Rosita Espinosa (TV Series)/Relationships (2024)

This page focuses on the relationships of Rosita Espinosa.


  • 1 Abraham Ford
  • 2 Eugene Porter
  • 3 Tara Chambler
  • 4 Glenn Rhee
  • 5 Maggie Rhee
  • 6 Daryl Dixon
  • 7 Rick Grimes
  • 8 Michonne Grimes
  • 9 Carol Peletier
  • 10 Denise Cloyd
  • 11 Dwight
  • 12 Negan Smith
  • 13 Spencer Monroe
  • 14 Sasha Williams
  • 15 Carl Grimes
  • 16 Arat
  • 17 Gabriel Stokes
  • 18 Siddiq
  • 19 Judith Grimes
  • 20 Socorro Espinosa
  • 21 R.J. Grimes
  • 22 Gracie
  • 23 Michael Mercer

Abraham Ford[]

Maybe we always wind up stopping because we never start at 100%.

―Rosita to Abraham[src]

Rosita Espinosa (TV Series)/Relationships (1)

Rosita and Abraham first met in Dallas, when he helped her and her group fight off walkers. He asked her to help save the world. By the time they first appear on the show, it is clear that they have a stable intimate relationship. Even so, this doesn't stop them from arguing, as shown when Eugene wakes Abraham during "Us" and he discovers they're outside the other end of the tunnel Glenn and Tara entered, the two began to argue about Rosita stopping the vehicle they found and delaying their plan.

Rosita Espinosa (TV Series)/Relationships (2)

In "Self Help", Rosita and Abraham are shown to have a relationship involving both emotional and physical caring, whether it be making love in the bookstore or Rosita attempting to bandage Abraham's wounds and ask him to stop and rest for a day. This relationship is severely strained when Abraham shoves Rosita to the ground after she tries to stop him from manhandling Eugene. When she again intervenes after he beats Eugene unconscious, she's frightened that he will hit her, so much so that she holds her sidearm. The realization that she is afraid of him rattles him into walking away. In Crossed, Rosita tries to snap Abraham out of his trance, only distancing herself when she's afraid he will hit her.

Rosita Espinosa (TV Series)/Relationships (3)

This put a strain on their relationship and they kept their distance until Abraham worryingly asked if she believed he would have hurt her, but she answers "no", showing signs of them beginning to resolve their differences. The two have since patched up their relationship, as they are frequently seen together. In "Not Tomorrow Yet", Abraham decides to break up with Rosita and leave their home. Rosita questions this decision and Abraham replies "When I first met you, I thought you were the last woman on Earth - you're not," thus showing the end of the relationship.

Rosita is left distraught after Negan kills Abraham. Negan senses the two were together and forces her to look at his bat, now covered in Abraham's blood. She later helps carry his body to the RV. After recovering from Abraham's death, Rosita is sure if he would be still alive that Rick and the group would rise up and fight against Negan and the Saviors. Rosita later tries to avenge Abraham by unsuccessfully attempting to kill Negan, but plans to try again.

Eugene Porter[]

I'm glad it was you, in the end.

―Rosita to Eugene[src]

Eugene and Rosita typically share a friendly relationship and think of each other as family. However they can often come to blows over each other's actions and beliefs. Rosita eventually meets Eugene along with Abraham and assists in getting him to Washington, D.C. in hopes to cure the walker virus. Rosita feels betrayed by Eugene many months later when he confesses to not being a scientist that could cure the epidemic as many people gave their lives to protect him. Despite this, she still stops an enraged Abraham from beating him to death. She also works to reconcile Abraham and Eugene's relationship, showing a level of compassion. In Season 6, Rosita, under a lot of stress, berated and belittled Eugene a lot, in a tough love move in order to make him man up and stop being a coward. As seen in "No Way Out" and "Twice as Far". Eugene also tries to comfort Rosita after her breakup with Abraham, but Rosita shuts him out. When Negan and the Saviors enter into their lives which results in Abraham's death, she orders Eugene to make a bullet from a spent casing when Alexandria's armory is confiscated by the group. Eugene's hesitation to this infuriates Rosita, who calls him a coward and that he's only alive because people feel sorry for him. With the bullet made, Rosita eventually apologizes for insulting him but Eugene refuses to accept, saying she meant what she said. When Eugene is taken by the Saviors after Rosita attempts to kill Negan, Rosita is devastated and pleads for her to be taken instead.

When Rosita and Sasha attempt to rescue Eugene, he declines to join them and retreats to the Sanctuary. Rosita is angered at his betrayal, destroying whatever friendship they had.

In "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life", Rosita seethes as Eugene attempts to convince Rick and the other Alexandrians to surrender. Despite her hatred, she turns her head away as she attempts to detonate the explosives seemingly planted next to Eugene, not wishing to see the results.

After Rosita learned from Dwight that Eugene helped the Saviors to escape the sieged Sanctuary, she developed hatred towards Eugene.

In "Worth" she told Eugene that he is responsible for all of the recent causalities. Rosita expresses a plan to lock Eugene up and use him to come up with things to improve the community and makes it clear to him that all he has accomplished is betraying the only friends he ever had. After Eugene vomits on her and flees, Rosita chooses to hunt him with the intention of killing him.

In "Wrath", after the Savior weapons suddenly explode, Rosita quickly realizes that Eugene is responsible. As a result, Rosita saves Eugene's life during the battle, protecting him once more. After the war ends, Rosita asks about the exploding Savior weapons and Eugene confirms that he was in fact responsible. Eugene makes it clear that it was Rosita's words to him that got Eugene to do the right thing. Rosita punches Eugene in retaliation for Eugene vomiting on her, but otherwise appears to forgive him.

At some point Eugene developed feelings for Rosita. He expresses jealousy at her relationship with Gabriel and later attempts to confess his feelings as they're fleeing the herd. Rosita stops him from doing so, implying that she doesn't feel the same way about him. She clearly still cares about him, however, as she risked her life to help him escape a herd of walkers, and refused to let him distract the herd so she could get away.

In the episode "Morning Star" after learning Eugene has been talking to Stephanie and has feelings for him, she encourages him to go for it.

She later comforts him after Shira, who pretended to be Stephanie, turns out to be a spy from Lance Hornsby that pretended to be in a relationship with him in order to learn information about their group.

In "Rest in Peace", Rosita first confides in Eugene about her fatal walker bite. Eugene is heartbroken and the two state their love for each other, as they were best friends and like family to one another. Eugene would be the last person by Rosita's side as she passes away, with Rosita saying "I'm glad it was you, in the end."

Tara Chambler[]

Rosita is shown to have a friendly relationship with Tara, she also shows concern about Tara after being injured and Glenn wants to continue looking for Maggie to the point of yelling at Glenn and explaining she'll do what Glenn says because she feels she owes him. Abraham implies Tara is attracted to Rosita - whether or not Rosita is aware of this is unknown. Their relationship is shown later when Rosita gives her a goodbye hug and wishing her and Glenn luck. During season 5, Tara and Rosita are often seen together and Tara will often follow Rosita into dangerous situations and due to the time spent together, Rosita may be aware of the attraction. Rosita primarily cared for Tara after she fell into a coma until Tara awoke. In season 6, Tara and Rosita's friendship continued to grow. When Rosita gave up believing that Abraham was alive and that she'd make it, it was Tara's pep talk that spurred her back into action. Additionally, when Denise was taken by Owen, Rosita made sure Tara didn't go on a suicide mission, forcing her to keep a clear and logical head. In "Not Tomorrow Yet", Rosita said bye to Tara as she left.

In "New Best Friends", Tara and Rosita get into an argument about going to search for and instead of going to back to Alexandria, despite Rick and Aaron being hurt.

In "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life", after Rosita gets shot by the Scavengers, Tara helps get her to the infirmary.

In "Time for After", Tara and Rosita argue on whether they should attack the sanctuary by driving the truck into the building and Rosita says it's to risky and leaves.

Glenn Rhee[]

Try not to be an ass.

―Rosita to Glenn[src]

Rosita and Glenn have a relatively friendly relationship, their relationship likely developed further when Rosita gave Glenn the picture of Maggie he had taken back at the prison. Despite their relationship Rosita yells at Glenn for not considering Tara's injury calling him an "ass", however when Glenn and Tara are about to enter the tunnel she gives him a goodbye hug and tells him to try not to be an ass. In season 5, Glenn went with Rosita on the trip. They formed a strong bond and Glenn officially invited her to be part of the group. Lately, they are shown to deeply respect each other and work well together, most recently going to find Daryl and her opening up over Denise's death. Rosita was heartbroken and horrified when Negan killed Glenn shortly after Abraham.

Maggie Rhee[]

Rosita and Maggie have a relatively friendly relationship. When Abraham became despondent after finding out the truth about Eugene and his behavior towards others in the group became unpredictable and dangerous, Maggie pulled her gun on him of out concern for Rosita. Rosita seemed deeply saddened for Maggie when they found Daryl holding Beth's dead body.

In "The Key" Rosita helped Maggie by ambushing Georgie and her group.

In "Outpost 22", Rosita and Maggie reunite with tears in their eyes, showcasing a strong bond between the pair.

Daryl Dixon[]

Rosita and Daryl are shown to be close friends after both bonded over the loss of Denise. She joins him in his search for Dwight and is shown to have become a good friend to him. When Negan taunted Rosita after he killed Abraham, Daryl came to her defense by punching Negan, which caused him to kill Glenn as punishment, and Daryl taken prisoner later on.

In "The Day Will Come When You Won't Be", Negan is taunting a devastated Rosita by forcing his bloody baseball bat into her face after beating Abraham to death. This is shown to anger Daryl and he attacks Negan in Rosita's defense. She is later shown to be upset when Negan took Daryl away.

In "Time for After", Rosita and Daryl get into an argument about whether if they should drive the truck into the sanctuary and finish off the Saviors but she says its to risky and she leaves.

In "Still Gotta Mean Something", Daryl agrees with Rosita's plan to take out Eugene so that the Saviors can't make anymore ammunition.

In "Worth", Rosita and Daryl tried to kidnap Eugene, although the latter managed to escape afterwards.

Rick Grimes[]

I believe in Rick Grimes.

―Rosita to Tara[src]

Rick was initially distrustful of Rosita, Abraham, and Eugene, but after learning that they had saved Glenn, Maggie, Sasha, and Bob, he quickly accepted them into the group.

Rick and Rosita had a few disagreements to begin, as seen when she opposes Rick's plan to return to Terminus to kill everyone else left and questioned the logic of Rick's plan to kill Gareth and the Hunters. However Rick has been shown to trust Rosita and Abraham to accompany members of his group and she does what he says showing that the two are relativity on even terms now.

In "Conquer", after Rick wakes up, Michonne tells Rick that Rosita patched him up.

In "Now", she can be seen smiling and nodding as Rick gives a speech.

In "The Day Will Come When You Won't Be", Rick reflects on fond memories of Rosita, showing that he has come to see her as as much a member of his "family" as anyone else.

Their relationship becomes slightly strained after Negan kills Abraham and Glenn, as Rosita disagrees with Rick's decision to submit to the Saviors. However, she still defends Rick to Spencer when the latter questions his leadership, asking if he thinks he can do better.

In "Rock in the Road", Rick trusts Rosita's knowledge in disarming the explosives, and follows her instructions, while telling the others to do so, as well.

In "Time for After", she refuses to aid Daryl and Tara, as she has more faith in Rick.

By the time when the war with Negan has begun, Rick seems far more trusting of Rosita and even seems to view her as a core member of the group.

Rosita is stunned and saddened at Rick's "death"

Michonne Grimes[]

Rosita and Michonne have formed a friendship since meeting. They open up to each other about how things have changed since coming to Alexandria, while travelling to find Sasha. Rosita manages to support Michonne in her time of need. Recently, they both went to find Daryl when he went missing.

In "The King, the Widow, and Rick" as Michonne is about to leave to see the Sanctuary surrounding by walkers, Rosita tells her to stay and wait for the next fight, but she decides to go with her anyway, despite both of them still healing from their injuries.

In "The Key" she helped Michonne by ambushing Georgie and her group.

Carol Peletier[]

Rosita and Carol appear to respect each other, though they don't have much interaction.

In "Not Tomorrow Yet" Rosita disagrees with Carol's decision to not tell Rick about Morgan keeping a prisoner. However, it's implied that she might just be taking out her anger over Abraham leaving her.

Denise Cloyd[]

And I wanted you here because you're alone, probably for the first time in your life.

―Denise to Rosita moments before her death[src]

Denise and Rosita are shown to be very close friends as Rosita works as for Denise's medical assistant. After the death of Pete, Rosita now becomes Denise's medical assistant, and helps her when they bring in an injured Holly. In several episodes they are both seen frequently speaking. In "Twice As Fire" Rosita and Denise interact the most together in all of the episode. When Denise is killed by Dwight, Rosita becomes saddened by her friend's death. After chasing after Daryl several days later, Rosita suggests to let Daryl go and kill the Saviors for what they did to Denise, showing that she did care for her and is still angered over what happened. After Tara returns to Alexandria and finds out about Denise, Rosita wants to get revenge on what they have done to Denise and Rosita's friends.


Rosita initially hates Dwight for killing Denise. After Daryl is searching for Dwight, she joins him, likely because she wants to have revenge on him and she sees him as a threat. In "Something They Need", Rosita takes Dwight back to Alexandria and appears to believe that he wishes to help them against Negan or at least to be more willing to hear him out than Rick despite her hatred for Dwight.

However, after the Saviors bombed Alexandria, Rosita is the only person who offers to help Dwight after he is shot, implying that she has grown to trust him more after his betrayal of Negan. This is further shown when she sides with his decision to hold of going to the Hilltop until the Saviors left the area.

Negan Smith[]

Rosita vehemently despises Negan for killing her ex-lover Abraham and for cruelly executing her dear friend, Glenn when the group is captured by the Saviors. Rosita is among those who wish to exact retribution but due to Rick's unwillingness to do so she grudgingly complies to serving Negan's demands. Impatient and infuriated, Rosita plots to assassinate Negan no matter the cost even if it results in her death.

Rosita, armed with a sidearm with a bullet made for her by Eugene, plans to kill Negan when he unceremoniously returns to Alexandria with Carl Grimes. Despite opposition by Father Gabriel, Rosita loses her patience and shoots at Negan when Spencer is murdered in front of her and the community. The bullet ends up hitting Negan's weapon, Lucille, which saves him much to Rosita's dismay. Negan is furious at this attempt on his life and has Olivia executed as punishment. Rosita has not given up trying to kill Negan, and is planning another attempt with Sasha.

After Sasha's death, Rosita was very shaken, and let go of her personal quest for vengeance against Negan. She still hates him, and wants him defeated, but is more willing to be patient and work with others to achieve that.

Despite her hatred of Negan, she doesn't show any anger over Rick's decision to imprison him rather than kill him.

Spencer Monroe[]

Rosita and Spencer have a good relationship as they both seem to respect each other. After the Wolves attack Alexandria, Spencer asks if this is what she had to deal with outside the walls of Alexandria which she says yes. Spencer relieves Rosita for lookout duty and she compliments him on him killing the Wolf truck driver that nearly destroyed Alexandria's gates. After Abraham left her, she is seen having an affair with Spencer. However, it is unknown if the relationship is just sexual or romantic as she was reluctant to accept his dinner invitation, but eventually said yes. In "Sing Me a Song, their relationship appears to be hostile when Spencer warns Rosita that they must produce for the Saviors as part of their new "tax." Rosita chastises him, tells him to leave her alone and leaves with Eugene. Rosita was horrified and heart broken when Negan killed Spencer. Rosita tried to shoot Negan in revenge for killing Spencer.

Sasha Williams[]

What the hell you telling me for? We both had sex with the same dead guy... but that doesn't make us friends.

―Rosita to Sasha[src]

While Rosita and Sasha have barely spoken to one another, they seem to have a friendship. Rosita, along with Michonne, helps Sasha fight off walkers, to which Sasha confides in them about Noah. There appears to be an underlying tension between the duo, as seen at the end of "Twice as Far".

After Abraham is killed by Negan, Sasha approaches Rosita and tells her that she will take Abraham's body. Rosita nods, and the two hold hands on top of his body before Eugene helps them carry Abraham away. When Sasha reunites with Rick and the others as they arrive at the Hilltop. Rosita gives her a reassuring nod, which she returns.

In "Rock in the Road", however when Sasha tries to talk to Rosita, she blows her off and refuses to be friends just because they both slept with Abraham.

In "Say Yes", Rosita makes her way to The Hilltop in search of Sasha, and tells her that she needs her help: she wants to move on The Sanctuary to try again to kill Negan. Despite making it clear that it's almost certainly a suicide mission, Sasha agrees, on the condition that she take the shot (knowing she won't miss).

In "The Other Side" their friendship is more strained when Rosita rebuffs Sasha's attempts to make small talk. Later on, Rosita opens up to Sasha, revealing where she learned everything she knows. She learned about bombs, cars, knots etc from men she dated. They wanted to protect her, Rosita tells Sasha, but she always ended up surpassing their skills.

When Rosita attempts to attack the Sanctuary, Sasha closes the opening behind her at the last minute, locking Rosita out. Despite Rosita's protests, Sasha tells her it is not her time and that Alexandria still needs her. Rosita watches angrily and sad as Sasha breaks into the Sanctuary.

In "Time for After", it is shown that Rosita is affected by Sasha's sacrifice, as she mentions to Daryl she had to learn to wait instead of going rogue after seeing Sasha walk out of the coffin, showing she is saddened for causing her death.

Carl Grimes[]

Rosita and Carl have never had much screen time together, but it seems as though they respect each other as survivors and skilled warriors and have formed a close friendship. While Rick and Michonne generally treated Carl as a child, Rosita seemed to treat Carl as an adult. She is most likely saddened over his death.


....After you sliced my face open with a knife? Not really.

―Rosita to Arat[src]

Rosita and Arat have a spiteful relationship.

When Rosita attempted to assassinate Negan, she accidentally shot Lucille, something that infuriated Negan and ordered Arat to punish Rosita. As a result, Arat cut her cheek, leaving a permanent scar.

In "The Bridge", Rosita and Arat work together, in order to distract the walkers, although Rosita shows her distrust towards her.

Gabriel Stokes[]

Gabriel and Rosita have a close relationship, at first starting out as acquaintances, becoming a couple years later, and then remaining close friends after their break-up.

When Rosita was considering killing Negan herself with a bullet that she had Eugene make for her, she counsels with Gabriel over it, believing that she will be killed immediately after killing Negan. Gabriel is present when Rosita attempts to shoot Negan and fails. While being attacked by Arat, Gabriel appeared to be concerned for her safety.

About seven and a half years after All Out War, Gabriel and Rosita have started a romantic relationship. They show a deep love and admiration for each other. Gabriel adopts Coco after the death of Siddiq, opting to raise her and be the new father figure for Rosita's daughter. They remain together during the Whisperer War, but their relationship slowly dwindles during the long conflict with the Commonwealth.

By "Lockdown", the two had broken up. They remain close friends and continue to operate well together.

In "Family", Rosita states that she is grateful that she is by Gabriel's side when they take the train for their finale confrontation against Pamela.

In "Rest in Peace" Gabriel is the second person that Rosita confides in about her impending death from a walker bite. Gabriel is the second last person to speak to her, as he solemnly prays for her. Gabriel would go on to raise Coco on his own after Rosita's death.


Prior to getting together with Gabriel, Rosita and Siddiq apparently had some sort of relationship. This relationship was evidently sexual in nature, as she is now carrying his baby.

In Open Your Eyes, when Siddiq attempts to commit suicide by drowning himself, Rosita manages to save him and asks why he would do that. When he refuses to talk, she pushes on and Siddiq confesses that he can't escape his memories about the night their friends were killed by the Whisperers and he says he feels he failed Enid. Rosita tells him not to be upset with himself and they are all here to help.

When Siddiq is murdered by Dante, he reanimates and Rosita was forced to put him down. She becomes upset and saddened over Siddiq's death and brutally beats up Dante for it.

Judith Grimes[]

Pieces of wood are nice. But you don't need that to remember how much they loved you. Besides, I'm really good at fixing things.

―Rosita to Judith.[src]

Rosita and Judith haven't interacted much, but after Judith was rescued from Jocelyn's group, Rosita hugged and picked her up, suggesting a somewhat close relationship.

As Negan chases after Judith in "The Storm", Rosita's voice can be heard in the background calling for her as well. This implies that she also ran after Judith.

In "Stalker", Rosita fights Beta to protect Judith and R.J.

In "Out of the Ashes", Rosita finds Judith sitting on the porch with her broken keepsake. When Judith tears up and says everyone is gone, Rosita comforts her and tells her a story of her own upbringing.

Socorro Espinosa[]

Rosita loves Socorro, who she affectionally nicknames Coco, very much. As a fetus she would call her "Peanut".

Despite putting stress on her relationship with Gabriel, Rosita would call her pregnancy a "blessing," and a "good thing".

Rosita is extremely protective of Coco, and has been shown to ferociously fighting to protect her against larger opponents.

Rosita also fears for her daughter's safety, and has nightmares following Siddiq's death. In these nightmares she dreams about Whisperers killing her daughter in her crib. Rosita tells Gabriel that she can no longer fight walkers recklessly because she refuses to leave Coco an orphan.

R.J. Grimes[]

Rosita and R.J. haven't interacted much, but R.J. refers to Rosita as "Tia Rosita," in "What We Become", suggesting a somewhat close relationship.

Rosita also fights Beta to protect R.J. and Judith in "Stalker".


Rosita seems to care for Gracie.

Michael Mercer[]

I respect that. If the time comes and you decide to go and you need getting help, I got you.

―Mercer promising to have Rosita's back.[src]

Rosita Espinosa (TV Series)/Relationships (4)

Rosita and Mercer have a good relationship. Rosita competes in orientation to become a soldier in the Commonwealth military, which is led by Mercer. He appears to be impressed by her speed and teamwork. He is later shown to trust her, as he asks her to interrogate Magna about the resistance.

Rosita appears to have become one of Mercer's most reliable soldiers. He asks her to help deal with a herd of walkers despite it being her day off. While the troopers deal with the herd, Mercer and Rosita have a heart to heart, with Mercer saying he needs more soldiers like Rosita. Rosita tells him that she'll help him with anything outside the walls, but her family is her priority. Mercer respects Rosita for this and promises to have her back if the time comes.

Their relationship briefly becomes strained after Sebastian's death, as Mercer is forced to interrogate anyone associated with Eugene, including Rosita. Rosita is shown to be frustrated with Mercer about this, offended he is treating her like a stranger. However, Mercer drops the act and says he respects her, even if she may not respect him at that moment. Mercer eventually turns against Pamela and helps Rosita find her daughter, rekindling their relationship. Mercer is presumably saddened about Rosita's death.


TV Series Characters Relationships
King CountyRickShaneMorgan
Atlanta CampDarylLoriCarlCarolGlennDaleAndreaMerleTheodoreMoralesAmyJimJacquiSophiaEd
Atlanta Nursing HomeGuillermoFelipeMiguel
Center for Disease ControlEdwin
Greene Family FarmHershelMaggieBethPatriciaOtisJimmy
The LivingRandallDaveTony
Michonne's GroupMichonne
The PrisonJudithBobLizzieMikaCalebPatrickZachAxelOscarAndrewTomasBig Tiny
Tyreese's GroupTyreeseSashaAllenBen
Chambler FamilyTaraLillyMeghanDavid
Martinez's GroupPeteMitchAlisha
Abraham's GroupAbrahamRositaEugene
The ClaimersJoeLen
St. Sarah's ChurchGabriel
Grady Memorial HospitalDawnNoahStevenGormanO'DonnellBobJoan
Alexandria Safe ZoneDeannaRegSpencerAidenAaronEricJessiePeteRonSamEnidTobinOliviaNicholasHeathDeniseCarterR.J.
The WolvesOwen
The SaviorsNeganSimonDwightSherryAldenGavinJaredLauraD.J.AratReginaGaryPaulaJedJustinBrandonGraciePotterFrankieAmberTanyaTina
Hilltop ColonyGregoryJesusHarlanEarlTammyGageAdelineRodneyHershel
The KingdomEzekielJerryBenjaminHenryRichard
The ScavengersAnne
Magna's GroupMagnaYumikoConnieKellyLuke
The WhisperersLydiaAlphaBetaDanteMaryFrances
The HighwaymenOzzyMargoAlfred
Jocelyn's GroupJocelyn
Bloodsworth IslandVirgil
The ReapersLeahPopeCarverMancea
The CommonwealthPamelaSebastianLanceMercerMaxxineShiraTomichiTylerVickersTobyWarden
Miscellaneous SurvivorsClaraSamAnaEastmanSiddiqJuanitaMaysLucille
Rosita Espinosa (TV Series)/Relationships (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.