Tornadoes in the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Area Since 1890 (2024)


National Weather Service Forecast Office Norman, Oklahoma

Note: This paper was originally written in 1994 as NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS SR-160. This version was last updated in January 2024 to add 1 tornadothat occurred on April 23, 2022, 1 tornado that occurred on October 24, 2022, and 1 tornado that occurred on February 26, 2023.

1. Introduction

Oklahoma City (OKC), by virtue of its large areal extent and location near the heart of "tornado alley," has earned a reputation over the years as one of the more tornado-prone cities in the United States. In the 1960s and 1970s, news and magazine articles sometimes quoted the number of times OKC has been struck by tornadoes; that number typically was in the 30s or lower 40s, depending on the year of publication. The source of the number most likely was a local listing, kept on station at the National Weather Service Forecast Office (WSFO OKC). That list included 43 tornadoes as of 1978. Sometime later, record keeping ceased for some reason and the existing list was relegated to a binder that was lost among the growing masses of other records that accumulated at the office.

In 1991, a project was initiated to revise the list by adding recent tornadoes (since 1978), validating existing entries, and searching for any others that might have been overlooked. This turned out to be a formidable task, for several reasons. One was the lack of reliable sources for events that occurred before 1950. The only readily- available data source prior to 1950, other than the local records on station at WSFO OKC, was Grazulis (1990). The compilation by Grazulis includes all tornadoes of F2 intensity or greater, and all killer tornadoes, from 1880 through 1989. Thus there are no records on weak tornadoes prior to 1950 (unless they happened to make it into the WSFO listing), and so the true number of tornadoes probably is much higher than the total arrived at herein. After 1950, records were cross-checked using Storm Data and the severe weather database compiled at the Storm Prediction Center (SPC).

A second obstacle arose in determining exactly where the OKC city limits are - or were. OKC covers a large area today, but the city limits have changed over the years such that some areas that are now part of OKC were not always within the city limits. Peripheral townships have emerged as well over the years, some of which are now wholly surrounded by OKC city land. In order to establish a consistent area, it was decided to include the present OKC limits and all other surrounding cities and towns that are contained largely or wholly within those limits. The resulting area (Figure 1, hereafter called the "immediate OKC area") includes roughly 600 square miles. All recorded tornado events occurring wholly or partly within this area are included in the list. In addition to OKC, the following jurisdictions are included: Bethany, Choctaw, Crutcho, Del City, Forest Park, Jones, Midwest City, Moore, Mustang, Nichols Hills, Nicoma Park, Valley Brook, the Village, Warr Acres, Witcher, and Yukon (Figure 1). The cities of Edmond, El Reno, and Norman are not included, which means that tornadoes striking within their city limits are not listed unless they also affected the immediate OKC area.

Each of the 182 tornado listings (see the OKC Tornado Table Tab) contains the date and time of initial touchdown (note that all times are CST) or a total time range (if available), maximum tornado path width and length, maximum F Scale or EF Scale rating (see the Appendix Tab for descriptions of the F Scale and EF Scale), number of people killed and injured (from the entire event), counties included in the path, and a brief description of the path. A narrative describing what is known about the event follows the other data. A dollar estimate of damage (if available and not adjusted for inflation) and the data sources used for each tornado entry are included at the end of each narrative.

Many of the events were found in more than one data source. In general the multiple sources were in good agreement. However, there were occasional differences, especially with F-scale ratings. The extensive research conducted by Grazulis (1990) suggests his ratings to be the most reliable, and they have been used when the ratings differed among the available sources. Since Grazulis lists only events of F2 intensity or greater, any event not found in his listing has been given a rating of either F0 or F1. Events listed as F2 in the SPC database, but not appearing in Grazulis 1990, are listed here as F1. Notes are included in the narrative of an event if differences were found in the F-scale ratings among the available sources. Weak events (F0 and F1) before 1950 had no assigned F scale in any of the available sources, and thus have been assigned an estimated rating based on the available data.

2. Statistics

May is the peak month for all tornadoes, followed closely by April and June (Figure 2). About two thirds of all tornadoes in OKC have struck during those three months. Strong and violent tornadoes tend to occur slightly earlier, with April the peak month. Note that 18 of the 27 April tornadoes were F2 or greater, and that 5 of the 12 F4/F5 tornadoes on record occurred in April. However, since 1999, 5 of the violent tornadoes have occurred during the month of May. Frequencies level off during the summer and autumn before dwindling during the winter. (December and January are the only two months in which the immediate OKC area has not been struck.)

Tornadoes striking OKC have formed most frequently between mid-afternoon and early evening (2 to 7PM CST, or 3 to 8 PM CDT; see Figure 3). The period of peak activity also appears in the distribution of strong (F2/F3) and violent (F4/F5) tornadoes, and the peak of F2 or greater tornadoes appears to occur as a broad peak centered around 4 PM CST/5 PM CDT. Other notable findings include a general lack of early morning events (only one between 5 and 7 AM CST), a prevalence of weak events during the late morning and midday hours (with one notable exception), and a rapid increase in frequency during the early afternoon (1 to 2 PM CST, or 2 to 3 PM CDT).

Note: The time distribution in Figure 3 is based on tornado start time, which may be up to an hour or so earlier than the actual "strike time" in OKC in the case of long-track, long-lived tornadoes. For example, the F5 tornado of 3 May 1999 began around 6:26 PM CDT (5:26 PM CST), but entered the OKC city limits around 7:12 PM CDT, and lifted in Midwest City around 7:48 PM CDT. Since such events constitute only a small fraction of the total, the difference is not considered to be significant.

Tornado distribution by decade (Figure 4) is largely a reflection of the data sources used. The relatively small number of tornadoes through the 1930s is dominated by strong and violent events (F2 or greater), while the increase in frequency in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s is due mainly to a larger number of weak (F0 and F1) events. The frequency of weak events almost certainly has been more constant than the data indicate, but most of the weak events before 1950 probably were not documented.

The decrease in frequency from the 1960s/70s through the 1980s/90s may be due to changes in quality control of severe weather reports. (Note: Eleven of the 15 tornadoes of the 1990s occurred on only 3 dates: 13 June 1998, 4 October 1998, and 3 May 1999.) More attention was placed on downbursts (Fujita 1985), resulting in closer inspection of wind damage and an increasing number of events being classified as straight-line (downburst) winds instead of tornadoes. If this is the case, then some of the reported tornadoes in earlier years may actually have been downbursts, and the decrease in frequency in the 1980s may actually reflect an adjustment toward more representative numbers (i.e. the totals from the 1960s and 70s may be too high).

Figure 5 shows the approximate locations and tracks of the tornadoes listed. Exact tracks are difficult to plot in many cases, especially the early ones, since the available data do not provide enough detail. (Also, many of the referenced landmarks no longer exist). Tracks of tornadoes prior to about 1970 are drawn subjectively from the information available, and may be accurate only within a few miles. This level of accuracy is still enough to reveal a slightly higher concentration of events on the south side of OKC. This trend is especially evident in F2/F3 tornadoes (shown in blue). Although several tornado "corridors" are suggested, it is likely that these distributions are no more than statistical fluctuations. Therefore, past tornado frequencies in a given location do not imply similar frequencies in the future.

Most of the tornadoes moved northeast, while a few moved east or east-southeast. Only one long-track event showed no eastward component of motion; it traveled north to north-northwest through the center of Oklahoma County and the eastern parts of OKC. Speeds, based on available reports, generally ranged from 15 to 40 mph. However, several events (especially weaker ones) displayed slow and erratic movement, and a few were nearly stationary during their short durations.

Some other interesting facts about OKC tornadoes:

  • The F5 tornado that struck the OKC metro area on May 3,1999 was the deadliest (36 killed), second costliest ($1 billion in damage), and the first and only F5 tornado on record in the immediate OKC area.

  • The EF5 tornado that devastated the OKC metro area on May 20, 2013 was the fourth deadliest (24 killed), costliest ($2 billion in damage), and the first EF5 tornado on record in the immediate OKC area. The Enhanced Fujita Scale rating system was adopted by the National Weather Service in 2007.

  • The second deadliest tornado occurred on June 12, 1942 (35 killed) and the third deadliest tornado occurred on April 25, 1893 (31 killed).

  • The third costliest tornado (in the immediate OKC area) occurred on March 20, 1948, with damage over $10 million mostly to aircraft at Tinker Air Force Base. The May 20, 2013 tornado thus produced roughly 200 times more damage than any May 20, 1948 tornado while the May 3, 1999 F5 tornado produced roughly 100 times more damage than its 1948 counterpart. (This ratio actually is considerably lower if inflation is taken into account. But even with inflation, the May 20, 2013 tornado followed by the May 3, 1999 tornado were the most costly by well over an order of magnitude with respect to the rest the documented OKC tornadoes.)

  • Thirteen violent tornadoes (eleven F4/EF4 and two F5/EF5) have struck the immediate OKC area. The most recent was on May 20, 2013.

  • The record for tornadoes in a single day is 5, which occurred during tornado outbreaks on June 8, 1974,May 31, 2013, and October 9, 2018.
  • The OKC area has been struck 30 times by two or more tornadoes on the same day:
    1. April 25, 1893 (2)
    2. May 12, 1896 (2)
    3. June 21, 1942 (2)
    4. March 20, 1948 (2)
    5. April 30, 1949 (2)
    6. April 30, 1951 (2)
    7. June 3, 1956 (2)
    8. April 28, 1960 (3)
    9. May 21, 1961 (2)
    10. August 31, 1965 (3)
    11. September 19, 1965 (2)
    12. June 10, 1967 (2)
    13. April 30, 1970 (2)
    14. June 8, 1974 (5)
    15. April 30, 1978 (3)
    16. March 28, 1988 (2)
    17. June 13, 1998 (4)
    18. May 3, 1999 (4)
    19. October 22, 2000 (2)
    20. May 8, 2003 (2)
    21. May 9, 2003 (3)
    22. November 10, 2004 (2)
    23. May 7, 2008 (2)
    24. February 10, 2009 (2)
    25. May 10, 2010 (4)
    26. May 31, 2013 (5)
    27. April 26, 2016 (2)
    28. October 9, 2018 (5)
    29. May 25, 2019 (4)
    30. October 13, 2021 (3)
    31. February 26, 2023 (4)
    Note that all but 8 events were between March and June, and that four were on April 30th.
  • Of the six November tornadoes on record, two struck on the November 10th, three occurred on November 19th, and the sixth tornado struck on November 20th.

  • Since 1950, the longest period without a tornado in the immediate OKC area is 5 years, 8 months (October 8, 1992 through June 12, 1998. The area was then struck by 12 tornadoes in the following 11 months (June 13, 1998 to May 4, 1999).

  • Since 1950, there have been only 5 periods of more than 2 years without a tornado in the immediate OKC area. One is given above and the other four are 5 years (June 1981 to May 1986), 2 years, 6 months (October 2000 to April 2003), 2 years, 5 months (April 2016 to October 2018), and 2 years, 4 months (May 2019 to October 2021).

Appendix: Fujita Scale (or F Scale) and Enhanced Fujita Scale (or EF Scale) of Tornado Damage Intensity

The Fujita Scale

Fujita Scale (or F Scale) of tornado damage intensity. The F Scale was developed based on damage intensity and not wind speed; wind speed ranges given are estimated, based on the extent of observed damage.

F ScaleCharacterEstimated windsDescription
Zero (F0)Weak40-72 mphLight Damage. Some damage to chimneys; branches broken off trees, shallow-rooted trees uprooted, sign boards damaged.
One (F1)Weak73-112 mphModerate damage. Roof surfaces peeled off; mobile homes pushed foundations or overturned; moving autos pushed off road.
Two (F2)Strong113-157 mphConsiderable damage. Roofs torn from frame houses; mobile homes demolished; boxcars pushed over; large trees snapped or uprooted; light objects become projectiles.
Three (F3)Strong158-206 mphSevere damage. Roofs and some walls torn from well- constructed houses; trains overturned; most trees in forested area uprooted; heavy cars lifted and thrown.
Four (F4)Violent207-260 mphDevastating damage. Well- constructed houses leveled; structures with weak foundation blown some distance; cars thrown; large missiles generated.
Five (F5)Violent260-318 mphIncredible damage. Strong frame houses lifted off foundations, carried considerable distances, and disintegrated; auto-sized missiles airborne for several hundred feet or more; trees debarked.

The Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF Scale)

The Enhanced Fujita Scale or EF Scale, which became operational on February 1, 2007, is used to assign a tornado a 'rating' based on estimated wind speeds and related damage. When tornado-related damage is surveyed, it is compared to a list of Damage Indicators (DIs) and Degrees of Damage (DoD) which help estimate better the range of wind speeds the tornado likely produced. From that, a rating (from EF0 to EF5) is assigned.

The EF Scale was revised from the original Fujita Scale to reflect better examinations of tornado damage surveys so as to align wind speeds more closely with associated storm damage. The new scale has to do with how most structures are designed.

EF Rating3 Second Gust (mph)
5Over 200

*** IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT EF SCALE WINDS: The EF scale still is a set of wind estimates (not measurements) based on damage. Its uses three-second gusts estimated at the point of damage based on a judgment of 8 levels of damage to the 28 indicators listed below. These estimates vary with height and exposure. Important: The 3 second gust is not the same wind as in standard surface observations. Standard measurements are taken by weather stations in open exposures, using a directly measured, "one minute mile" speed.

Assigning a Tornado Rating Using the EF Scale

The NWS is the only federal agency with authority to provide 'official' tornado EF Scale ratings. The goal is assign an EF Scale category based on the highest wind speed that occurred within the damage path. First, trained NWS personnel will identify the appropriate damage indicator (DI) [see list below] from more than one of the 28 used in rating the damage. The construction or description of a building should match the DI being considered, and the observed damage should match one of the 8 degrees of damage (DOD) used by the scale. The tornado evaluator will then make a judgment within the range of upper and lower bound wind speeds, as to whether the wind speed to cause the damage is higher or lower than the expected value for the particular DOD. This is done for several structures not just one, before a final EF rating is determined.

Enhanced Fujita Scale Damage Indicators

(Details Linked)
1Small barns, farm outbuildingsSBO
2One- or two-family residencesFR12
3Single-wide mobile home (MHSW)MHSW
4Double-wide mobile homeMHDW
5Apt, condo, townhouse (3 stories or less)ACT
7Masonry apt. or motelMAM
8Small retail bldg. (fast food)SRB
9Small professional (doctor office, branch bank)SPB
10Strip mallSM
11Large shopping mallLSM
12Large, isolated ("big box") retail bldg.LIRB
13Automobile showroomASR
14Automotive service buildingASB
15School - 1-story elementary (interior or exterior halls)ES
16School - jr. or sr. high schoolJHSH
17Low-rise (1-4 story) bldg.LRB
18Mid-rise (5-20 story) bldg.MRB
19High-rise (over 20 stories)HRB
20Institutional bldg. (hospital, govt. or university)IB
21Metal building systemMBS
22Service station canopySSC
23Warehouse (tilt-up walls or heavy timber)WHB
24Transmission line towerTLT
25Free-standing towerFST
26Free standing pole (light, flag, luminary)FSP
27Tree - hardwoodTH
28Tree - softwoodTS

Other background information:

Tornadoes in the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Area Since 1890 (2024)
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