pretty good," said Patrick.

He urged growers to "do another good job of selling a clean MRS. HARDWICK said mid-June rains came at the right time to help the 1980 crop. She said the state's tobacco crop is running about a week later than normal. "Our early tobacco plantings have ripened and the leaves are ready to come off the stalk. That tobacco which was planted just after this is maturing in the fields, but planted crop is under severe heat stress at said.

Budget-Planners PINOPOLIS (AP) State budgetmakers, meeting in an out-of-the-way recreation area for preliminary discussions of how to spend state revenues next fiscal year, were told that "tough decisions" await them. some of our late he has another the moment," she See (AP Photo) Mighty Melon Jack Hudson of Conway weighs a 100-pound watermelon he grew. Hudson says weigh more but isn't ripe Year it will be $90 million short begins writing the 1981-82 appropriations bill later in the REVENUES, which total billion this year, will inestimated $142 million next the board was told that all of money" has already been to programs. $58 million will be needed to budget requirements, and expects to lose nearly $32 federal revenue sharing funds. Auditor Edgar A.

Vaughn said guess" is that revenues will be billion. He said the figure updated by the state Board of Advisors by Aug. 18, when the begins hearings on agency money. PLANNERS can already "built-in" increases of $60 the Education Finance Act, for teacher fringe benefits, for state employee pay raises million in aid to. local govern- budget board took no stand on a employee pay raise of 10.5 which includes a 7 percent costand 3.5 percent merit and increases.

North by Lot No. 27, Block and measuring thereon 100 feet; on the East by No. 30, Block and measuring thereon 82.5 feet; on the South by Lot No. 31, Block and measuring thereon 100 feet; and on the West by Jordan Street and fronting thereon feet, be all of said dimensions little more or less. This lot shown on the Sumter County Tax Map as Parcel No.

R13-G-29. This being the identical property conveyed to Jessie Davis and Betty A. Davis by deed of Lawrence Dunlap Builders, Inc. dated March 19, 1979 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court Sumter County in Deed Book K-10 at Page 665. TERMS OF SALE: FOR CASH; the Master will require a deposit of of the amount of the bid cash or equivalent), same to applied on the purchase price case of compliance, but in case non-compliance, same to forfeited and applied to the costs and plaintiff's mortgage and property re-advertised.

No personal or deficiency judgment being demanded, the bidding will not remain open after the date of sale, but compliance with the bid may be made mediately. Jack D. Howle, Jr. Master in Equity, Sumter County KLIGMAN FLEMING Columbia S. C.

Attorneys for plaintiff NOTICE CITY OF SUMTER BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING An application has been made by Sumter Petroleum Company to the City Board of Adjustment requesting a variance be granted to permit at setback from the front property line to be used as additional office space instead of 60' required in a Light Industrial zone. This property is located at 170 S. Lafayette shown on Tax Map Page M10 Block 0 Lot 1. The City Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing concering this matter at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, August 4, 1980.

The Hearing will be held in Council Chambers, located in the Office Building. If you have any questions concerning this matter, you may appear before the Board at the Hearing or prior to Hearing con- PAGE 2 THE DAILY ITEM SUMTER, S.C. SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1900 Obituaries Nadine L. Andrews, Florence William W. Cox, Columbia C.A.

Ferris, Orangeburg Elizabeth W. Harper, Greenwood Wesley F. McElveen, Timmonsville Albert E. McGee, Sumter H. Hampton McLeod, Pinewood Lydia M.

Martin, Columbia Thelma N. Martin, Columbia Junius I. Padgett Edgefield Lucinda O. Roberts, Aiken Mrs. Norman S.

Shope, West Columbia Louis G. Sumerau, North Augusta John D. Terry, Columbia Louis G. Varn North Charleston Gov. Dick Riley on Friday told the Budget and Control Board, of which he is chairman, it is evident that some state programs will have to be cut during the year beginning next July 1.

State financial officials told the Bowers' Defense Rests COLUMBIA (AP) The defense has rested its case in the trial of former Federal Highway Administrator Karl S. Bowers on charges of falsifying his federal income tax returns for 1974 and 1976. U.S. District Judge Robert W. Hemphill recessed the trial from Friday morning until 3 p.m.

Monday so an attorney representing a prosecution witness could be present when his client testifies. The witness is the last person scheduled to testify in the non-jury trial. Bowers, 38, of Estill, waived his right to a jury trial when the proceedings began Monday. Defense and prosecution attorneys are scheduled to deliver oral arguments before Hemphill on Aug. 18.

The judge will hand down a written decision later. Federal prosecutors say that when Bowers reported income totaling about Legal Notices SUMMONS IN THE FAMILY COURT FOR THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF SUMTER Bernard Freidman, Petitioner, VS. Audrey A. Friedman Audrey Bertha Andors, Respondent.

TO THE RESPONDENT ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Petition in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to said Petition on the Petitioner, or his attorney, Jan L. Warner, at this offices, 6 Law Range, Sumter, South Carolina, within twenty days of such service, and if you fail to answer the Petition within the time aforesaid, the Petitioner in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Peti-. tion. JAN L. WARNER ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER Dated at Sumter, S.

C. this 17th The Sumter Daily Item (USPS 525-900) Established 1894. Published every afternoon except Sunday by Osteen Publishing Company, 20 N. Magnolia Sumter, S.C. 29150.

Second Class postage paid at Sumter, S.C, SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carriers One Year in Six Months. .22.00 Three Months. ..11.00 One Month. Motor Route Carriers One Year in Six Months. ..23.40 Three Months 11.70 Ole Month.

All carriers, dealers, and distributors of The Sumter Daily Item are independent contractors. Advance payments for subscriptions may be made directly to Osteen Publishing Co. as agent. No responsibility for advance payments is assumed by the company until the money is received at this office. Member Audit Bureau Of Circulations that might Tough board that when it general summer.

STATE about $1.723 crease by an year. But that "new committed Another meet other the state million in State his "best about $1.865 will be Financial budget board requests for BUDGET count on million for $30 million $58 million and $40 ments. The proposed percent, of-living hike longevity for Sumter L-10 at Page Matthew to Earline deed dated of his right, the subject in Deed FOR CASH; will require the amount of equivalent), applied on the case of comof non-comforfeited and and plaintiff's property re- deficiency judgthe bidopen after compliance be im- NOTICE OF SALE OF years, he willfully earnings by about maintains that Bowers, highway commissioner executive in Estill, income but listed it returns. Thursday that he his income for question. a certified public that he had exreturns and had found Bowers willfully was convicted of in connection with government reand sell them for He was sentenced to on the charges.

the Clerk of Court County in Deed Book 892. That thereafter Kelley, Jr. did convey E. Garrett by his January 7, 1980 all title and interest in property as recorded Book 256 at Page 266. TERMS OF SALE: the Master in Equity a deposit of of the bid (in cash or same to be purchase price in pliance, but in case pliance, same to be applied to the costs mortgage and the advertised.

No personal or ment being demanded, ding will not remain the date of sale, but with the bid may mediately. Jack D. Howle, Jr. Master in Equity, Sumter County KLIGMAN FLEMING Columbia S. C.

Attorneys for plaintiff BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the Court of Common Pleas for Sumter County, heretofore granted in the case of The Lomas Nettleton Company against Jessie Davis Betty A. Davis. the undersigned Master in Equity appointed under Order of said Court, will sell on Monday, August 4, 1980 at eleven o'clock. A.M. before the County Courthouse door, Sumter, South Carolina, to the highest bidder, the following described property to-wit: All that piece, parcel or lot of land together with the dwelling and other improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in Concord Township, County of Sumter, State of South Carolina, designated as Lot No.

29, Block on plat of Pine Acres Subdivision made by H. S. Wilson, R. L. dated August 4, 1956, and recorded in the Office of theClerk of Court for Sumter County in Plat Book 2-14, Page 46.

The said lot No. 29, Block is more fully shown and delineated on that certain plat of J. P. Edwards, R. L.

dated March 8, 1979, and recorded in said Clerk's Office in Plat Book 742, Page 343, and, according to the aforesaid plats, is bounded and measures as follows: On the all of the home; and his grandparents, Raleigh Jones and Fannie Williams. Services will be at 1 p.m. Sunday at Palmer. Memorial Chapel, with burial in Mulberry Cemetery. The Rev.

James B. Blassingame will officiate. THOMAS BROOKS SR. Thomas Brooks 255 Wil Jon, died Wednesday at his home. Born in Sumter County, he was a son -of Virginia Brooks Kirkland.

Survivors include seven sons, William, Edward, Thomas Loman, Clarence, Willie K. and James Brooks, all of Sumter; a sister, Bernice Dinkins 8f Rembert; 71 grandchildren, 107 great-grandchildren and 12 great-great-grandchildren. Services will be at 4 p.m. Sunday at Rafting Creek Baptist Church, with burial in the church cemetery. The Rev.

Douglass E. Franklin will officiate. Palmer Memorial Chapel is in charge of arrangements. ALBERT E. McGEE SR.

Albert E. McGee 58, died Friday afternoon at Tuomey Hospital. Born in Cowards, he was a son of Robert J. McGee and the late Winnie Sauls McGee Maloney. Mr.

McGee was a member of Pitts Presbyterian Church, a member of the American Legion, and a World War II veteran. He was retired from the Capitol Department Store. Survivors include his of Hanahan; his wife, Marjorie Holloman McGee; a son, Albert E. McGee Jr. of Columbia; a brother, J.L.

McGee Sr. of Columbia; two Helen Bodie of Columbia and Hazel Blackwell of Hanahan; and two grandchildren. Services will be at 3:30 p.m. Sunday at Elmore-Hill Funeral Home, with burial in Sumter Cemetery. The Rev.

Alan Mugler will officiate. Nephews will serve as pallbearers. The family will be at the home, 15 Brooks St. ELIJAH BRADLEY JR. Elijah Bradley Jr.

died Thursday morning at Tuomey Hospital. Born in Sumter County, he was a son of Annie Ruth Jones Bradley and the late Elijah Bradley Sr. He was a fifth grade student at Reynolds E. Davis Elementary School. Survivors include his mother; 'a brother, Edward Bradley; six sisters, Cheryl, Edrena, Yvonne, Beverly, Fannie and Malissa Bradley, Vatil Sunday FORECAST COOL Figures show 70 Ron Cold Worm Showers Stationary Occluded NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE.

NOAA, US Dept of Commerce WEATHER FORECAST Showers are forecast for Saturday into early Sunday over the central Plains. Partly Cloudy Through Sunday By The Associated Press Partly cloudy and warm through Sunday with a slight chance of scattered showers and thunderstorms. Low tonight mid-60s. High Sunday low 90s. Chance of rain 10 percent tonight, 20 percent Sunday.

Local observations were tact the Zoning Administrator at 773-3371 Very truly yours, City of Sumter Board of Adjustment NOTICE OF SALE BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the Court of Common Pleas for Sumter County, heretofore granted in the case of Federal National Mortgage Association, against Willie J. Thames and Sara S. Thames and The South Carolina Tax Commission, the undersigned Master In Equity for Sumter County appointed under the Order of said Court will sell on Monday, at August 4, 1980, at 12:00 0 o'clock, A.M. before the County Courthouse door, Sumter County, South Carolina, to the highest bidder, the following described property, to wit: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, with the improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the City of Sumter, County of Sumter, State of South Carolina, located on the North side of Vining Street approximately 6 blocks West of North Main Street, said lot being known and designated as Lot No. 2, Section as shown on a Subdivision Plat by Julian B.

Allen, R.L.S., dated November 12, 1979, of Vining Pine Subdivision, Section on Vining Street. Said. lot being bounded and measuring as follows: On the NORTH by lands of others and measuring thereon 74.6 feet; EAST by Lot No. 3, said plat and measuring thereon 86.7 feet; SOUTH by Vining Street, along a broken line and measuriing thereon in the aggregate 75.1 feet; WEST by Lot No. 1, said plat, and measuring thereon 87.2 feet.

TERMS OF SALE: FOR CASH: The Auctioneer will require a deposit of of the amount of the bid (in cash or equivalent) same to be applied on the purchase price in case of compliance, but in case of non-compliance, same to be forfeited and applied to the costs and Plaintiff's mortgage and the property re-advertised. No person or deficiency judgment being demanded, the bidding will not remain open after the date of such sale, but compliance with the bid may be made immediately, JACK D. HOWLE, JR. MASTER IN EQUITY Addison G. Wilson, Esq.

West Columbia, SC Attorney for Plaintiff six sons; Charlie- and Rudy McLeod of Sumter, and Jerome, Bobby, Wayne and' Danny McLeod of Pinewood; eight brothers, George Allen, Lee and Lawrence McLeod of Sumter, Jimmy, Marshall, Cody and Eugene McLeod of Pinewood and Haward McLeod of Vermont; and a sister, Hattie Smith of Alcolu. Services will' be at 4 p.m. Sunday at Shelley-Brunson Funeral Home, with burial in Calvary Nazarene Church cemetery. ALLEN REAGAN SUMMERTON Allen Reagan, 93, died Tuesday at Briggs Nursing Home. Born in Clarendon County, he was a son of the late Willie Reagan and Almeta Holiday Reagan.

Survivors include his wife, Ella H. Reagan; an adopted son, 'Leroy Haynesworth of New York City, N.Y.; an adopted daughter, Rovenia Hubank of California; five stepdaughters, Shirley Gibson, Esther Pearson, Camillia Mellerson, all of Summerton, Nora Lee Reagan of Miami, and Shirlean Pierson of Baltimore, five stepsons, James Holiday of Bronx, N.Y., Richard Holiday of Brooklyn, N.Y., Robert Holiday of Miami, Daniel Lawson of New York City, N.Y., and Cleveland Lawson of Summerton; a. sister, Lillie Jones of Tarboro, N.C.: three half brothers, George and Julius Betrand, both of Philadelphia, Pa. and James Betrand of Rocky Mount, N.C.; and a number of grandchildren. Services will be at 2 p.m.

Sunday at Goodwill Baptist Church, Manning, with burial in the church cemetery. The Rev. J.H. Wilson and the Rev. S.

W. Whack will officiate. Samuels Funeral Home of Manning is in charge of arrangements. OLIVER P. WOODWARD SR.

Oliver Perry Woodward 86, of 411-N. Magnolia St. and for the past six years was a resident of Hampton Nursing Center, died early Saturday morning. Born in Barnwell, he was a son of the late James Whilden and Mary Catherine Folk Woodward. Mr.

Woodward was a. member of Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter, a life member of Claremont Masonic Lodge 64 A.F.M., and a life member of B.P.O.E. Lodge 855. He retired from the S.C. State Commission of Forestry in 1964 where he served as the state supervising mechanic for 20 years.

Survivors include his wife, Constance Hildebrandt Woodward of Sumter; a son, Oliver Perry Woodward Jr. of Sumter; and two grandchildren. Graveside services will be at 4 p.m. Sunday at Evergreen Memorial Park Cemetery, with full Masonic Rites. The Rev.

Michael Jones and the Rev. Julian Lazar will officiate. Masons will serve as pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers will be Dr. Wilson Greene and Dr.

Lea Givens. Memorials may be made to the church or a charity of one's choice. Bradham-Griffin Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. $20,000 for the two understated his $73,000. The defense a former state and a real estate properly showed his incorrectly on his Bowers denied knowingly understated the two years in Also Thursday, accountant testified amined Bowers' no reason to believe falsified them.

On May 30, Bowers conspiracy and fraud a scheme to buy possessed houses substantial profits. five years in prison day of July, 1980. COUNTERSIGNED BY: THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT NOTICE TO: THE RESPONDENT ABOVE NAMED: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Summons a and Petition herein were filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Sumter County on the 23rd day of July, 1980, the prayer for relief therein including a complete and final divorce and related relief. JAN L. WARNER ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER Sumter, South Carolina July 17, 19801 NOTICE OF SALE BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the Court of Common Pleas for Sumter County, heretofore granted in the case of The Lomas Nettleton Company against Earline E.

Garrett. undesigned Master in Equity appointed under Order of said Court, will sell on Monday, August 4, 1980 at eleven o'clock. A.M. before the County Courthouse door, Sumter, South Carolina, to the highest bidder, the following described property to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel and lot of land, with the dwelling and improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the City' and County of Sumter, State of South Carolina, designated as Lot No. 14 and shown in Plat Book G-5 at Page 177, and more recently shown on a plat by J.

P. Edwards, R.L.S., dated July 31, 1979, recorded in Plat Book 2-43 at Page 177, records of Sumter County. Said Lot No. 14 being bounded and measuring as follows according to said most recent plat: On the North by Lot No. 13, said plat, and measuring thereon 150.0 feet; on the East by Lot No.

22, said plat, and measuring thereon 61.2 feet; on the South by Lot No. 15, said plat, and measuring thereon 150.0 feet; and on the West by North Magnolia Street, said plat, and fronting thereon 61.2 feet. Be all dimensions a little more or a little less and according to said most recent plat. This being the property known as 609 North Magnolia Street: This being the identical property conveyed to Matthew Kelley, Jr. and Earline E.

Garrett by deed of Frank A. Tolsom dated August 23, 1979 and recorded in the Office of not available this morning. THE MOUNTAINS Partly cloudy with a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms Saturday and Saturday night. Variable cloudiness with a chance of showers and thunderstorms Sunday: High Saturday in the mid 80s. Low Saturday night in the mid 60s.

High Sunday in the mid 80s. Probability of precipitation 20 percent Saturday. Winds mostly southerly 5 to 10 mph' Saturday, strong and gusty in the vicinity of thunderstorms. THE COAST Partly cloudy with a chance of showers and thunderstorms Saturday and Sunday. High Saturday in the upper 80s.

Low Saturday night in the low 70s. High Sunday in the low 90s. Probability of precipitation 40 percent Saturday and 20 percent Saturday night. Winds mostly southerly 5 to 10 mph Saturday, strong and gusty in the vicinity of thunderstorms. THREE-DAY OUTLOOK Monday through Wednesday: Partly cloudy and warm with a chance of mainly afternoon and evening thundershowers Monday and Tuesday.

Highs in the upper 80s and lower 90s and low in the upper 60s and lower 70s. Swamp Spraying The Sumter County Health Department has announced that the Malaria Control department will begin, aerial spraying of Pocalla Swamp area early Monday morning or early Tuesday morning. The spraying should begin at 7 a.m. Persons, with beehives in the area are advised to cover them and wet them down, the health department said. BIG JIM'S CURB AND COFFEE SHOP Weekend Special BABY SHRIMP BASKET with Cole Slaw French Fries $325 BIG JIM'S ON BROAD ST.

PHONE 773-3343 JONATHAN WRIGHT Jonathan Wright, 51, of 1016 Nathaniel St. died Sunday at his home. Born in Sumter County, he was a son of the late William Wright Sr. and Rosa Sharper Wright. Mr.

Wright was a member of New Bethel Baptist Church. Survivors include a daughter, Retha Lemmon of Sumter; five sisters, Elma Wright, Chanie Pearson, Wessie Johnson, Martha Wright and Annie Bell Smith, all of Sumter; two brothers, William and James Wright of Sumter; and two grandchildren. Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at New Bethel Baptist Church, with burial in Rockhill Baptist Church cemetery. The Rev.

C.H. Davis will officiate. Community Funeral Home Inc. is in charge of arrange-' ments. WILLIAM C.

BROWN COLUMBIA William Brown "Bill Slim" of 1014 Belmont Drive, Sumter, died Friday at the Veterans Administration Hospital. He was the husband of Annie Mae Brown. Arrangements will be announced by Community Funeral Home Inc. HENRY H. McLEOD Henry Hampton McLeod, 62, of Route 2 Pinewood died Friday at Tuomey Hospital.

Born in Sumter County, he was a son of the late Clinton and Eva Ardis McLeod. Survivors include his wife, -Eva Aileen Hyatt McLeod; Man Charged MANNING A 21-year-old Salters man has been arrested in connection with an attempted housebreaking early Friday morning. Elijah Scott Jr. is being held at the Clarendon County Corrections Center in connection with an incident, which occurred about 1:50 a.m. BISHOP R.

MASK From Boston, Mass. Praying for the sick with all problems. HEALING BLESSING CRUSADE Nightly at 8:00 Church of Gospel Ministry 308C Manning Sumter Private Consultations all nationalities Call 775-6712.

The Item from Sumter, South Carolina (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.