Acheron Leaks: Kit, Animations, Traces, Eidolons, and more (2024)

The Honkai Star Rail leak community finally got their hands on Acheron, revealing details of her kit including Eidolons, Traces, and even her animations.

Acheron Leaked Animations

If taking into account the regular cadence of the live version and beta updates of Honkai: Star Rail, we would've gotten a more comprehensive preview of all the upcoming characters for Honkai Star Rail Version 2.1 by now. However, due to the Chinese New Year, the beta has been pushed back with no definite date on when it will be up.

The HSR leak community has been in some sort of “drought” since – until today. Acheron has surfaced, including her mind-blowing animations.

Acheron Animation
byu/Fyuk4 inHonkaiStarRail_leaks

The information here is a collection of unofficially released data from the beta version of Honkai Star Rail. These are leaks, and may not represent Acheron on her eventual release.

Acheron Leak – Kit

Basic ATK – Trilateral Wiltcross

“Deals minor Lightning DMG to a single enemy.”

Skill – Octobolt Flash

Gains 1 point of “Slashed Dream.”

Inflict 1 stack of “Crimson Knot” on a single enemy and deals Lightning DMG to them, as well as minor Lightning DMG to adjacent targets.

Ultimate – Slashed Dream Cries in Red

Unleashes Rainblade, deals minor Lightning DMG to a single enemy, and removes up to 3 stacks of Crimson Knot from the target.

When Crimson Knot is removed. deals minor Lightning DMG to all enemies 1 time, with the DMG multiplier for this attack increased for every stack of Crimson Knot removed. After unleashing Rainblade 3 times, immediately unleashes Stygian Resurge, dealing Lightning DMG to all enemies and removing all Crimson Knot stacks. Crimson Knot is not inflicted upon enemies during the Ultimate.

Talent – Atop Rainleaf Hangs Oneness

When Slashed Dream reaches 9 points, the Ultimate can be unleashed. The Ultimate ignores Weakness Types and depletes enemies' Toughness, as well as reducing all enemies' All-Type RES by 10% (25%) until the end of the Ultimate.

When any character uses their ability to inflict debuffs on an enemy target, Acheron gains 1 point of Slashed Dream and inflicts Crimson Knot on the enemy target. This effect can be triggered up to 1 time per action. If the ability inflicts debuff on multiple enemies Crimson Knot will be inflicted on the enemy with the most Crimson Knot stacks.

When Acheron is on the battlefield, Crimson Knot on the defeated enemy target will be retargeted to the enemy target with the most Crimson Knot Stacks

Technique – Quadrivalent Ascendance

Immediately attacks the enemy. After entering battle, Acheron gains 2 points of Slashed Dream and deals Lightning DMG to all enemies, as well as inflicting 2 stacks of Crimson Knot on a single random enemy.

If the enemy has Red Karma, they will be immediately defeated and will not enter combat. The Technique Point is not spent if the attack does not hit an enemy.


  • Red Ogre
    • At the start of battle, immediately gain 4 points of Slashed Dream and apply 4 stacks of Crimson Knot to a random enemy.
  • The Abyss
    • When there are 1/2 other character(s) following the Path of Nihility in the team, increase the DMG of Acheron's Basic ATK, Skill, and Ultimate to 115%/160% of the original DMG.
  • Thunder Core
    • When the Ultimate's Rainblade hits an enemy target with Crimson Knot, increase the DMG dealt by Acheron by 30%. This effect can be stacked up to 3 times, lasting for 2 turns.


The leaks were incomplete and lacked two Eidolons. While the ones below can be assumed as in order, the lacking levels may be in between them.

  • Silenced Sky Spake Sooth
    • CRIT Rate increases by 18% when dealing DMG to debuffed enemies.
  • Mute Thunder in Still Tempest
    • The number of characters on the Path Of Nihility required for the highest value of the Trace, The Abyss, is reduced by 1. At the beginning of Acheron's turn, gain 1 point of Slashed Dream. Additionally, inflict 1 stack of Crimson Knot on an enemy with the most Crimson Knot.
  • Shrined Fire for Mirrored Soul
    • When using the Ultimate, inflicts Ultimate DMG Vulnerability to all enemies, increasing the Ultimate DMG taken by 12%, lasting for 2 turn(s).
  • Apocalypse, the Emancipator
    • The Ultimate's CRIT DMG increases by 60%, and the DMG from Acheron's Basic ATK and Skill will be considered as Ultimate DMG.

Other Acheron Leaks

According to the circulating leaks, Acheron's party stance will be her standing with a katana.

Her first idle animation will have her pulling out and taking a bite out of a peach.

Her second idle animation shows her swapping to her white and red form and then back to her normal form while meditating.

Acheron will be a playable character in Honkai Star Rail version 2.1.

Acheron Leaks: Kit, Animations, Traces, Eidolons, and more (2024)
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