Rend Barbarian Endgame Guide - D4 (2024)

Welcome to the Rend Barbarian Guide! This master swordsman combines unparalleled speed with devious power. The Barbarian calls on the spirits of his ancestors to possess him and charge with him into battle. He slashes his foes faster than the eye can see, leaving fields of lesser demons in bloody heaps. Only the toughest monster is left standing, but it is already dead. In the blink of an eye, the Barbarian dashes into the remaining enemy and impales it on his sword. A shower of blood erupts from its broken body as he withdraws his legendary blade.

Note that this build is heavily dependent on Ring of the Ravenous (TEMP) and Ranks of Charge and Cooldown Reduction on either a Legendary amulet and / or Harlequin Crest. Without those items, this build loses a significant amount of functionality and DPS, and may struggle to compete with the other top-tier Barbarian builds.

Rend is a Core Skill that quickly applies a large Bleed to all enemies directly in front of the Barbarian. It is one of the most Fury-efficient core skills and boasts the highest base damage per cast time. The only drawbacks are its small area of effect and the fact that its damage is dealt over time rather than immediately.

In order to solve these problems, we need to group up our enemies and deal Bleed damage immediately. Ancestral Charge allows us to pile up a room full of enemies, and Rupture ensures we don't have to wait for the enemies to bleed to death.

A great perk of the build is that Ring of the Ravenous (TEMP) allows us to apply Bleeding automatically when we charge. We can reduce the cooldown of Charge to near 0 seconds, allowing us to simply charge over and over to travel through a dungeon. Because Rend is applied automatically, we don't need to stop between Charges and swing our weapon to kill our enemies.

With this build you can enjoy a unique gameplay style that achieves some of the fastest clear times among all Barbarians. Let's jump in and see what it's all about!

This build guide assumesyou have a Level 50+ Character and finished the Campaign. Level up with ourRend Leveling Guide or Double Swing Leveling Guide. If you are looking for a different Barbarian playstyle, check out all of our Barbarian Guides.



NM DungeonsStrong



Season 3 - Season of the Construct

In Season 3, you obtain the Seneschal Construct through the Season Questline, then collect Governing Stones or Tuning Stones to add attacks and augment them to support your build. Only certain Tuning Stones work with a particular Governing Stone. Look at the bottom of any Tuning Stone tooltip to see if it is compatible with your Construct's currently equipped Stones. Lastly, they can be leveled up by getting duplicates to max out their power. Check out our full Season 3 guide for more information.

Recommended Stones

  1. Tempest - This offensive AOE Governing Stone is the best option because it persists after the target's death and grows over time, meaning its maximum damage is potentially unlimited.
    • Registered Damage Support - When this stone supports AOE attacks, the resulting damage scaling is overpowered in groups of many enemies.
    • Bleeding Support - All of the Damage over Time effects work well with Tempest and Registered Damage because the interaction creates a damage feedback loop with potential for exponential growth.
    • Voluminous Support - This has great synergy with AOE attacks supported by Registered Damage because increasing the size of the AOE causes it to hit more enemies, which causes Registered Damage to hit harder.
  2. Flash of Adrenaline - We use this Governing Stone because boosting our character's damage output is fun.
    • Tactical Support - This stone allows us to enjoy a burst of fun more often.
    • Duration Support - Combining Duration with Tactical is an interesting choice that may enable us to achieve 100% uptime on some effects.
    • Fortify Support - We use this stone to give us a way to maintain Fortify, which gives us additional Damage Reduction and a damage multiplier from Counteroffensive .

Alternative Stones

Poison Support - This Damage over Time effect may work exceptionally well with Tempest and Registered Damage due to its unique ability to spread poison to new targets, which may significantly accelerate the exponential growth of damage.

Reconstruct - This Governing Stone is not necessary in general because we can already heal ourselves with Potions. In Hardcore, however, it might be a good choice to run this instead of Flash of Adrenaline.

Safeguard Support - This stone may be another good choice in Hardcore.

Initiative Support - One concern with the Construct is that it may get separated from us. To solve that problem, assign this Tuning Stones to Utility Governing Stone that affects us, and the Construct will occasionally teleport to us. If we are counting on the companion to keep us alive, then this could be the difference between life and death.

If you are lucky enough to get either Evernight Support or Genesis Support from Uber Malphas, you want to swap them in on your Construct for their powerful effects.

Skill Tree & Gameplay

Your general gameplay rotation is very simple: Charge through packs of enemies to group them up, use Rend or Rupture any tough enemies that are not bleeding to death, use Lunging Strike or simply run through the enemies to reposition, then Charge again when it is off cooldown. Continue charging through the area, plowing through enemies as you go. If Charge or Rupture is on cooldown, use Rallying Cry to reset it by triggering the Marshal glyph.

  • Lunging Strike can be used to quickly reposition yourself between Charges to line up more enemies.
  • Rend deals huge damage, and we get to apply it instantly for free through the new unique Ring of the Ravenous (TEMP). We may also spam Rend on bosses since the Charge cooldown is not fully reset when hitting a boss, and Ring of the Ravenous (TEMP) will only proc once every 4 seconds anyway. Try not to spend all of your Fury on Rend, because we want to keep our Fury close to full to maximize our DPS.
    • Enhanced Rend will keep our enemies Vulnerable when Exploit wears off.
    • Violent Rend helps us deal more damage, but Furious Rend can enable us to more easily spam Rend on bosses while maintaining full Fury.
  • Rallying Cry is reserved for use when Charge and/or Rupture are on cooldown. The Marshal glyph will allow Rallying Cry to quickly reset the cooldowns of other skills. In addition, Rallying Cry will also give us large bonuses to movement speed and Fury generation. Finally, it will also make us Unstoppable, which will break Crowd Control effects and cause us to gain Fury and bonus damage thanks to Tibault's Will.
  • Charge deals great damage, gives us mobility, stacks up our enemies, applies 2 applications of Rend with Ring of the Ravenous (TEMP), grants us Berserking with Battle Fervor and makes us Unstoppable for 1 second, which procs Tibault's Will. If we aim properly, we can chain Charge back-to-back, plow through all of our enemies, constantly remain Unstoppable, and generate more Fury than we could ever need.
  • Rupture allows us to take advantage of high enemy density and avoid waiting for enemies to slowly bleed to death. This skill is best used on a boss after stacking enough Bleeds to kill them. The other time to use this skill is when we have piled up a large number of enemies in a small area. Enhanced Rupture creates one AOE of Bleed damage for each enemy hit by Rupture. The Bleed damage of a single AOE is comparable to Rend, and if multiple enemies are hit, there will be multiple AOEs. The explosion AOE is much larger than the initial hit, so it's not uncommon to hit 4 or more enemies, and cause 4 AOEs that each hit 10 or more enemies.
  • Wrath of the Berserker is the standard Barbarian endgame Ultimate ability. We use it when we need to break Crowd Control, gain Berserking, increase our Movement Speed, and increase our Fury Generation. Supreme Wrath of the Berserker doubles our Berserking damage bonus from +25%[x] to +50%[x]. We keep this increase as long as we don't lose our Berserking buff. As long as we continue to Charge at least once ever 5 seconds, Battle Fervor should enable us to maintain 100% uptime on the Supreme Wrath of the Berserker bonus.
  • Unconstrained has great synergy with Supreme Wrath of the Berserker: in addition to making it much easier to maintain 100% uptime on Berserking, Unconstrained also raises the base Berserking damage bonus from 25%[x] to 100%[x], which Supreme Wrath of the Berserker doubles up to 200%[x].

Barbarian Weapon Technique

The Barbarian Weapon Technique slot allows the player to choose a Weapon Expertise Effect that applies to all of their attacks, regardless of which weapon they are using. We select Two-Handed Axe Expertise because we should make enemies Vulnerable using Exploit, and keep them Vulnerable using Enhanced Rend. Make sure to use a Two-Handed Axe while leveling up in order to level up the Two-Handed Axe Expertise all the way to level 10.

Assign your One-Handed Weapons to all of your offensive abilities. One of the weapons should be a One-Handed Mace so we can benefit from Wallop. The other weapon must be a One-Handed Sword or One-Handed Axe because Bleeding skill require the use of a Slashing weapon. Both Swords and Axes have benefits, so the deciding factor between the two options should be the weapon's base DPS.

Resource & Cooldown Management

Managing your Resources and Cooldowns is crucial to the success of this build. Keeping our Fury full greatly increases the damage we deal through Edgemaster (40%[x] on our Two-Handed Mace) and Ramaladni's Magnum Opus (88%[x] at 220 Fury).

Charge grants one second of Unstoppable, which triggers Tibault's Will, which generates Fury. We should be able to Charge at least once every 4 seconds, which should help us maintain full Fury as long as we properly manage the cooldown of Charge. In order to get the cooldown of Charge as low as possible, we need to take Power Charge and hit 3 enemies. We also need to put 5 ranks in Charge and get another 3 or 4 ranks from gear, such as an amulet, pants, or Harlequin Crest. If we get Cooldown Reduction from an amulet or Harlequin Crest, that shaves another second off the cooldown.

If we fail to hit 3 enemies with Charge, the cooldown could be up to 12 seconds. When that happens, we can use Rallying Cry to trigger the Marshal glyph, which will reduce the cooldown by 4 seconds. This will also increase our Fury generation and grant us Unstoppable, which will trigger Tibault's Will, and fill our Fury . It's important to save Rallying Cry for times like this when we need to reset the cooldowns of our other skills, particularly Charge.

Paragon Board

Carefully check your Paragon Boards to ensure correct board rotation. Glyphs go from a radius of 3 to 4 when they reach level 15!

Level the Paragon Board by scrolling. Each step optimizes progression.


We need to level up our Glyphs to increase their power and activate their Additional Bonus with surrounding nodes. Glyphs have a radius of 3 by default, this increases to 4 at Glyph level 15. Complete Nightmare Dungeons to obtain Glyph experience.

Note that there are some Glyph position swaps and a few adjustments to surrounding Paragon nodes once they reach level 15. See the last two steps in the Paragon progression above for details. The setup displayed by default is the final version of the build.

Glyph Leveling Priorities

Level 15

  1. Marshal - cannot be activated until level 15
  2. Ire
  3. Exploit
  4. Ambidextrous
  5. Territorial

Level 21

  1. Ire
  2. Exploit
  3. Marshal
  4. Ambidextrous
  5. Territorial

Note:Don't level‍Undaunted as it's only used as a progression placeholder until later. When Marshal reaches level 15, it will take the place of Undaunted.

Also check out our dedicated in-depth guides to learn more about Paragon Boards and Glyphs.

Endgame Progression & Variants

When you start diving into the Endgame, you don't have all the tools available to achieve the final build versions. Let us guide you through different progression points to give you a smooth transition from our Leveling Guides to the final build version.

Progression Goals

Starting at level 50, we'll need to take a few steps to bring this build fully online. we'll need to start collection all of our aspects. Third we need to fight tough bosses to target farm our Uniques. Finally, we should farm Nightmare Dungeons to level up our glyphs.

  1. Unlock the following Aspects from Dungeons.
    • Edgemaster in Oldstones (Scosglen)
    • Ghostwalker inBroken Bulwark(Scosglen)
    • Might in Dark Ravine (Dry Steppes)
    • Juggernaut (TEMP)
    • Iron Blood in Forgotten Ruins(Kehjistan)
    • Unrelenting Fury in Hallowed Ossuary(Fractured Peaks)
    • Slaking in Maulwood in (Fractured Peaks)
    • Berserk Ripping in Mournfield in (Dry Steppes)
    • Veteran Brawler in Heretic's Asylum in (Kehjistan)
    • Rapid Buried Halls in (Dry Steppes)
  2. Find the following Legendary Aspects either as a random drop or by gambling with Obols. If you find a legendary aspect that's a perfect roll, save it. In addition, if you find any of the aspects listed above or below at any quality, save it unless you already have one of that quality in your codex.
    • Ancestral Charge: Gamble One-Handed Weapons.
    • Limitless Rage: Gamble One-Handed Weapons.
    • Weapon Master: Gamble Boots
    • Wanton Rupture: Gamble One-Handed Weapons. This is low priority because we will no longer need this once we get Ramaladni's Magnum Opus.
    • Steadfast Berserker: Gamble Pants. This is low priority because we will no longer need this once we get Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty.
  3. Acquire the following Unique items either as a random drop or by farming specific Boss drops. Note: You cannot gamble Unique items with obols!
    • Ramaladni's Magnum Opus replaces Wanton Rupture
    • Ring of the Ravenous (TEMP) replaces our Slaking ring.
    • Tibault's Will
    • Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty
  4. If you're lucky enough to obtain the following Uber Uniques, they're useful for the build.
    • Harlequin Crest
    • Doombringer
    • Melted Heart of Selig
    • Ring of Starless Skies replaces our Unrelenting Fury ring.

Learn more details and how to farm Legendary Aspects and Uniques in our General Farming Guide.

Progression Steps

Follow the build's gearing progression from level 50 to 100, including the changes that need to be made as you obtain Legendary Aspects and Uniques.

Starter Codex

Early Endgame

Pre-BiS Gear

Best-in-Slot Gear


Once you have completed the leveling process to 50, only the Codex of Power Aspects are guaranteed. With this setup, you can farm the Legendary Aspects and Unique items you need for the next progression point.


  • Unlock all the Codex Powers mentioned above. Some of them are used only temporarily as a filler until later.‍
  • Begin farming boss summoning materials and high quality Ancestral gear by participating in Helltides, Whispers, World Bosses and Legion events.
  • It is recommended to spend Obols on one-handed weapons to optimize your chances of scoring multiple perfect copies of these important Legendary Aspects: Ancestral Charge, Limitless Rage, Edgemaster and Ghostwalker. Save at least one high-quality copy of each of those aspects for your endgame gear in case you don't get lucky again.


  • This is the standard skill tree for Rend.‍


Follow the general skill rotation described in the section above.

In this setup, you have access to all Legendary Aspects, allowing you to pilot a much stronger version of this build. Additional Legendary Aspects are used to fill slots that may be replaced with Unique items later on.


  • Helm - Steadfast Berserker
  • Gloves - Weapon Master
  • Two-Handed Slashing - Limitless Rage replaces Berserk Ripping
  • One-Handed Axe/Sword - Wanton Rupture replaces Brawler
  • One-Handed Mace - Ancestral Charge replaces Rapid


  • This is the standard skill tree for Rend.‍


Follow the general skill rotation described in the section above. Ancestral Charge allows us to sweep entire rooms full of enemies with us while we charge, which greatly improves our ability to group up enemies. The most devastating tactic you can employ in dungeons is to funnel the enemies into a corner. Position yourself facing a corner with most of the enemies in front of you. When you charge toward the corner, your ancestors will charge beside you, plowing through the enemies and stacking them up in the corner with you. Brawler and Rupture both perform extremely well in conditions like this.

In this setup, you have access to all Unique items and Legendary Aspects. This allows you to pilot this build at its peak efficiency. Let's take a look at the changes you need to make to implement them. This setup is also used for Speed farming which is efficient in, Helltide zones, Tree of Whispers, regular Dungeons, and lower tier Nightmare Dungeons.


  • Ramaladni's Magnum Opus replaces Wanton Rupture.
  • Ring of the Ravenous (TEMP) replaces Slaking.
  • Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty replaces Steadfast Berserker.
  • Tibault's Will replaces Might.


  • This is the standard skill tree for Rend.‍


Follow the general skill rotation described in the section above. Now that we have Tibault's Will, every time we charge, we gain 50 Fury. We shouldn't need to use our Basic Skill as a generator any more.

Once we have all the best gear we can dream of, we can enjoy competing in challenging seasonal events.


  • Harlequin Crest replaces Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty
  • Ring of Starless Skies replaces Unrelenting Fury


  • This is the standard skill tree for Rend.‍


Follow the general skill rotation described in the section above. Now that we have Tibault's Will, every time we charge, we gain 50 Fury. We shouldn't need to use our Basic Skill as a generator any more.

Hardcore requires you to build into more defenses. Here are some tips to successful in this game mode.


  • We drop our One-Handed Mace and use Doombringer instead. Unfortunately this means we wont be able to use Wallop. However, Doombringer will give us a huge increase to our toughness, and it's better to play it safe.
  • We can also drop Tibault's Will and run Damage Reduction legendary pants with Iron Blood instead. In addition to DR, we can also get additional ranks to Charge on our pants. With that, we can further reduce the cooldown of Charge, which lets us break Crowd Control more often, and increase our mobility.
  • The last improvement we can make to our Hardcore Variant is to find and equip Melted Heart of Selig. This gives a huge bonus to our toughness as well as an enormous increase to our Maximum Fury. This amulet is so good, in fact, that we could even justify using it in the non-hardcore Best-in-Slot gear setup. This amulet replaces Iron Blood.


  • The hardcore version of the skills drops Wallop and instead puts points into Duelist. We cannot benefit from Wallop because we are not using a mace. Unfortunately the damage bonus of Duelist is worse than Wallop. However, the faster we attack, the less time we spend committed to attack animations, which allows us to react to danger more readily.

Build Scaling & Stat Priorities

Learn about the important build scaling mechanics and stat weights.



  • Damage while Berserking: thanks to Blood Rage, we get a multiplicative damage modifier equal to 25% of our total Damage while Berserking. This scales extremely well into the endgame when our total additive damage is so large that adding anything except a multiplicative bonus is just a drop in the ocean.
  • Strength: after Damage while Berserking, Strength is the highest priority stat for increasing our damage.
  • Vulnerable Damage: Because of Hemorrhage, our Bleeds get a multiplicative damage bonus that scales with Vulnerable Damage.
  • All Stats: these affixes are valuable not only because they give us more Strength, but also because we need a lot of Dexterity and Willpower to unlock the full potential of all the rare nodes we get in our paragon boards. This improves our damage output more than any additive damage affix except for Overpower.
  • Maximum Resource and Maximum Fury: the 30%[x] damage bonus from Aspect of Limitless Rage only applies after we have overproduced 15 points of Fury. The 20%[x] damage bonus of Edgemaster depends on how close we are to having full Fury. Ramaladni's Magnum Opus damage bonus scales very well in the endgame, reaching over 100%[x] if we get over 250 Maximum Fury, but only if we cast with full Fury. For these reasons, it is imperative that we get all of the Maximum Resource and Maximum Fury bonuses that we can, because the more Fury we have, the less often we find ourselves running low.
  • Resource Generation: This affix is the highest priority on rings because it enables us to more easily maintain full Fury, which is critical for the reasons listed above.
  • Ranks of Rend: Most of our damage comes from Rend, and every rank we put in the skill increases its damage by 10%.
  • Rank of All Brawling Skills and Ranks of Charge: We need to Charge every four seconds to maintain the damage bonus from Tibault's Will and apply free applications of Rend from Ring of the Ravenous (TEMP). Getting Ranks of Charge not only decreases the cooldown of charge to a point where we can achieve that, but it also increases the Direct Damage we deal with Charge itself.
  • Resistances: As we approach late game, we focus on capping all of our elemental resists at 70% through rolls on Armor pieces, Paragon nodes and Jewelry sockets. The goal is to cap all of these at 70% by around level 80 (120% total because of the 50% penalty in World Tier IV). Use Paragon nodes and Jewelry sockets to shift Resistances around as needed. You may have to divert from the exact stat distribution described below to achieve this.
  • Armor: Similar to resistances, we aim to hit the 85% damage reduction armor cap (~9200 vs. lvl 100 monsters, ~13500 vs. lvl 154 monsters) to be well protected against any damage type. We can easily hit this cap with Juggernaut (TEMP) once our armor is high enough level.
  • Don't Stand in Fire: Some of the most dangerous sources of damage in the game are AOE ground effects. These should be visible before they explode, so make sure to watch out for them. Save your Evade for times when you need to quickly get out of AOE.
  • Damage Reduction Stats: Especially our Chest & Pants offer tons of defensive rolls which helps us to survive. Damage Reduction while Injured, Damage Reduction while Fortified, Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction from Close Enemies, Damage Reduction from Bleeding Enemies are all good in different ways. It's best to get a diversity of Damage Reduction types to reduce the possibility that an attack will avoid most of your Damage Reduction.

Our Damage Explained article explains how to scale your Offense.
Learn all you need to know to scale Defense with our Defense Explained Article.

Stat Priorities

Choosing the right stats for your gear can make or break your build. You won't always find perfect stats (also known as affixes or modifiers) though, and you may need to make a tough choice between two good pieces of equipment. Use the following list of priorities to compare your gear and pick the best.

  • Helm: Harlequin Crest (Best-in-Slot)
  • Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty
    1. Ranks of Aggressive Resistance
    2. Maximum Fury
    3. Damage while Berserking
  • Otherwise Look For: Steadfast Berserker
    1. Maximum Life
    2. Maximum Fury
    3. Damage while Berserking
    4. Cooldown Reduction
    5. Strength
    6. All Stats
    7. Ranks of Rupture
  • Chest Armor: (TEMP) Juggernaut
    1. Damage Reduction while Fortified
    2. Maximum Life
    3. Damage Reduction
    4. Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
    5. Damage Reduction from Bleeding Enemies
  • Gloves: Weapon Master
    1. Ranks of Rend
    2. Attack Speed
    3. Strength
    4. All Stats
    5. Physical Damage over Time
  • Pants: Tibault's Will
    1. %[x] increased damage while Unstoppable
    2. Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
    3. Maximum Resource
  • Otherwise Look For: Might
    1. Damage Reduction while Injured
    2. Damage Reduction while Fortified
    3. Damage Reduction
    4. Ranks of Charge
    5. Maximum Life
    6. Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
    7. Damage Reduction from Bleeding Enemies
  • Boots: Ghostwalker
    1. Movement Speed
    2. Damage Reduction while Injured
    3. Any 2 Resistances except Fire and Cold
    4. Fury Cost Reduction
  • Two-Handed Mace: Edgemaster
    1. Strength
    2. Damage while Berserking
    3. Vulnerable Damage
    4. All Stats
    5. Damage to Close Enemies
    6. Damage with Core Skills
  • Amulet: Iron Blood
    1. Ranks of Brawling Skills
    2. Cooldown Reduction
    3. Movement Speed
    4. Damage Reduction while Injured
    5. Fury Cost Reduction
    6. Ranks of the Wallop Passive
    7. Ranks of the Cut to the Bone Passive
    8. Ranks of the Counteroffensive Passive
  • Rings: Ring of Starless Skies (Best-in-Slot)
  • Ring of the Ravenous (TEMP)
    1. Rend's Duration is increased by ...
    2. Resource Generation
    3. ?
  • Otherwise Look For: Unrelenting Fury
  • Slaking
    1. Fire Resistance and Cold Resistance (Implicit)
    2. Resource Generation
    3. Maximum Life
    4. Maximum Fury
    5. Damage while Berserking
    6. Vulnerable Damage
  • Main Hand: Ancestral Charge (Mace)
    1. High DPS (Item Power)
    2. Strength
    3. Damage while Berserking
    4. Vulnerable Damage
    5. All Stats
    6. Damage to Close Enemies
    7. Damage with Core Skills
  • Off-Hand: Ramaladni's Magnum Opus
    1. High DPS (Item Power)
    2. %[x] increased damage per point of Fury
    3. Maximum Fury
  • Otherwise Look For: Wanton Rupture (Axe)
    1. High DPS (Item Power)
    2. Strength
    3. Damage while Berserking
    4. Vulnerable Damage
    5. All Stats
    6. Damage to Close Enemies
    7. Damage with Core Skills
  • Two-Handed Slashing: Edgemaster (Axe)
    1. Strength
    2. Damage while Berserking
    3. Vulnerable Damage
    4. All Stats
    5. Damage to Close Enemies
    6. Damage with Core Skills

This build benefits the most from the following consumables:

  • Elixirs: Elixir of Resourcefulness, Elixir of Fortitude, or Heady Assault Elixir
  • Incenses:
    • Type I: Ancient Times
    • Type II: Spiral Morning or Reddamine Buzz
    • Type III: Chorus of War

FAQ & Mechanics

Once a guide is released, many players have questions on why and how we are approaching certain choices. In this section you can find the answers to the questions that have been asked the most.


The Rend Barbarian is a fast and deadly fighter that features excellent mobility and devastating AOE damage. Playing this build optimally takes careful positioning, but with some practice, few other builds can compete with it for sheer speed.

When we get Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty, Ramaladni's Magnum Opus, Tibault's Will and Ring of the Ravenous (TEMP), this build really takes off.

Rend and Rupture deal devastating damage while Lunging Strike and Charge keep us always on the move. When we encounter larger foes, Rallying Cry and Wrath of the Berserker turn us into a raging storm of blood and steel.

Hungry for more Guides?

Barbarian Guides

  • Complete Barbarian Overview
  • Walking Arsenal Barbarian Endgame Guide
  • Upheaval Barbarian Endgame Guide
  • Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian Endgame Guide

General Guides

  • Powering Up
  • Paragon Boards
  • Nightmare Dungeons
  • Legendary Items


Written by Slothmaster

Reviewed by Snail

Rend Barbarian Endgame Guide - D4 (2024)


What is the best barb leveling build in Maxroll? ›

Summary. ‍Double Swing Barbarian build is one of the smoothest leveling builds. It deals the highest single-target DPS, has the highest Fury-efficiency, and can give us 100% uptime on Berserking or Vulnerable.

What is the best end game Barbarian build in Diablo 4? ›

Diablo 4 Best Barbarian Endgame Build
  • Pit Fighter 1/3 → No Mercy 3/3.
  • Hamstring 1/3.
  • Thick Skin 1/3 → Defensive Stance 3/3.
  • Wrath of the Berserker → Prime Wrath of the Berserker → Supreme Wrath of the.
  • Berserker.
  • Tempered Fury 1/3 → Invigorating Fury 3/3.
  • Heavy Handed 3/3.
  • Unbridled Rage.

What is the best weapon for Rend? ›

The best unique equipment to use with Rend skill in D4 is Fields of Crimson, which is a Unique Sword. While using this weapon, damaging at least one enemy with Rupture creates a blood pool that inflicts [20%] Bleeding damage over 6 seconds.

Is Rend viable in Diablo 4? ›

Rend is a good build with high built-in damage, but it lacks AoE and mobility. The last point is probably the worst part of this build, considering that you'll be walking/evading around for the most part in-game, as opposed to having a specific dashes and jumps.

Why does barbarian feel so weak? ›

Barb will feel weak, especially early on, if all you are using is whirlwind and shouts. To make barb powerful and fun you need to combine and synergize different skills, like leaps/kicks, and stomps. Get all the barb relevant aspects you can get and add them to you gear.

What's the best barb leveling build for D4? ›

The Upheaval Barbarian build is the best Barbarian build for leveling in Season 4 of Diablo 4. Remember this is only the best build for leveling through the game's story, as opposed to the best in PvP or endgame activities.

How do you make the strongest Barbarian? ›

Barbarians need to have their physical abilities emphasized. Strength is a no-brainer, but the other essential ability to have as a Barbarian is Constitution. This class doesn't wear a lot of armor and a high level of hit points helps to compensate for the lack of AC.

What is the most important Barbarian stat? ›

Strength (STR). The most important stat for a Barbarian, you're going to be relying heavily on this especially since you use a lot of chunky weapons. Dexterity (DEX).

What is the best weapon type for a Barbarian? ›

Swords are going to be the favorite weapons for many Barbarians. Swords combined significant damage with their relative abundance; they are reliable and give a good deal of flexibility.

What weapon beats Spears? ›

Interestingly, one of the things they found out was that sword + shield actually beats spear in most circ*mstances. But it seems that this is because a single person with a sword and shield can out-maneuver the spearman and close the distance.

What is rend damage Diablo 3? ›

A sweeping strike causes all enemies within 12 yards to Bleed for 1100% weapon damage as Physical over 5 seconds.

What weapon to use with bloody slash? ›

Elden Ring Bloody Slash is a Normal Skill, and can be found on Colossal Sword, Curved Greatsword, Curved Sword, Greatsword, Heavy Thrusting Sword, Thrusting Sword, Straight Sword. You can also use Ash of War Bloody Slash to apply the skill to weapons of that same type.

What is the most op class in Diablo 4? ›

The best class in Diablo 4 is the Rogue.

The Twisting Blades Rogue is an incredibly powerful build thanks to its ability to consistently inflict enemies with the Vulnerable and Infect status effects.

Does Rend bleed stack d4? ›

Applying Rend multiple times to a single monster will only stack if these Rends have different runes, or come from different Barbarians, so spamming Rend quickly will not yield any damage boost. Even if the damage type is changed, Rend will still count as Bleed.

What is the best build in Diablo Barbar? ›

B Tier - Viable Barbarian Endgame Builds for Season 4
  • Charge Barbarian - Highly mobile, fast-paced, massive damage.
  • HotA Barbarian - Decent damage, moderate mobility.
  • Rend Barbarian - Bleed your enemies dry, solid damage over time.
  • Upheaval Barbarian - Devastating and satisfying.
7 days ago

What is the best levelling route in dragonflight? ›

One of the fastest and most efficient methods involves teaming up with a high-level, well-geared friend and farming mobs in Nokhudon Hold in the western part of Ohn'ahran Plains. This method has been proven to be incredibly effective, allowing players to level up from 60 to 70 in as little as three hours or less.

What is the best MF Barb build in Diablo 2? ›

The go-to build for Magic Find Barbarians is the Berserker Barbarian. With this build, players can focus almost exclusively on single-target damage, which means very quick Elite kills. You'll use Howl to scatter the Elite's minions and then take the monster down with Berserk.

What is the best leveling spec for priest dragonflight? ›

Best Leveling Spec for Priest in Dragonflight

Priests have three specializations to choose from while leveling: Shadow, Holy, or Discipline. Generally speaking, you should always level as Shadow since it is the only DPS specialization and therefore much faster.

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

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Job: International Farming Consultant

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.