How to Grow Big (Or Giant) Leeks With Long, White Stems (2024)

How to Grow Big (Or Giant) Leeks With Long, White Stems (1)

Growing long white leeks is probably the most rewarding prize for any passionate gardener, but there are so many tricks to get to grips with that knowing how to grow big leeks can feel more than a little overwhelming.

The first time I grew leeks I was at university, with my first allotment. After seven months of careful tending, I had a single row of disappointingly tiny but very flavoursome leeks. Now, ten years later, we’ve played with our sowing schedule, mulching methods, and crop care, and want to share as much of our own process as we can to help you on your way to growing bigger, better, leeks.

The natural growing habits of leeks

Leeks are alliums, but unlike onions, garlic, or ornamental alliums they don’t form duplicating bulbs. Instead, they will naturally bolt in hot dry temperatures and attempt to set seed.

This seed falls to the ground when the leek has finished flowering, and the flower head has dried, similarly to walking onions. The seeds begin to germinate as soon as 14 days after hitting the soil, and the young plants will happily over-winter before being triggered into new and vigorous growth in spring.

In this article, we’ll explore how to harness the natural habits of leeks and the best way to duplicate nature in your own garden to grow the biggest leeks.

How & when to start leeks for bigger crops

As I explained above, leeks are happy to over-winter like all alliums and will begin growing and rooting into their permanent position in late fall. Because they are one of the most frost tolerant plants in the garden, and least likely crops to damp off as young plants, there are no hard and fast rules for when to do this.

In this section, we’ll explore how and when to sow leeks, and when to plant them in the ground:

When to sow leeks for bigger crops

Leeks should be sown from seed in early fall. They will usually germinate reliably within around 14 days, but it’s best to sow two seeds to a plug, or thinly in seed trays (they’re easy to prick out as they don’t grow particularly large roots at this stage).

By sowing early, in September or October, you’re giving your leeks a chance to develop a good root system before the growing season starts, and taking advantage of longer days.

If you try to germinate leeks in December, January or February, they will germinate very sparsely, so the September/October window is ideal to get a head start on the usual sowing time of March/April.

When to plant leeks out

If you’re asking yourself, ‘How big should leeks be to plant out?’ The better question is really ‘When are leeks big enough to handle?’. Leeks can be planted out as soon as they germinate, but they would likely get damaged by rough fingers, trodden on by garden wildlife, or eaten by slugs.

Leeks are ready to plant out when they are roughly the width of a pencil. At this stage, their flavour is developed enough to put off slugs, and their stems are strong enough to resist an early frost.

This year we actually planted our leeks on the allotment in a holding bed as an experiment, and they seem to have really strong roots in mid-winter, ready to be moved to a better position in spring. They were sown indoors in late September and planted into a basic unfertilized bed in early December (most years this would be November, but we had a cold spell in November which slowed their growth down).

Tricks for growing bigger leeks

Leeks come in two halves: whites and greens. All are parts of the leaves, but we generally refer to the tasty white part as the ‘stem’. Leek leaves are edible but tougher and take longer to cook, so when you plant them out, there are a few basic tips to increase the amount of white stem on your leeks, and in turn, grow bigger leeks.

How to plant leeks for bigger stems

Leeks are incredibly easy to plant. As I mentioned above, the tastiest part of a leek is its white stem before it spreads out into leaves at the top. To achieve more white, you need to blanch your leeks which we’ll cover in full later, but the first and most basic step is to drop them into holes in the soil so half the leek is buried and half is above ground.

Once your leek seedlings are roughly the same width as a pencil, they should be about 5” tall. At this point, dib a hole with your finger into rich but loose soil, drop the leek in and water the hole and don’t press on the soil around it.

The water fills the holes back in with soil, without compacting the leek or its roots. This means that whatever happens the base of your leek will be white, and the roots will be well anchored for the coming winter months.

The best fertilizer for leeks

Leeks are not fruiting or flowering crops. While they will naturally set flower if they go through a period of hot drought, it’s best that gardeners try to avoid this as the scapes (the flowering stems) are watery, and while they can be eaten, have a much more garlicky flavour.

The best fertilizer for leeks is a heavy nitrogen feed. All leafy crops need added nitrogen to boost their overall growth, which is best provided with liquid seaweed.

In spring, when the plants start to grow more vigorously you can add a light sprinkle of chicken manure pellets to the soil too. Their slow-release fertilizer is brilliant for bigger leeks, but don’t use this over winter as it can be too potent and kill off young plants.

Should You Trim Leeks?

If your leeks are growing well already there is no need to trim them. Trimming leeks should only be done if your plants are too thin. Thin leeks taste fine but are more likely to snap in high winds, so if you’re worried about the rate of growth in your leeks, trimming your plants can be useful.

Thin leeks are also a less than perfect candidate for storage, as they tend to dry out, so even more reason to try to grow big leeks. Check this article on storing leeks in the root cellar long term if you’re interested in alternatives to freezing them.

There is a common myth that trimming young leeks makes them stronger in the long term, but the results, while leeks grow thicker, and with more white, mean that leeks are much more likely to bolt and form scapes in late spring.

How to Grow Big (Or Giant) Leeks With Long, White Stems (2)

How to grow leeks with long white stems

Every part of a leek is edible, but the white parts of the stems are stronger and packed full of flavour, so the more you do to encourage these white stems, the better (and bigger) leeks you will have.

When you plant leeks out in the first place, dib them in (as described earlier), and water them into their planting holes. As they grow there are a few options to blanch the stems throughout the season.

The most common way of blanching is the traditional method of hilling-up leeks, which is the process of planting leeks in a trench and pulling soil back in around them. Personally, I’m not a fan of hilling-up leeks, as their leaves wrap around as they grow, which traps soil and insects inside the stem.

Growing leeks in toilet paper

My personal preference for blanching leek stems while they grow is toilet roll, or drain pipe. Both work just as well, and toilet roll will break down and be compostable at the end of the season, while plastic pipe will be re-usable every year.

The principle is the same, whether you use toilet roll to blanch leeks or plastic pipe. The tubes block light from the stems, which tricks them into thinking they’re underground. Using pipe rather than soil to hill-up leeks also reduces trapped soil when you harvest your crop.

The 3 best giant leek varieties

Now, if you’re really serious about giant leeks, and you’re growing for competition (or just to show off to friends and family), you’ll need another card up your sleeve. Most leeks will grow big if given the right conditions, but growing leeks from specially bred seeds can be the difference between growing big or growing prize-winning leeks.

Last year we tried Giant Winter, a generalized late cropping variety that grows at least a foot taller than other leeks in the same conditions, and the only difference in care was that the regular leeks had a toilet roll to blanch them, while Giant Winter Leeks had a 6” drain pipe around them, growing to 3” thick across the white stem.

We did lose to three others on the allotment at our annual show, who had grown other giant varieties from specialist retailers. They grew Giant Musselburgh (a wide but short variety) and Giant Early Leeks (which were just over 1/2” thick, but almost 2ft tall).

If you want to grow these leeks, it’s best to plan them out a little later, and plant them deeper too (8” is about right). Prepare the soil with phosphorus-rich fertilizers before planting, and rough up the bottom of the trench before dropping leeks in. This gives their roots the chance to establish a stronger, wider, root plate.


Growing the biggest competition leeks relies on a combination of factors. Big leeks need well-drained soil, good balanced organic fertilizers, and some careful garden trickery to grow well. But once you familiarize yourself with the growing habits of leeks you’ll have a show-stopping crop every year.

How to Grow Big (Or Giant) Leeks With Long, White Stems (2024)


How do you grow long white leeks? ›

Make a row of holes with a large dibber or trowel handle, 15cm (6in) deep and 5cm (2in) across. Deep planting helps to form the long white shank. Space the holes 15–20cm (6–8in) apart, depending on the variety, or 10cm (4in) apart for baby leeks. Allow 30cm (1ft) between rows.

Why are my leeks not getting bigger? ›

Make sure your plants have plenty of space to grow, about 15cm between plants. The likely reason your leeks have gone to seed could be because of sudden changes in temperature - hot and then cold. Another reason is inconsistent watering, or not enough water.

What is the secret to growing leeks? ›

Quick Guide to Growing Leeks
  1. Plant leeks during the cool weather of early spring and fall. ...
  2. Space leeks 6 inches apart in an area that gets 6 or more hours of sun daily and has nutrient-rich, well-drained soil.
  3. Improve native soil by mixing in several inches of aged compost or other rich organic matter.

What is the best fertilizer for leeks? ›

FERTILIZING: Leeks require a lot of nitrogen. Give plants a supplemental feeding of liquid fish emulsion or other fertilizer about 3 weeks after planting; continue to fertilize every 3-4 weeks thereafter. If you use a dry granular fertilizer, water it in well.

How do you get big leeks? ›

Exercises to Get Bigger Pectorals
  1. Do 3 sets of 15 push-ups, or as many as you can before growing fatigued. Add more reps as you gain strength.
  2. Push ups also work your triceps and shoulders (deltoids).
  3. Try this variation: elevate your legs by placing your feet on a block or step before doing the exercise.

Can you leave leeks in the ground for 2 years? ›

Choosing the site for sowing leeks may be influenced by the fact that they are generally left in the ground to be dug as required during the winter months, and can remain in the ground for a year or more. Don't grow leeks in the same place year after year as there will be an increased risk of pests and diseases.

Do leeks like a lot of water? ›

Leeks have shallow root systems and need plentiful watering. Leeks are tolerant of cold, so you can delay harvest until after the first frosts.

How long does it take for leeks to reach full maturity? ›

Leeks may be harvested as early as 60 days after seeding but generally require 100-120 days to mature. Leeks are ready to eat when the stalks are 1 inch in diameter. Leeks can be overwintered in the garden in most areas. Hill up the soil around the plants and cover them with a thick layer of mulch, leaves or soil.

How do you multiply leeks? ›

Seeds are not the only method for propagating leeks. Gardeners can regrow leeks by cutting them rather than pulling the entire plant from the ground. Keep the roots watered and the cut leek will send up new growth. Both garden and store-bought leeks can also be regrown in a glass of water.

Is Miracle Grow good for leeks? ›

Caring for your Crop

Ideally you should also add fertilisers such as fish, blood & bone (if organic) or liquid feeds such as Miracle Gro or Phostrogen as leeks are nitrogen intense.

What is a good companion plant for leeks? ›

Strawberries seem to enjoy living next to leeks, and the strong odor of the leeks repels many pests of the berries. Other leek plant companions might be cabbage, tomatoes, beets, and lettuce. The leafy vegetables, especially, seem to benefit from the strong scent of plants in the Allium family.

How often should I water my leeks? ›

Leeks have a shallow root system and do best with regular watering.
  1. After planting, water leeks well.
  2. Water deeply after each application of fertilizer.
  3. Between fertilizing, water leeks once the top inch or so of dirt is dry.
  4. Yellow-tinged leaves are a sign of overwatering; cut back on water.

Are coffee grounds good for leeks? ›

One 2016 research study found that using spent coffee grounds in growing broccoli, leek, radish, viola, and sunflower resulted in poorer growth in all soil types, with or without additional fertilizer. 5 The good news is that the coffee grounds improved the water holding capacity of the soil and decreased weed growth.

How deep should soil be for leeks? ›

Planting out leeks

Leeks need a sunny, sheltered site with well-drained, well prepared soil with plenty of added manure or fertiliser. To plant the traditional way, make a hole with a dibber, 20cm deep, drop a seedling in and water in.

How to grow leeks in toilet rolls? ›

Use a bulb planter to make a hole 6in deep, put the cardboard insert from a toilet roll into the hole, trim off roots to 1/2in and leaves of leeks so that the leeks are approx. 8-10in tall, and then place into the toilet roll insert. Fill with water. Once leeks grow, bank up with soil.

Do leeks regrow after cutting? ›

Leeks are related to green onions so it should be no surprise they can be regrown in the same way (and just as easily). Cut off the root and about 2" of the white part. Regrow in a jar with water reaching halfway up the leek. Leeks will take longer to grow because they are much larger than green onions.

How do you know when leeks are ready to harvest? ›

Most leeks mature 100 to 120 days after sowing the seeds, but a few varieties mature in as few as 60 days. Begin the harvest when the stalks are about an inch (2.5 cm.) across. Depending upon your climate, you could be harvesting leek plants from late summer until early spring.

Do leeks come back every year? ›

Planting leeks facts

Biennial (a plant that requires two growing seasons to complete its life-cycle) but treated as an annual. Planting: Start seeds indoors for early spring transplants or later in the summer for a fall crop. Leeks are fairly hardy and can be planted several weeks prior to the last frost date.

Do leeks like sun or shade to grow? ›

Leeks require full sun (at least six hours of direct sun). They thrive in rich, well drained, loose soil. Spread 2‐ 3” of composted manure over the bed and work it into the soil before planting. Also, add a granular all purpose fertilizer and lime to each planting trench.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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