[2022] Splitgate - 8.0.0 Release Patch Notes | Splitgate Dev Tracker | devtrackers.gg (2024)

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Hi Splitfam! Even though this is the final major update to Splitgate, we still have a bunch of patch notes to share. If this is the first time you’ve heard about a final update, check out our recent letter[www.splitgate.com] and FAQ[www.splitgate.com]. Those two sources will tell you why Splitgate development is ending, why 1047 Games is focused on the next game, and some other questions you might have. If you’re already informed, let’s talk about what’s new!

Like our previous seasonal updates, there’s a new Battle Pass, some gameplay tweaks, and a ton of bug fixes. The main difference with this update is our focus on making Splitgate last for the long-term without new features. Earlier this week we revealed the free Infinite Battle Pass[www.splitgate.com] and the new duplicate item drops system. Read all about it in our previous blog or keep reading about it in the patch notes below.

Infinite Battle Pass and Season

  • New, free 100 level Battle Pass complete with three new characters, weapon skins, Splitcoin, and more
  • After completing 100 levels, the Battle Pass will reward players with a free drop every 5 levels after that, infinitely
  • Premium Season challenges are now free - this means all parts of the Battle Pass are free for everyone
  • High-quality brand new character season reward for completing all “Free” tier challenge stages
  • Added Beta Season 2 Ranked Reward gun skins, will distribute sometime after the Sept. 15 update


  • Bullet size no longer increases when being shot through a portal
  • Improved melee damage connections around portals


  • Removed “Beta” label from the Splitgate name


  • New Simulation Map “India

Custom Games

  • Added “Download Map” button to custom lobbies for the host
  • Added “Promote to Host” button for custom/forge lobbies

Map Creator

  • Map sharing codes are now 9 digits long rather than 16 (Old 16 digit codes still work)
  • Improved pathfinding for bots on custom maps
  • Fixed issue that prevented bots from moving at the start of a game on some custom maps

Quick Play

  • Added a No Portals playlist to Quick Play, which includes
  • Retro Domination
  • Retro Team Deathmatch
  • Retro King of the Hill
  • Retro Capture the Flag
  • Removed the Fiesta playlist
  • Renamed “Sniper Frenzy” to “Firing Frenzy”
  • Added Fiesta Team Deathmatch to Firing Frenzy


  • Added Pro Tiers 16-25 and respective badges

Drops For more details on the Drop changes, please visit the Splitgate website[www.splitgate.com]!

  • Added many more items to the item drop pool
  • New duplicate item system introduced to drops:
  • If a drop would give the player a duplicate item, instead, it’ll give XP with a chance of Splitcoin depending on the rarity


  • Added several sprays from the Splitgate MVPs
  • Added new nametags
  • Added moderator skins for the Splitgate moderator team

Game Modes Added the following game modes to the game for future featured playlists:

  • Bounty (Neutral CTF Variant)
  • Paintball Neutral CTF
  • Laser Flag
  • Laser Ball
  • Grif Flag
  • FFA Snipers
  • FFA Shotty Snipers
  • Fiesta One Flag CTF
  • Fiesta VIP
  • Fiesta Team Splitball
  • Survival Brawl
  • Retro Contamination (Retro = No portals)
  • Retro Team Snipers
  • Retro Team Shotty Snipers
  • Retro Big Head Snipers
  • Retro Team SWAT
  • Retro Gun Game
  • Retro FFA
  • Retro FFA Fiesta
  • Retro King of the Hill
  • Retro One Flag CTF

[2022] Splitgate - 8.0.0 Release Patch Notes | Splitgate Dev Tracker | devtrackers.gg (1)

That’s all for this update, so what’s next for Splitgate? First, expect a post-update hotfix to resolve unexpected issues that may come from today’s release. That will come in the following weeks. After that, Splitgate won’t be receiving any more updates unless a widespread, game-breaking bug needs fixing. A game-breaking bug is any issue that prevents a large number of players from playing the game. Other than that, our engineers and artists are completely focused on the next game.

But that’s not the end of Splitgate’s story! Servers are staying up indefinitely, and the community team and I will continue to cycle featured playlists, update the item shop, put community made maps on rotation, and host community events! We’ll continue to pay close attention to any feedback you have about featured playlists and events by giving the community surveys and polls on Twitter and Discord[discord.com]. Definitely follow us there to stay up to date!

For the full list of bug fixes and details on the update, please visit the Splitgate website[www.splitgate.com]!

[2022] Splitgate - 8.0.0 Release Patch Notes | Splitgate Dev Tracker | devtrackers.gg (2024)


When did Splitgate stop updating? ›

Developers posted updates on the server's status on their Twitter accounts until the system was removed in August 2021. In September 2022, the developers announced that they had ceased feature development on Splitgate to focus on a sequel created using Unreal Engine 5.

Does Splitgate get updated? ›

Today Splitgate developer, 1047 Games announced that its ending development on the shooter and instead will be focusing on creating a new title. The studio made the announcement via Twitter, it said that the new game will share similar mechanics and the same universe as well.

Has Splitgate been abandoned? ›

However, in part due to the limitations of indie development, Splitgate's audience faltered due to polish and content rollout. As a natural conclusion, developer 1047 Games has now confirmed that Splitgate's feature development is ending.

Are Splitgate servers shutting down? ›

Amidst the flurry of speculation, rumours had circulated that servers for the original Splitgate might be shutting down. However, it is clear that the video serves as a sendoff to the first game while teasing the successor. Servers for Splitgate will remain online for the foreseeable future.

Is 1047 Games working on a new game? ›

Now, 1047 says that it's ending Splitgate development to focus on an entirely new game. It'll be set in the same universe, will still involve portals, and will be "revolutionary," rather than "evolutionary." It'll also remain free-to-play for all.

Did Splitgate add bots? ›

There are Bots in Splitgate, in both the online modes, and in custom servers where you can practice your skills. Bots will often pop up when there aren't enough players to matchmake for a good game, and you'll be able to identify bots with their fairly simple screen names - in addition to their lacklustre skills.

Can you still download Splitgate? ›

Splitgate is still available on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. You can download it, play it online, invite friends, and, we hope, have a great time. We will continue to support Splitgate with bug fixes and small updates for the foreseeable future.

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.