Wyze Home Monitoring FAQ (2024)

Baton Rouge, LA

  • Applicant #: 672793-001

  • Center #: 100584-702

Lafayette, LA

  • Applicant #: 672793-001

  • Center #: 672793-001

Elk Grove, IL

  • Applicant #: 672793-001

  • Center #: 496520-001

Will adding a sensor to Wyze Home Monitoring impact any Rules involving that sensor?

No, your rules will perform as scheduled.

What do you mean by “alert” and “alarm”?

Alerts are different than alarms.

An alert means a notification of an event that could potentially escalate to an alarm. For example, when you come back home and open the door while the system is armed as Away and walk in front of the Keypad, the Keypad will beep to request the PIN. This is an alert. Or when a Security Camera records a person in your yard while the system is armed as Home or Away, we will notify you about it because this could potentially be a threat. We will not notify the monitoring center when there is an alert but no alarm.

An alarm means an Event captured by Sensors (entry or motion sensors) is detected as an intrusion. This type of Event will cause Noonlight to inquire about your safety. If you do not cancel the alarm, the monitoring center will dispatch first responders.

Will turning off the notification for one sensor affect Home Monitoring alarms?

No, changing your notification settings won’t affect your alarms.

Once you arm the monitoring system, Wyze Home Monitoring Service will take over the notification settings for each on-duty sensor.

Signals from a sensor that has been added to your Home Monitoring profile will feed to the monitoring system regardless of any settings made from the sensor page or Rules. For example, even if you turn off the notifications for an Entry sensor assigned to Away mode, it can still send an alarm when triggered.

Will cameras connected through Wyze Home Monitoring Service trigger an alarm?

No, those cameras can only trigger an “alert.”

Cameras assigned to Wyze Home Monitoring’s Security Camera list can only trigger an “alert”—a message delivered to you in the format you choose. You may select which Security Camera capabilities will trigger an alert.

An “alarm” means an on-duty sensor has been triggered and the Wyze Home Monitoring system was not disarmed via PIN within the entry delay. By default, an alarm will trigger the siren to sound, and contact Noonlight to verify if first responder dispatching is needed.

What notifications can be triggered by a Security Camera and how are they delivered?

You can select which camera capabilities will trigger an alert in Wyze Home Monitoring Service: motion, person (Cam Plus or Person Detection required), and CO/smoke alarm smart sound detection.

This setting is per camera. You can set the camera on your front door to notify you only when a person is detected while the camera in your kitchen notifies you only when CO/smoke alarm sound has been detected.

The message will be delivered to you via the same channel regardless of the detection settings—Critical Alert (iOS), push notification (default), or you can turn notifications off.

Choosing the right trigger and format for the Security Camera notifications will maximize the value you get from Wyze Home Monitoring Service’s camera experience.

What does “Security Camera” mean for Wyze Home Monitoring Service?

A Security Camera is a Wyze Cam you designate for security purposes. This separates high-stakes cameras (such as those monitoring your doors and driveway) from other Wyze Cams you use for recreational purposes (such as watching your fish).

You can define which capabilities each Security Camera has that will trigger an alert—such as Motion Detection, Person Detection, or CO/smoke alarm sound, and how you prefer the alert to be delivered—via push notification or Critical Alert (iOS only).

You can also view all Security Cameras in the Wyze app Monitoring tab. We display the most recent capture of all your Security Cameras, and you can watch live stream for all your Security Cameras in the “More” page.

What is the limit for the number of designated Security Cameras I can have for Wyze Home Monitoring Service? Why is there a limit?

The current limit is 5 Security Cameras.

The current limit for the number of designated Security Cameras for Wyze Home Monitoring Service is 5.

This allows for a better viewing experience because we are showing the live stream of all cameras dresignated as “Security Cameras” simultaneously. An unlimited Security Camera quantity could potentially overload your bandwidth.

We may revise this limit in the future.

Do I need Cam Plus for Wyze Home Monitoring Service?

You don’t need it, but we recommend it.

You don’t need to have Cam Plus to add your camera(s) to Wyze Home Monitoring Service as Security Cameras. Still, we strongly recommend you add Cam Plus to get the best experience, including full-length event recording with no cool-down period, AI notifications, and more.

Your Home Monitoring service includes one free Cam Plus license.

Can I use Cam Plus Pro if I already have a Wyze Home Monitoring subscription?

Not at this time. While the two services aren't compatible right now, we continue to work on new features and compatibilities.

How long will it take for me to finish the setup of Wyze Home Monitoring Service?

About 30 minutes.

It will take approximately 30 minutes to setup the system, from unboxing to monitoring service activation.

What are “modes” in Wyze Home Monitoring Service?

We have three modes: Disarmed, Home, and Away.

While setting up Wyze Home Monitoring, you will decide how your home should be monitored by installing sensors in your perimeter (doors and windows) and interior spaces. After that, you can decide which areas to monitor for Home or Away modes. These settings can be updated later.

For example, you have Entry Sensor A on your front door, Entry Sensor B on the back door, Motion Sensor C in your living room. You can assign A & B to the Home mode, and assign A, B, and C to the Away mode.

Can I have multiple PINs? How many PINs can I have for one monitoring service?

We only support one PIN per monitored location at the moment.

We plan to support multiple user PIN management in the future.

Does Wyze Home Monitoring support Duress PIN?

Wyze Home Monitoring does not support Duress PIN at this time, but we will support it in the future.

What is a Duress PIN?

A Duress PIN is also known as “hostage PIN”—a PIN that the user can use under duress. For example, when being forced by an intruder to disarm the system. If a Duress PIN is used to disarm the system, the system will appear to have been disarmed, but will silently send a request for help (ex. emergency dispatching) without alerting the intruder or confirming with the user.

Can I share Wyze Home Monitoring Service with my family over the Wyze app? How many users can use the Home monitoring system at the same time?

Yes, you can invite your family or roommates to your monitoring system. There is no limit of how many people you can share it with.

Do I always have to enter the PIN to change monitoring modes?

It depends on your settings and whether there is an active alarm.

You will always need to enter the PIN on the physical Keypad or app to disarm the system.

You may choose during setup whether your PIN is needed to change the monitoring mode. You can change this setting later through Home Monitoring Settings.

Does Wyze Home Monitoring Service support entry & exit delay? Can I modify the delays?

Yes, Wyze Home Monitoring supports entry and exit delay.

You may choose either 0, 30, 45, 60, 120, or 180 seconds for your entry and exit delay for both Home and Away modes.

Please note that if you choose 0 seconds as the delay time, you will immediately trigger an alarm. In this case, you will not have a chance to cancel the delay alert.

How can I prevent false alarms?

We have a few suggestions to help:

  • Installing the motion sensor using the instruction from the manual. Especially when your family have animal friends.

  • Properly train all home members and users, such as babysitters and visitors.

  • Secure doors and windows before arming.

  • Remember your PIN so you can disarm timely.

  • Remember your Safe Word so that you can cancel the alarm when the monitoring center is verifying with you.

  • Periodically check if the sensors are attached to the window or door firmly.

What is a Critical Alert? What is the difference between a notification and a Critical Alert? Do both iOS and Android platforms support Critical Alert?

A Critical Alert is an advanced notification feature on iOS for important messages.

Critical Alerts ignore the mute and Do Not Disturb settings, and will always send an alert sound when received.

We researched the Android platform and did not find an equivalent feature, so it’s only available on iOS devices at this time.

What will happen during an alarm?

During an alarm, Wyze Home Monitoring will perform the list of actions you’ve selected in the Home Monitoring settings/Home & Away.

By default, the siren will go off, you will receive a Critical Alert (iOS only, push notification for Android users), and our system will let Noonlight know there is an alarm at your home.

You may cancel the alarm by entering your PIN on the physical Keypad or in the Wyze app. If you are contacted by Noonlight, and there isn’t an emergency, you can cancel the alarm by providing the agent your Safe Word.

Please note that if law enforcement has been dispatched, even if you cancel the alarm, it would be up to the officer’s discretion to decide whether to proceed with visiting your place or cancel the patrol.

How do I cancel an alarm?

Enter your PIN on the Keypad or in the app.

You can cancel an alarm by entering the PIN on the physical Keypad or in the Wyze app. If you are contacted by Noonlight, please tell the agent your Safe Word to cancel the emergency dispatching.

Please notice that if law enforcement has been dispatched, it would be up to the officer’s jurisdiction to decide whether to proceed to visiting your home or cancel the patrol even if you cancel the alarm.

What is a Safe Word? How will my Safe Word be used?

When there is an alarm, the agent at the monitoring center will call you to verify your safety. Safe Word is a word for you to confirm if you are safe.

You can choose the Safe Word during the setup. You can update later in the Home Monitoring Settings.

Do I need notifications enabled for Wyze Home Monitoring Service?

Yes, notifications are an effective way for Wyze to deliver important messages about the status of your home. We strongly recommend that you enable notifications for the Wyze app.

What is Test Mode? And can I practice using Wyze Home Monitoring without worrying about triggering a false alarm?

Yes, you can practice using the service. In fact, we strongly recommend using test mode for the first few days after setting it up. It would be helpful in reducing false alarms.

Test Mode is a feature allowing you to practice using Wyze Home Monitoring Service without worrying about alerting the monitoring center by accident.

This is especially helpful when you have just finished the setup process and want to test if the sensors or the system is working properly.

In Test Mode, all hardware and software components will work as designed except that the system will not alert the monitoring center if an alarm is triggered.

You can enter or exit Test Mode at any time.

Can I trigger an alarm during Test Mode?

Yes, but it will not trigger Emergency Dispatching. This means the monitoring center will not be notified of an alarm during Test Mode.

Can I monitor multiple locations with Wyze Home Monitoring Service?

Not while using a single Wyze account. We plan to support multiple Home Monitoring services under one Wyze account in the near future.

Will the Emergency Button be included in Wyze Home Monitoring Service?

Yes, this is one of the features included in the service.

What is that icon that looks like a ringing bell in the header for Wyze Home Monitoring Service (HMS)?

The ringing bell icon is the Emergency Button. You may manually request Emergency Dispatching when necessary by pressing that button.

What does the Emergency Button do?

The Emergency Button allows you to manually request Emergency Dispatching when necessary.

When switching modes through the app, will I need to enter my PIN?

It depends on your settings.

This depends on the settings you have selected for your Wyze Home Monitoring Service . Unless your settings require a PIN when switching between modes, you do not need to enter the PIN to switch modes on the app unless there is an active alarm.

However when there is an active alarm, you need to enter the PIN in the app's virtual keypad to switch modes.

Will my Wyze Home Monitoring Service still arm if sensors are open?

Yes, the monitoring system will still arm even if one or more sensors (such as a contact sensor on a window) are open. You will be notified of the open status while arming your system.

However, if you leave the door/window (which has an Entry sensor attached) open after the exit delay, the open door/window will not be monitored until you close it.

The Discover tab has been replaced with the Home Monitoring tab. What will be the case for Wyze customers that don’t have Wyze Home Monitoring Service?

Wyze users that don’t have a Wyze Home Monitoring Service subscription will still see the Monitoring tab. This tab will display the landing page for Wyze Home Monitoring.

If the user purchases and activates the monitoring service, this page will guide them through the setup process.

How will I be notified when there is activity on my monitoring sensors?

There are two types of activities for monitoring sensors.

Security related. If a sensor is on duty, for example, and a contact sensor on a door assigned to Home mode is opened, you’ll receive security-related notifications. If the entry delay is 0 seconds, an alarm will be triggered immediately. You will receive a notification via the Wyze app, and you will also receive an SMS message or a call from Noonlight confirming your safety.

Tech related. If a sensor has low battery or any other technical issue, you will receive a notification with tips to keep the sensor working properly.

Can I set schedules for the time when I want the system to notify me?

No, you can’t set schedules.

Wyze Home Monitoring is meant to work 24x7 whenever you arm the system (it’s in Home or Away mode).

Is Wyze Home Monitoring Service compatible with Sense V1 sensors?

The Wyze Sense v1 sensors are not compatible with Wyze Home Monitoring.

Does it work with existing Wyze devices?

Yes. You can use the Wyze Entry and Wyze Motion Sensors to control other Wyze products. For example, you can create Rules in the Wyze app to turn on Wyze Bulbs when an Entry Sensor opens or a Motion Sensor is triggered.

Does Wyze Home Monitoring Service have cellular backup support?

No, we do not support cellular backup.

A cellular backup feature would only be useful if your home has Internet outage during a home intrusion. As it is a rare case in which both incidents would have to happen simultaneously, it would result in monthly increased costs.

Although we don’t support cellular backup, the Sense Hub has a battery backup in the case of a power outage. If your internet connection drops, Wyze Home Monitoring Service will still work locally.

How many square feet does the service cover?

(How big a home can this new hub cover? What size house is best for HMS? Is there a square footage limitation?)

Wyze Home Monitoring Service is designed to cover an average single family home usage in the US.

Do I need a permit to use Wyze Home Monitoring Service ?

Not in most cities.

Here is a detailed page about this from the City of Seattle: https://www.seattle.gov/business-regulations/alarm-system-monitoring.

Some cities may require a permit for a professional home security system. Please check with your local government for specific requirements and rules.

In some places users need to register Wyze Home Monitoring with local police.

The police requires the monitoring company name and phone number. Should users give PD Noonlight as the company name, and what’s Noonlight’s phone number?

911 Washington Ave.
Suite 230
St. Louis, MO 63101

Will there be recurring fees for Wyze Home Monitoring Service?

Yes, Wyze Home Monitoring is a subscription service.

A professional monitoring experience is needed to provide the peace of mind intended with Wyze Home Monitoring Service – no matter where you are, 24/7. This comes with a fee. As with all Wyze services and products, Wyze Home Monitoring is at an affordable price.

Can I switch from a monthly plan to an annual plan?

Yes, you can switch between plans any time here: https://services.wyze.com/services

How is the price of Wyze Home Monitoring so low?

We don’t mark up our products like traditional brands. Instead, we give most of our margin directly back to you in the form of lower prices. The slim margins we do have are allocated to customer service, development, and research purposes instead of price discounts and marketing.

What does Try Worry-Free for 30 Days mean? What is the return policy of Wyze Home Monitoring?

If you need to process a return, the policy is the same as our other Wyze products: customers can return them within 30 days after delivery, and they come with a 1-year warranty.

For Wyze Home Monitoring Service annual plan users: If you cancel your annual plan within 30 days after delivery, you must return your Core Starter Kit hardware to get a refund.

Learn more about it our return policy here: https://wyze.com/return-warranty-policy

Will monitoring service (Noonlight) have access to the video feeds and/or local storage?

No, Noonlight will not have access to your videos on cloud or local storage (microSD card).

How many days of events will be available in Wyze Home Monitoring Events?

Up to 14 days.

You will be able to check monitoring events up to 14 days back.

Will I be able to watch footage in Security Camera card if there’s no SD card in the camera?

Yes, the footage from the Security Camera is stored on the cloud.

If the footage is on a camera that doesn’t have Cam Plus, it will be the standard 12-second clip. If it has Cam Plus, the clip will be the full length of the event.

Will law enforcement have access to the videos?

Wyze does not share monitoring data with law enforcement or any third parties.

You may choose to manually share monitoring events and/or footage by exporting from the Monitoring Events page.

Can I share the Wyze Home Monitoring Service with other people?

Yes, Wyze Home Monitoring is shareable. You can invite friends or family to share access. After they accept, they will be able to arm/disarm the alarm and provide their phone number to the monitoring service to be contacted in the event an alarm is triggered.

What happens if someone steals or disables the Keypad? Is the siren in the Hub, or the Keypad?

Your monitoring system will continue working normally.

The Keypad is just an input device - it doesn’t process rules or save data. So if the Keypad is disabled, destroyed or stolen, your system will work as usual.

The Hub is where sensor (including Keypad) data is aggregated and routed to the Wyze server, and it’s also where the siren is.

Even further, as we have a dual-countdown mechanism, after someone triggers a sensor, even if the Hub is also destroyed, you and the monitoring center will still be notified of the alarm.

Is the "personal monitoring center" the Wyze app, or is this monitoring center available via a web browser? Users have been screaming for the latter for a long time.

Currently, we only offer the Home Monitoring experience via the Wyze app.

But developing a web experience is on our roadmap, and we hope to bring Wyze Home Monitoring Service to the web when we’re ready.

What about Wyze Cam v1?

Wyze Cam v1 is not supported on Wyze Home Monitoring Service.

Sorry about that! We don’t support Wyze Cam v1 for Wyze Home Monitoring, but we recommend that you upgrade a newer Wyze Cam (v2 or v3).

What happens when user adds a camera in a group as a security camera to Wyze Home Monitoring?

A Security Camera’s that’s in a Camera Group can work with Wyze Home Monitoring.

We support cameras that are added to a camera group and selected as a Security Camera at the same time.

Please make sure any Rules you have assigned to your camera (that’s now a Security Camera) are removed. For example, if you have a rule set for your camera or camera group that turns off the camera, it will impact your monitoring system.

Will there be a separate Siren to amplify the alarm volume?

We are currently researching this feature and hope to provide a solution soon. No ETA yet, but we’re discussing it.

My phone has an automatic call block feature for all unknown numbers.

Is there a specific number I should enter into my contacts under "Noonlight"so that my phone will not block your call in case of an emergency?

Noonlight is using:

+16193298928 - SMS

+16193298846 - SMS

+16193298736 - SMS

+16193044016 - Phone Calls

There is a chance that Noonlight may need to swap out these numbers in the future based on carrier filtering, etc.

Wyze Home Monitoring FAQ (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.