Lustitia - Shadow Wars - Chapter 53 - Geniuscatvillain - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)

Chapter Text

Lucario and his agents had managed to sneak into the Splendid Shots building, which was one of the hideouts for the D.T.G. Facilus had done his research on the company, and, apparently, they had been secretly supporting the movement and even offered them a place for their hideout. Lucario deduced that was the place that Toshineko found out about as well.

Masayoshi was dressed up in a brown, ragged jacket. John Sneakie got to keep his own clothing. Nezumi wore a more sophisticated clothing, with a dark suit and red tie. It was way better than having to wear those ragged clothes that he had been wearing while he was homeless. As for Peludo and Bella, they too had more sophisticated clothes as well, with Peludo wearing a fancy suit with a black bowtie, and Bella dressed up as if she was a lawyer herself. Lucario was the only one not disguised, but it didn't matter.

Nobody at Splendid Shots had a problem with Lucario walking without an owner. He had already gotten a reputation for being one of the smartest Pokemon the world had ever seen, likely due to him beating a grandmaster at a game of chess. While Lucario used Detect to sense where the hideout might be, his agents would act as if they came there for shopping, even though they weren't really interested in buying any shoes.

The hallway provided stores for shirts, shoes, socks, and jeans, often with very low prices for the highest of quality, making the store perfect for shoe lovers. John saw all those DragonForce t-shirts andreallywanted to buy them, but, he was still on a mission after all. He might have to buy those after the mission has been accomplished. Lucario had walked to the farthest of the hallway and went downstairs. He used his aura to sense the hideout. He noticed all the people, all of whom anthro animals, dressed in D.T.G shirts inside a room where it was guarded by two very well-dressed bodyguards. This was the place.

''Alright everyone. I'm at the farthest end of the hallway and found the hideout.'' His agents all confirmed and they followed Lucario, while also looking around to act like they were curious about the store. They knew there were security cameras all around the store, but at that point, they didn't have to worry. All they had to do was expose the sleeper agents and explain the situation to them later.

Lucario and his agents went down two staircases after closing the door behind them. Once they went down two more staircases, they approached the entrance. The buffalo bodyguard raised his hand to stop them.

''Sorry, gentlemen. Nobody is allowed on-'' He and the other bodyguard were knocked out when Lucario instantly moved toward them and chopped them in the back of their head. The agents were all impressed by their leader's speed.

''Woah! How'd you do that?'' John asked. Lucario smiled.

''Just some training I've been doing.'' Lucario leaned in to overhear what was going on inside.

''Alright, everyone, listen up,'' Toshineko's voice said, shocking Lucario. Could this really be a trap he was setting? It might be. But he had to take the risk. While that was happening, Shinjitsu recorded the conversation with his bodycam. ''Lucario will be infiltrating the D.T.G, so, I want all of you to be on high alert, got it? ... Good. Let's go.'' Lucario then heard some footsteps and signaled his agents to back up then prepare themselves. They all nodded and did what they had been told.

Once the door opened, Lucario and his agents immediately charged after the sleeper agents and knocked them all back. Nezumi closed the door behind them. Toshineko, who was still wearing his white shirt and blue jeans, smirked as if he was expecting Lucario to be here.

''Ah, Lucario. So glad of you to join in for some fun.'' Lucario bared his teeth at Toshineko.

''You're going to pay for this,Toshineko!'' Toshineko rolled his eyes.

''Yeah, ok. Guys, do your jobs!'' Toshineko ordered as he walked back. After his agents got up, everyone except Toshineko got into their fighting position.

''Alright, here comes some more ass-kicking!'' John said as they began to fight. The kangaroo agent tried to hit Lucario in the face but was too slow, and he paid the price by getting knocked down to the ground. The rat agent got the same treatment once John Sneakie gave him a punch combo. And apparently, so did all the other sleeper agents. The fight was too easy for them, and it was over by about a minute, only because the rat agent tried to be brave and have one last shot at them.

''K-kuso...'' The kangaroo agent grunted as Lucario glared at Toshineko, who just smirked.

''Now it's your turn.'' Toshineko scoffed.

''You dumbass. Have you learned nothing?''

Lucario and his agents co*cked their heads. Then, Lucario sensed footsteps coming from behind. To his horror, he sensed that Jack and his members were coming. There was nothing he could to escape. Toshineko grinned and fell on the ground to make it look like he was in the ground, afraid. Once Jack and the others arrived, Lucario and his agents turned and looked at Jack. His eyebrows drew together and he stared at Lucario inwardly.

''Lucario, what the f*ck is this?''

''Aw, sh*t. Just our luck...'' Nezumi said.

''Jack!? I...I can explain. Please.'' Jack approached Toshineko as he groaned.

''Toshi! What happened?'' Toshineko shook and hyperventilated, pretending to be scared.

''J-Jack! Thank goodness you're here. I had to make sure you came here before they did. I was right! Lucario and his agents are conspiring against us!

John growled. ''You f*ckin' liar! That is not what we-''

''Shut the f*ck up!'' The other human member snapped.

Jack looked at Lucario. He felt demoralized after what he saw.

''Lucario... How could you?''

''Jack, please. You don't understand,'' Lucario tried to explain. Given what it looked like he could not blame Jack for reacting the way he did, but he hoped that he would be able to tell him what really happened. While Jack wasn't looking, he grinned at Lucario. His plan was working.

''They were not real D.T.G. members. They were disguised by-''

''I trusted you,'' Jack interrupted, his breathing becoming more noisy.

''Listen to me, please.''

''Youplayedme!'' Jack snapped and walked away. The agents realized that there was no way they could do to make the situation any better. Lucario tried to follow him, but the other members blocked his way.

''Step away from our leader!'' the tiger member said. Lucario realized that this was another setup.

Toshineko must have expected that he and other agents would find where they were at and set up a situation where Jack would show up way earlier than they expected.

''Jack, please! This is not what it looks like.'' Jack turned and glared at Lucario.

''Oh no? Bullsh*t!'' He approached Lucario and interrupted him before he could speak. ''I thought you were on my side, Lucario. I wanted to change the country with you. But then you have to do this sh*t behind my back!''

''I know that you're furious with me, Jack. But I assure you we were trying to save you from-''

''Save!?'' Jack snapped again. ''From who? Toshineko?'' Lucario gasped. Jack allowed Lucario a few seconds to think about what he said. After that, he frowned and closed his eyes.

''Yes. He's trying to manipulate you, Jack. His men are infiltrating your movement and-''

''Stop,'' he said, shaking his head.

''He's trying to use your movement to-''

''Stop! I don't wanna hear anymore!'' Jack took some time to calm down. ''Toshineko was right. You've been using me the whole time.''

''No, Jack. That's not true.''

''I don't wanna hear another word out of you, Lucario. What I know is that you're full of sh*t. And that our 'alliance'... is over.'' Lucario gasped as Jack left the building. He backed away as he realized that he and his agents were now enemies of the movement. They had no choice but to fight their way out.

As the other members came and helped Toshineko up, Masayoshi looked in fear.

''No...'' he said, shaking. Now that his good deed was made to look bad, the citizens were going to kill him. As they escorted Toshineko, the feline gave Lucario one cruel smile before he left. John shook his head and groaned.

''Why is it that everythin' we have done have to backfire on us?'' he said, getting into his fighting posture as the others did the same. Peludo and Bella were glad that they had to leave their katana swords, as killing them would only make the situation a lot worse.

They each fought against the members. While some had combat training, none of them were of any match for Lucario or his agents. After they were down, they all ran to the stairs, when they got spotted by security guards.

''Halt!'' shouted the human security guard as he opened fire on them. They quickly hid as Lucario summoned his Aura Sphere and threw it at the guards, blasting them back, and sending some down the staircase. Once the coast was clear, they ran upstairs and ran down the hallway. It was abandoned due to all the people that left. Lucario kicked the doors open and they all escaped as they heard shrills of police sirens.

It was now 9:02 PM by the time they went back to their hideout. John Sneakie sighed as he closed his eyes. Great. Just f*cking great. As if that wasn't bad enough, they have lost the trust of their ally. Toshineko had thought through everything. But Lucario wasn't going to give up just yet. In fact, he had no time to despair. He had another plan in mind.

''Facilius,I want you to get me to Carmonian Palace. I need to tell and show Sir Aaron the truth.'' Facilius nodded as Lucario looked at Shinjitsu and Michael. ''You two will have to sneak into the W.J.O building. Get all the documents you can find in there before it's too late.''

Shinjitsu and Michael both nodded.

''You got it, boss!''

''Señor...'' Peludo said. ''please be careful. If Toshineko finds you, our plan will go to waste.'' Bella smiled and held Peludo's hand.

''Don't worry, Peludo, our leader will be fine.'' Lucario nodded.

''I will, Peludo. Don't worry. You guys be careful as well. You must expose the truth before it's too late,'' Lucario said to Shinjitsu and Michael.

Lucario told Facilus to drive to Carmonian Palace so that Lucario could send all the evidence to Sir Aaron. He needed to get there as fast as possible. He worried that he might be too late, but wanted to make sure he was actually one step ahead of Toshineko. Facilius had sent his men to escort Shinjitsu and Michael to the W.J.O headquarters.

Sir Aaron grunted as he put his hands on top of his hat. The situation could not get any worse for him. Several F.J.A. agents had just shot and killed the D.T.G. members, and the impeachment process was underway. Now that Joseph has gained a lot more votes than he did, Sir Aaron was thinking that now would be a good time to resign. The pressure of working as a king proved to be too much for him. Nobody was satisfied with him or his policies, and nobody wanted him in office ever again. He heard a knock on the door.

''Yes?'' he said, his tone came louder than expected. Secret Service Agent Jay Nelson entered.

''Someone wants to see you, Your Highness. A Pokemon to be more specific.'' Sir Aaron gasped when he mentioned a Pokemon. Could it be true? Had Lucario really come back for him? After years, he had finally decided to come back? He hoped so, for he truly missed him. He took a deep breath and stood.

''Send him in.'' Jay Nelson nodded and told the visitor that he may enter. Sure enough, Lucario entered and looked at his surprised master with a smile.

''Hello again, Sir Aaron.''

''Lucario...? Is that you?'' Sir Aaron's tears were in his eyes as he smiled.

''It has been a while, master. Or, should I say, friend?'' Lucario said, spreading his arms apart to offer Sir Aaron a hug. Sir Aaron graciously accepted as he ran to his Pokemon, knelt down, and hugged him, careful enough to avoid having his spike touch him.

''Oh, Lucario. Where have you been through all this time? I miss you so!'' Sir Aaron said, his voice choked with sobs.

''It's a long story, Sir Aaron, but one that I must tell you.'' Sir Aaron looked at his Pokemon, smiling.

''You have no idea how much I've missed you. So, please, tell me everything.'' Lucario nodded.

''Yes, Sir Aaron.''

Lucario told Sir Aaron the whole truth. Everything from how Lucario founded and led Lustitia, how he had led the organization for years, which explained the absences, and how Toshineko faked his death and conspired to bring Carmonia and Audia to war, and frame Sir Aaron for the crimes against the public, and how Toshineko conspired with Mason Smith, the leader of the W.J.O. Lucario gave him all the evidence he found.

Sure enough, Sir Aaron was shocked. He couldn't believe how all of this went through his head. But he was grateful that Lucario told him all of this. In fact, forget being grateful, Sir Aaron was outright happy for Lucario.

''I see. So that was why you were gone all this time. You did all of this for me. I didn't know that you could be this smart, Lucario, but I am proud of you,'' Sir Aaron said, smiling again.

''Thank you, Sir Aaron. But now I fear that Toshineko might be coming after you too. Had you been thinking what I was thinking?'' Sir Aaron shut his eyes and adjusted his hat.

''Toshineko wanted the Carmonian citizens to overthrow me for attempting to silence opposition against me and the Carmonian government.'' Lucario nodded.

''Exactly. I want you to know that me and my agents are doing everything we can to expose the whole truth. Given that Toshineko thinks I'm dead, he and his agents might be coming after you at any moment. I must suggest you go to a safer place if we can win against Toshineko.'' Sir Aaron nodded.

''I concur. Thank you for telling me all this, Lucario.''

''Now I must leave you once more, Sir Aaron. I am sorry for doing this to you after you missed me, but I must make sure that I finally get my revenge on Toshineko. He will pay for what he did to you, your country, and all the destruction he had caused.''

''Alright, then, Lucario. But if what you're saying about Toshineko is true, then be very careful. He is extremely dangerous.''

''I will.Thank you.'' He turned and left Sir Aaron's office. Sir Aaron took a deep breath and made a serious expression.

''Jay Nelson!'' Jay Nelson entered.

''Yes, Your Highness?''

''Call for an emergency meeting. I have something important to discuss with my staff members.'' Jay nodded.

''Yes, Your Highness.'' The two Secret Service Agents walked in the hallway as Sir Aaron sat down. Lucario had done well, especially considering how he managed to outwit someone like Toshineko. He brought justice to those that were wronged all for his sake, to repay him for what he did to Lucario. He was really proud of him. And Queen Rin would be too.

Sir Aaron had already shown all the evidence that Lucario gave him to all of his staff members in the conference room. All of them could not hide their shock, even if they wanted to. Secretary of Defense Jacob Price was even more shocked by Sir Aaron's request.

''We have to evacuate, Your Highness?'' Sir Aaron nodded.

''That's right. By now, Toshineko will attempt to have me or all of us kidnapped. If we can release all the evidence in our bunker, Toshineko's plan will go to waste.''

''But, Your Highness,'' the SoD objected. ''your battle against Joseph has yet to be decided. Your next debate is tonight. If you don't show up by then, people will think you've cowered out.''

''So what of it, Phillips? If the people of Carmonia label me as a coward, so be it. I don't intend to rule this kingdom anymore. If Joseph Olson were to become King, then it's actually better for all of us. And once we get to expose Toshineko, we could beat him at hisowngame.''

''Your Highness...'' Jacob could not believe how wise the King had become. Despite looking like a young knight, Sir Aaron had gained significant experience over the years. Now the old human felt like he could trust him. Tom nodded.

''I agree with the King. The last thing we want is for our entire country to fall into civil unrest.''

''We're gonna need all the protection we can get!'' said Morgan.

''Then it's settled. We must move now... quickly!'' Sir Aaron ordered.

Toshineko used his flight technique, Hadou Wind, as he flew as fast as he could to where the Carmonian Palace was. By now, his master plan was just one step toward completion. All he needed to do was kidnap Sir Aaron, and his master plan could begin unobstructed.

He stopped when he saw a limousine driving off far far away from him. Lucario must have gone in for a ride. No matter, now that he was gone, his plan was about to come to fruition.

He ran to the wall and used Dokumora Shadow to sense the auras coming from the palace. He waited for a couple of minutes before he sensed Sir Aaron's aura. He was in his bedroom. Perfect. He smirked as he tried to think of a distraction. Then he got it. He took a deep breath and shouted at the top of his lungs.

''Your Highness! Your Highness! Help!'' Toshineko's tone came across as a helpless male citizen in distress. It echoed to Sir Aaron's room, getting his attention.

''What was that?'' Toshineko's grin grew as he saw Sir Aaron open the window door. He got him.

Toshineko flew up to the window in an instant. Once Sir Aaron saw Toshineko, he gasped and instinctively stepped back.

''Hello there.'' That shock immediately turned into anger as Sir Aaron bared his teeth.

''You...'' Toshineko landed in his room and before Sir Aaron could react, he grabbed the human on the neck and knocked him out with his karate chop. He carried his body with his left hand. Toshineko may not look strong enough to carry a human, but, his flying out of the window using Hadou Wind with a smile on his face proved otherwise.

His master plan was coming along smoothly.

The Secret Service Agents came back to check on Sir Aaron a few minutes later. By that point, they noticed that he was gone. The fact that the window door was open indicated to them that he just escaped. They had no idea why. But they immediately notified their superiors via earpiece radios. Jay Nelson ran down the hallway and saw Jacob.

''Mr. Price, sir!'' Jacob looked at the horse and nodded.

''What is it?''

''We searched the building for Sir Aaron and noticed that he was gone. We think he might have escaped through the window.'' Jacob shot his eyes wide open.

''What? That's impossible.''

''Our security was top-notch, sir. There was no way he could escape any other way without our knowledge.'' Jacob shook his head. First, he was told that Toshineko was going after Sir Aaron, and now this? He was beginning to doubt that Sir Aaron was telling the truth.

''Damn... Alright, then, get the whole Secret Service to look for Sir Aaron. Search the entire city if you have to!'' Jay nodded.

''Yes, sir!'' He turned and ran down the hallway again. Jacob prayed to God that Sir Aaron would return to the palace in one piece.

By the time Shinjitsu and Michael arrived at the W.J.O., it was 9:09 PM. They got out of the car and were about ready to start the mission. But to their shock, they saw that the building was being engulfed in flames. They could not believe their eyes.

Was this Mason's doing? Could he actually be so desperate to protect his reputation, that he was willing to burn down his entire organization and fake his death? Or perhaps he just couldn't accept having to tell the entire truth to everyone, and so, had to make sure he burned all the evidence?

Either way, Shinjitsu knew what this meant. Mason had gone mad. Michael looked at him. ''What are we gonna do now, Shin?'' Shinjitsu looked back at Michael.

''We have no choice now. We must get inside.'' Michael widened his eyes in shock.

''Are you serious? We're going to get ourselves killed in there?''

''Mason is most likely trying to destroy all the evidence in there. If we don't hurry, our mission will be in vain. Follow me!'' Shinjitsu ran and Michael followed.

The two stopped when they saw the whole place burning down. The strong scent of sulfur was beginning to take over. Shinjitsu gave Michael the bomb, as well as the match for the lighter.

''Michael, you go to the safe room, get the safe to open, and get all the documents you can find. I'll distract the lieutenants.'' Michael nodded and ran up two staircases. Shinjitsu ran up four staircases. John River and the other lieutenants were pouring gasoline all over the floor to add fuel to the fires. As soon as they saw Shinjitsu approach, they put them down. Several of them and the squirrel glared at each other.

''Shinjitsu,'' said John River, his anger barely restrained. ''let me ask you this: What part of 'do not interfere' do you not understand?'' Shinjitsu replied by punching the lieutenant in the face. The bull yelped in pain and fell back on the ground, blood pouring out from his nose. The other lieutenants looked at the squirrel, shocked at what he had just done. The squirrel paid no attention to their expression, instead continuing to glare at the bull lieutenant he punched.

''That isyourmistake, not mine,'' Shinjitsu said. The bull lieutenant growled in response. He got up and barked his order at the other lieutenants. They all got into their fighting position. Knowing that the lieutenants would never listen to reason, he had to fight his way to get to Mason. And he had to do it fast.

Paul Johnson went first, trying to hit the squirrel with his punch. Shinjitsu dodged and countered with his fist to his face. Paul yelped in pain and tried to swiftly kick the squirrel. Shinjitsu blocked it with his left arm. He quickly countered his right kick by hitting his leg. Paul kneeled and yelled in pain while the other lieutenants charged after the squirrel. He jumped in the air and kicked one of them in the face. The human lieutenant fell down, as John River charged after Shinjitsu.

They tried to overwhelm the squirrel with their punches and kicks. But they all missed. He threw his punch and kicked the bull lieutenant behind him. He then knocked out the other human lieutenant before John River ran toward him. Shinjitsu was grabbed as John charged to the wall. He struck the bull with his elbow several times to force him to release him.

John grunted in pain and gave up, allowing the squirrel to go free. He jumped and kicked the bull back to the door. He tried to get up but was blocked by the flames spreading wildly. He stepped back and swatted his hand to fight back the smoke. He screamed in terror as the flames eventually got to him. Shinjitsu was shocked by that terrifying death but calmed himself for a few more seconds after that. He still had a job to do.

He ran up towards more staircases. One path was blocked by several more thugs, which Shinjitsu took care of with relative ease.

Mason grabbed his key and pressed the button on his phone. ''Yes, this is Mason Smith. I'm going to need a helicopter escort and fast.'' Richard Dent and Patrick Taylor were standing there, waiting for Mason Smith. ''Alright, guys, let's go.'' They both nodded and walked. Mason aimed his gun at them and shot several bullets at them.

This time, the bullets were real. Mason had ordered the lieutenants to surrender all their weapons to him, so, he made sure to put in real bullets. They were dead before they could walk downstairs. He walked toward their dead bodies and looked at them without any emotions. These two would have landed him in a trap. Just like all the other lieutenants. He was glad he hired many other lieutenants to watch them. Either way, it was so hard to trust anyone in this day and age. After holstering his gun, he went to press the big button under his desk.

The buzz rang and the door from the top opened. The long ladder rope fell down to the floor. Mason smiled. Now was his chance. Before he could grab onto the ropes, he heard Shinjitsu's voice shouting at him.

''Not so fast, Mason!'' Mason stopped and shot his eyes and mouth wide open.

''Shinjitsu?'' Mason immediately glared at him after that. ''I knew you weren't really dead. I didn't believe you could pull that off.''

''It's over, Mason. Give up and accept your defeat with grace!''

''Why, Shinjitsu? Why must you tread so callously over my dreams and ideals?''

''Look at yourself in the mirror, Mason! What part of you is so blind, you can't see all the damage you've caused?'' Mason crossed his arms.

''Oh, don't try to preach to me, squirrel. We really shouldn't fight like this. Just give up and accept your defeat. I have earned my position fair and square.''

''You murdered my father!''

''So what if I did? Your father was naive, foolish, and blind. Always preaching that old-school 'truth' and 'transparency' nonsense.'' Shinjitsu's blood boiled and his tail and hands shook as Mason continued. ''If you're really a journalist, then you should know that there's only one ideal that exists in journalism: ride or get rode on.'' Shinjitsu snapped and punched Mason in the face. Mason yelped in pain as he covered his bloody nose. He growled and hyperventilated by the squirrel'saudacityto strike him.

''Oh, that's it, Shinjitsu. You have gone too far!''

''You have taken my father's ambition away from him. It's time to give it back!'' Mason scoffed and spit blood before putting himself in his fighting stance.

''Fear not, Shinjitsu, I'll make sure to put you in a grave right next to his!'' Shinjitsu was in his martial arts stance. It was time to avenge his father's death.

Shinjitsu shouted as he threw his punches at Mason. However, Mason saw through them and blocked them easily. For an old wolf such as he, he was quite skilled. Mason grabbed his fist and began crushing it. Shinjitsu screamed in pain. He stomped on Mason's foot and kicked his leg. Mason grunted but refused to let go of his hand. Shinjitsu threw his punches at his face, nose, and stomach. That caused Mason to release his hand. Shinjitsu panted and looked at his right hand to see that it was filled with blood.

Mason wasreallygoing to pay for that. Mason wiped the blood from his face and charged after Shinjitsu. He threw his left punch but missed. Shinjitsu tried to counter with his. But it turned out Mason missed on purpose. He grabbed the squirrel's left arm and kicked his left leg. Shinjitsu yelped as Mason pulled his left arm, twisting it. Shinjitsu instinctively grabbed his arm. That was when he had an idea. He first stomped on his foot. Then he hit Mason in the face with his bloodied hand. That caused Mason to release his arm. The punch was so hard that Mason felt the bones crushed on his face and nose. He growled at the squirrel as he covered his bloodied mouth and nose.

Shinjitsu got to see what hetrulylooked like from the inside, a monster. Shinjitsu waited for Mason's attack for a few seconds. He then roared and ran toward the squirrel. He threw his punch but missed again. Shinjitsu dodged those few strikes. He countered him with a blow to his stomach. Mason's eyes were wide open and he coughed up blood. He covered his stomach instinctively. But he saw through the squirrel's next attack. He ducked the punch and tried to throw his. Shinjitsu had little time to react. He felt a big blow to his stomach.

He grunted in pain and the two covered their stomach while panting. The flames were covering the entire building like a dragon wanting to torture the place. They took a couple of minutes to recover before they charged after each other. They both exchanged blow after blow. But Shinjitsu wanted to give the wolf as much pain as possible. For all the abuse he and Michael Woof had to endure. For what smearing his father's reputation. And for going after him.

Eventually, the two stopped exchanging blows. Shinjitsu took the opportunity to make a big blow to the wolf's groin. He screamed in pain and covered his balls. He knelt on the ground, then stood up immediately afterward. He bared his teeth as he growled at the squirrel, his veins popping visibly. It appeared that even a blow like that was not enough to bring him down.

Mason roared out in blind anger. He ran to throw his punch at the squirrel. Shinjitsu jumped sideways, causing Mason to hit the wall. He managed to make a big crack hole before it crumbled. Mason ran toward the squirrel again. But Shinjitsu, now calmer and more focused, anticipated his movement. He jumped and kicked the old wolf on the back of his head. Mason fell back into the dungeon room.

The squirrel waited for Mason to get up for a minute. Mason rubbed the back of his head before looking at his chainsaw. He smirked before grabbing it. He pulled the string, turning on the engine. He smiled evilly at the squirrel. He was going toenjoylecturing him for his meddling.

Mason charged after the squirrel and swung his chainsaw. He missed him again and again. Mason only used the chainsaw to lecture people. He didn't know how to use it effectively in combat. That was what Shinjitsu realized.

Mason raised his chainsaw and swung it again. But Shinjitsu kicked it back. Mason flinched back and gasped. He hyperventilated. His chainsaw wasn't even touching him. He growled and tried again. He missed once more and ended up sawing the steel wall instead. Shinjitsu kicked the back of Mason's head. He hit his face on the wall as a result and broke a bone in his nose.

He screamed in pain as it traveled from the tip of his nose to his forehead. He turned and glared at Shinjitsu.

''You little sh*t!''

Michael managed to enter the safe room. His time was running out. He needed to bust the safe open and fast. The building shook as the roof began to collapse. Michael placed the bomb in the safe. He flicked the match and lit it on the rope. The spark was now traveling down. Michael mumbled, ''Come on, baby. Come on... come on.''

Mason charged toward Shinjitsu and tried to stab him with the chain. Shinjitsu ducked and used his tail to encircle his left arm. He jumped on it and caused Mason to slam the chain on the floor. The chain broke and fell on the floor as a result. Mason gasped now that his only weapon was gone. Shinjitsu jumped and kicked Mason's chin. The old wolf's front teeth broke. The two would pant again, glaring at each other. Mason threw his chainsaw away and growled.

''You know Shinjitsu,'' he said. ''I should've killed you and your father a long time ago. Your father should've accepted my proposal. Maybe then, he wouldn't get arrested.'' Mason smiled as he continued. ''Yeah, that's right. This is all you and your father's fault.'' Shinjitsu wasn't fazed. Mason's mind games did not work on him anymore.

''Are you done?'' Mason gasped at the squirrel's calm tone. Realizing that, Mason clenched his fist. His tail and hands shook and he growled even more angrily.

''You never learned anything. But I'll teach you. I'll teach you some respect!'' Mason snapped. He ran toward the squirrel and threw his last punch. Once Shinjitsu dodged, he threw, what he felt to be, the best punch of his life. He broke some teeth from the wolf's right side and knocked him back. Mason was on the floor. He struggled to stand up but fell to the floor again.

Shinjitsu panted and felt some kind of relief. This was for himself, his father, the lies he published, and Michael.

The spark was almost at the end. The building shook more, causing Michael to fall. Now, the door's path was about to be blocked. He could be trapped. Michael sweated and his tail shook. The spark reached its end. Michael stepped back, and covered his ear as the bomb exploded, blasting the safe wide open. Several important documents were there. Michael quickly grabbed all of them and held them in his right hand. Just as the door was about to be blocked completely, Michael made a jump for it and made a successful escape.

Shinjitsu ran downstairs and saw that Michael was ok. The two smiled and nodded.

''You got all the documents?''

''Yes, Shin!''

''Good. Come on, let's get out of here!''

They both walked down two staircases before Michael tripped and fell.

''Michael!'' Shinjitsu gasped. They heard an explosion coming from afar. Shinjitsu helped the husky up and they heard glass shattering at the front entrance. The flames were getting closer and closer, as smoke filled up their lungs. They both coughed together and Shinjitsu patted the husky on the shoulder.

''You go, Michael. Don't worry about me.'' Michael gasped.

''No, Shinjitsu. You have to get out of here!'' he said before coughing again. Their vision was starting to get blurry.

''Michael, it's alright. If I don't...'' Shinjitsu coughed again. ''... sacrifice myself, you won't be able to get out of here alive.''

''But Shinjitsu, I...''

''Just go, Michael. You're the only one who can expose the truth now.'' Michael nodded and ran toward the exit. Shinjitsu walked and spread his arms out like he was protecting Michael from the flames with his entire body. As his vision got more blurry, he coughed up more blood. Yet, he was smiling. But it wasn't forced. It was unrestrained. He shut his eyes as the smoke overwhelmed him. He was glad he got his revenge on Mason. His destiny was fulfilled. Shinjitsu fell to the ground as the flames began to burn his entire body.

Mason managed to stand up and walk toward the ladder ropes. He was too important to die, and he'd preferred to retire as a free wolf. He panted as he grabbed the ladder ropes and climbed. By the time he went to the roof, the helicopter was there. He smiled when Agent Haena was on board. But as soon as Mason went onboard, Agent Haena knocked him out with the butt of his handgun.

The helicopter flew off after Agent Haena closed the door.

Michael jumped on the limo and ordered the weasel driver to drive him back to the hideout. After he arrived, he got out and walked towards the entrance. Noah Wright saw him panting and opened the door for him. Michael was glad that he got to have some fresh air before he passed out.

''Mr. Woof, are you okay?'' Noah asked with a concerned look on his face.

''I'm fine. Just need some oxygen is all.'' Noah nodded and escorted him to the secret passage. Michael felt some tears pouring from his eyes. Shinjitsu sacrificed himself to save him. He was going to miss his squirrel friend.

Jack could not have been more furious than he was before. Several of his beloved members of the D.T.G. have been shot and killed in cold blood by a bunch of cowards with F.J.A. badges and guns. Worse yet, Sir Aaron has not made any public announcement about it. That corrupt sack of sh*t had attempted to cover his ass for far too long. He wished there was something he could do to make those F.J.A agents and Sir Aaron pay. Toshineko was right. Lucario couldnotbe trusted. Just after he thought of his revenge, he heard a knock on the door.

''Go away. I'm busy!'' Jack shouted.

''It's me, Toshineko.'' Jack gasped when he heard his voice. He was immediately filled with conflicted feelings. He was half-happy that he was there, yet, somehow half-worried at the same time.

''Toshi? Come in.'' Toshineko opened the door and dropped Sir Aaron on the floor. Jack flinched. He wasn't sure if that was the real Sir Aaron. He rolled him over to check. He covered his mouth. It really was him. He looked at the smiling feline. ''Toshi! How did you...''

''Oh, it was nothing, really. Took some planning but it was worth it. Now that we have him, we can pressure him even further.'' Jack breathed through his nose and glared at Sir Aaron.

''Yes, we can.''

''But not right now,'' Toshineko said, confusing Jack. ''First, we'll have to tie him up. I have deduced something else.''

''W-what is it, Toshi?'' Toshineko looked left and right to make sure nobody was eavesdropping and whispered in Jack's ear.

''The government has been secretly offering people money to those who would take out the D.T.G members and have them captured. I've snuck into the F.J.A headquarters.'' Jack gasped.

''What? No way!'' Toshineko nodded.

''I'm afraid it's true.''

''Oh sh*t! What are we gonna do?''

''You'll have to gather your members and head to your other hideout at Matthew Road. I feared that those bounty hunters may have already planned to meet them there.'' Jack nodded.

''Ok, Toshi, you got it.''

''Good. Now let's tie this sh*thead up, shall we?'' Toshineko said, liking Jack's conspiratorial smile.

''With pleasure.’'

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.