Micah Bell (2024)

I believe there's winners and losers... and nothing else besides.
Micah Bell

Micah Bell III (referred to as Micah Bell) is a central character and the main antagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2. He is also mentioned in Red Dead Online.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Background
    • 1.2 Events of Red Dead Redemption 2
      • 1.2.1 Colter Chapter
      • 1.2.2 Horseshoe Overlook Chapter
      • 1.2.3 Clemens Point Chapter
      • 1.2.4 Saint Denis Chapter
      • 1.2.5 Guarma Chapter
      • 1.2.6 Beaver Hollow Chapter
      • 1.2.7 Beecher's Hope Chapter
  • 2 Character
    • 2.1 Personality
    • 2.2 Appearance
      • 2.2.1 1899
      • 2.2.2 1907
  • 3 Mission appearances
  • 4 Notable Murders Committed
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 Gallery
    • 7.1 Promotional
    • 7.2 In-game
  • 8 References
  • 9 Navigation



A career criminal and hitman. Wild and unpredictable but he lives for the action.
Rockstar Games.
Micah Bell (1)

Micah Bell III was born circa 1860 to Micah Bell Jr., a ruthless petty outlaw. When Micah was 17, in 1877, he and his father were on the run for the brutal double homicide of Roscoe and Jean Briggs, who were hung from the rafters with their throats slit.[1] It can be assumed that he was his father's partner-in-crime throughout his upbringing, although evidence suggests that he also ran with his brother, Amos, for a time. Micah would later have a falling out with Amos, who, by 1899, is repentant of his actions and lives in California with his wife and daughters, whilst making it clear to Micah that he wants no contact with him, threatening to kill him if he's anywhere near himself and his family.[2]

Micah became acquainted with two outlaws named Cleet and Joe at some point during his criminal career, and also mentions being involved in a failed bank robbery down south with a man named Norman.

In 1898, Micah met Dutch van der Linde at a bar in a town in the Grizzlies named Crenshaw Hills. Dutch had tried to sell gold that his gang had recently stolen, but the deal went sour, leading to an altercation in which Micah stepped in and saved Dutch's life.[3] As a result, Micah was accepted into the Van der Linde gang. Despite being an experienced outlaw who was respected for his skill in combat, Micah was generally disliked within the gang; in particular, Arthur and Hosea saw him as argumentative, reckless and hotheaded, with Dutch alone taking a liking to him.[4]

After five months, Micah set his sights on a ferry in Blackwater as a potential robbery. Although Arthur and Hosea had their own lead, Dutch instead chose Micah's option, which promised a bigger reward but was also riskier. The heist turned out to be a complete disaster, however, and a huge gun battle with the Pinkertons ensued. Due to this, the gang was forced to flee and eventually managed to lose the law by entering a blizzard on the snowy mountains of Ambarino. Unfortunately, both Jenny Kirk and Davey Callander were fatally injured and Mac Callander was captured and killed by Pinkertons.

Events of Red Dead Redemption 2

Colter Chapter

Along with John Marston, Micah was sent to scout ahead while the rest of the gang looked for some shelter. After settling at an abandoned mining town named Colter, Dutch and Arthur ride out to try and find any sign of Micah or John. After a short ride north, they come across Micah, who is seen riding with a lantern. He says that he found a homestead up north that appears to be throwing a party. The three eventually come across the homestead, where Micah and Arthur take cover while Dutch tries to persuade the occupants to help them. Whilst in cover, Micah discovers a dead body in the wagon and alerts Arthur, before a shootout occurs when the house's inhabitants are revealed to be O'Driscolls who attempt to kill them.

After killing the enemy gang members, they loot the home, Micah finds a distressed woman in the cellar and begins harassing her. Dutch and Arthur enter to try and defuse the situation, but, believing her to be an O'Driscoll, Micah flips the table, knocking down the lantern and setting the house ablaze. The trio soon realise that she is not an enemy, so they grab her and leave the burning ranch. After returning to camp, Micah finds out he is bunked with Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella, and Lenny Summers, prompting him to make racist remarks about his bunkmates. Micah is also ordered to go back to the homestead and bury Jake Adler, though he most likely didn't since there is no evidence of any grave nearby.

Micah later gets into an argument with Bill and punches him in the face, although Bill is restrained by Lenny, Arthur, and Javier before a fight can break out. Dutch then comes in and reprimands the two before telling them that they are going to launch an assault against an O'Driscoll camp, which Micah is involved in. At the end, Micah searches the camp and finds information about a train which the O'Driscolls were planning to rob and gives the map to Dutch. Dutch later decides to rob this Cornwall train, and Micah is part of the crew involved with the robbery. After the guards are eliminated, he searches the train for loot with Arthur and Lenny.

Horseshoe Overlook Chapter

While the gang's wagon train transfers from Colter to Horseshoe Overlook, Dutch sends Micah scouting together with Lenny. They briefly return to the gang's new camp (Micah can be met at the Horseshoe campfire during the early stages of the Chapter) before they are sent out scouting once again by Susan Grimshaw.[5] The two of them end up in the area of Strawberry. Bell decides to seek a former criminal associate of his, Norman, who lives in Strawberry. After playing some Five Finger Fillet with Norman and other men, Micah gets into a drunken fight which culminates in him killing two men (most likely members of the O'Driscoll gang), landing him in the local jail where he shares a cell with a member of the O'Driscoll gang.

Lenny, who manages to escape from Strawberry, rushes to the gang's new camp and notifies Dutch and Arthur about Micah's arrest. Ordered to so by Dutch, Arthur reluctantly rides to Strawberry and rescues his fellow gang member. After being freed, Micah immediately shoots his O'Driscoll cellmate in the head, and the pair clear off the guards in the immediate area. Arthur insists they should leave, but Micah instead fights his way through town to get his prized revolvers back, searching for Norman, who has taken possession of his guns after his arrest. Micah soon finds him and kills both him and his wife before retrieving his guns and resuming his escape from the town. The reckless charge leaves many lawmen dead and almost costs both Micah and Arthur their lives; afterward, Arthur scolds Micah for his carelessness.

Not wishing to return to Dutch emptyhanded after the massacre in Strawberry, Micah remains in Big Valley to work on a robbery. He is later joined by Arthur and asks him to help him rob a stagecoach. After a brief gunfight, the pair of outlaws take the stagecoach, before a gang of O'Driscolls attempt to steal it from them. Micah and Arthur camp on one side of the river, and after a long fight, annihilate the enemy gang. Arthur and Micah then take the loot and, now feeling that he has redeemed himself, Micah returns to the rest of the gang. At some point later, when the gang realize that they need to relocate, Micah suggests Dewberry Creek as a possible place to go. Arthur and Charles Smith investigate the location and decide that it is a poor choice for camp, so they eventually decide to settle at Clemens Point instead.

Clemens Point Chapter

At some point, news reaches the gang that the O'Driscolls intend to hold a truce meeting for Dutch and Colm. Hosea believes it to be a trap, and Dutch initially agrees with him. Micah, on the other hand, insists it is worth going to and successfully convinces Dutch to attend. Dutch, Micah, and Arthur ride out to meet the O'Driscolls and converse along the way, with Micah reasoning that it’s a chance for the gang to have one less enemy to worry about. However, the meeting results in Arthur's capture after he is sent to a secluded spot above to be a sniper. Unaware of this, Dutch and Micah leave unscathed and return to camp.

A few weeks later, Arthur meets Micah, Bill, and Sean MacGuire in Rhodes to discuss a potential protection job with Sheriff Leigh Gray and his family. However, it turns out to be a trap, as the Grays discovered that the Van der Linde gang were responsible for burning their tobacco fields. Sean is killed in the ambush, leaving the other three gang members to fight the lawmen and Gray hired guns. Bill is soon captured, leaving Arthur and Micah to work together. After dealing with most of the enemies, Micah and Arthur confront Sheriff Gray and demand the release of Bill. Leigh Gray then exits his office with a gun to Bill’s head but is killed by Arthur, before his accomplices are gunned down by Micah and Arthur. After the shootout, Arthur angrily blames Sean's death on Micah and Bill's carelessness and asks Bill to give Sean a proper burial. After the Braithwaites abduct Jack, Dutch tells Micah and Kieran Duffy to stay behind and protect the camp while the rest of the gunmen assault Braithwaite Manor to rescue Jack.

Saint Denis Chapter

Micah gets a lead on a heavily guarded stagecoach and decides to bring Arthur and Bill along for the robbery. Using dynamite, they stop the stagecoach before descending upon it. After a short fight with the well-armed guards, the stagecoach's loot is taken by the three, who divide the spoils.

Micah later takes part in the robbery of the Lemoyne National Bank in Saint Denis. After it goes sour, he and some of the other gang members - namely Dutch, Arthur, Bill, and Javier - board a ship destined for the South Pacific.

Guarma Chapter

After the vessel sinks during a storm, Micah washes up on the shores of Guarma with everyone besides Arthur. Not long after Arthur finds the others, they are ambushed and captured by Guarman troops. After they manage to escape with the help of Hercule Fontaine, they go and rest at the rebel outpost of La Capilla, where Micah stays for a time. He eventually goes to Cinco Torres along with the rest of the gang, soon before federal troops descend upon it. After fighting off the enemy attack, Micah reports that Colonel Fussar has positioned artillery batteries on the beaches to prevent them from leaving. Micah and the gang then storm the batteries, where he places dynamite in order to blow them up. He then takes part in the charge against Aguasdulces, which results in the ship captain being rescued and the five were able to leave safely. Along with the rest of the gang, Micah then sets sail out of Guarma and returns to the United States.

Beaver Hollow Chapter

At some point after arriving back in America, Micah secretly became an informant for the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, who later assault the gang's hideout in Lakay. The gang barely survives the assault, managing to push government forces out thanks mainly to the efforts of Arthur, Sadie, and Bill.

Following the Pinkerton assault in Lakay, the gang are forced to move their camp to Beaver Hollow. From that point forward, Micah starts having a strong influence on Dutch, who has become increasingly dismayed at Arthur's decaying trust in him, mainly caused by the latter's discovery that he is terminally ill with tuberculosis. Micah becomes more influential, acting as Dutch’s new enforcer and right-hand man.

Micah makes a plan with Dutch to confront Leviticus Cornwall after his yacht comes into Annesburg. The two bring along Arthur, and the three wait for him at the docks. Micah goes and searches for information relating to the Cornwall company, while Dutch and Arthur confront him. After Dutch kills Cornwall, Micah rendezvous with the two other men and the three fight their way out of the town. Later on, Micah, Arthur, and Bill meet up outside of Van Horn to make plans for stealing some of Cornwall's dynamite, as part of Dutch and Micah's plan. After an argument with Arthur, Micah instructs him and Bill to carry out the task themselves, citing that he has planning to do. After this has been done, Micah asks Arthur to help John to blow up Bacchus Bridge with the stolen dynamite.

Micah later shows up with two former criminal associates, Cleet and Joe, who wish to join the gang. Dutch happily accepts them, due to him seeing a collapse in loyalty from the rest of the gang. Micah capitalizes on this, creating more conflict between Dutch, John, and Arthur by trying to convince Dutch that the latter two are traitors while showing superficial loyalty to Dutch. When Eagle Flies shows up at camp and the majority of the gang join him in the battle against the US Army, Micah stays behind at camp with Cleet and Joe.

Micah organizes the robbery of a train carrying army payroll and also takes part in it. During the robbery, John gets shot and falls off the train. Dutch says that he will go back for him, but ultimately leaves him to die, lying to the rest of the gang that John was already dead by the time they got to him. After the robbery ends and everyone makes a return to camp, the gang learn from Tilly that Pinkertons have kidnapped Abigail. Micah convinces Dutch not to go after her, saying that the risks are too high; Dutch agrees with him and decides that Abigail is not worth saving. Appalled by this decision, Arthur and Sadie set off to rescue her alone.

During the operation to rescue Abigail, Arthur learns from Agent Milton that Micah had betrayed the gang and had been feeding the Pinkertons with information ever since his return from Guarma. Upon learning this, Arthur returns to camp to confront Micah about it in front of the rest of the gang. A standoff occurs, with Arthur and Micah drawing on each other. Arthur tries to convince Dutch that Micah is the traitor, while Micah tries to get Dutch on his side by denying it and telling him that they could achieve plenty together. Before anything else can happen, John suddenly returns, still wounded, claiming that Dutch and Micah left him to die, and he subsequently joins Arthur's side. Susan also joins Arthur's side and points a shotgun at Micah, but Micah kills her while she is distracted with the news of the Pinkertons' arrival. In the end, all of the remaining members of the gang aside from John and Arthur side with Micah.

Pinkertons led by Agent Ross arrive, launching another assault on the gang. Micah and everyone who sided with him then flee the scene. Later, Micah reappears leading Dutch, Cleet, and Joe, trying to pursue Arthur and John on horseback, exclaiming that they are traitors. Due to the continuous exchange of fire with Pinkertons, Micah's posse ultimately loses track of them. The following set of events depend on the player's choice and Arthur's level of Honor:

If Arthur helps John to escape: Arthur and John run away together and decide to traverse the mountains. Eventually, Arthur tells John to keep going alone, while he holds off the Pinkertons. After doing so, Micah tackles him from behind and assaults him. After the two fall off a ledge, they engage in a lengthy fistfight. At the end of a long, grueling fight, Arthur pistol-whips Micah with one of his revolvers after being pinned against a wall but loses his grip on it. Arthur then crawls towards this revolver in order to kill Micah, but he is ultimately prevented from doing so by Dutch, who steps on Arthur's hand before he can use the gun. Arthur reiterates that Micah is the rat and says that he always did his best for Dutch and that John was the only one who made it, while Micah picks up his other revolver from the ground and begs Dutch to go with him and get the money. In the end, Dutch walks away, abandoning both Micah and Arthur.

  • High Honor: Angered at Dutch's decision to cut all ties with him, Micah furiously departs from the scene, leaving Arthur to die. He does so shortly afterward, after witnessing one final sunrise.
  • Low Honor: After Dutch leaves, Micah vengefully approaches Arthur and aims a revolver at his head, bitterly claiming that Arthur is no better than him. He then shoots Arthur in the forehead and proudly laughs, before spitting on his corpse and walking away.

If Arthur goes back for the money: Arthur leaves John to steal the gang's money hidden back in the caves, but he is suddenly attacked by Micah on his way out, who stabs Arthur in the side with his own knife during a brief struggle. Arthur manages to wrestle Micah off him and the two engage in a lengthy knife fight.

  • High Honor: Eventually, Arthur manages to blind Micah in the left eye by slashing it with a knife, to which Micah responds by tackling Arthur to the ground and trying to stab him, but to no avail. Arthur bites Micah's hand and punches him in the face, successfully fending him off. Dutch arrives and breaks it up, but after Arthur reiterates that Micah was the traitor, he decides to abandon both of them, despite Micah dismissing Arthur's claims as "nonsense". Micah also leaves and is seen taking the sack of money which Arthur stole from Dutch’s chest, leaving Arthur to succumb to his tuberculosis and the initial stab wound in the rays of the dawning sun.
  • Low Honor: Instead of slashing Micah's eye, Arthur loses his balance, resulting in Micah tackling him to the ground. Micah manages to stab Arthur in the chest during this struggle before Dutch arrives to break up the fight. With his dying breaths, Arthur swears that Micah is the traitor and begs Dutch to kill him, but Dutch abandons them both. After Dutch leaves, Arthur starts to crawl away, but Micah approaches him with a knife and finishes Arthur off by stabbing him in the back.

Beecher's Hope Chapter

Following the Van der Linde gang's dissolution, Micah went on to form his own gang, taking Cleet and Joe with him. Throughout the years, their notoriety grew with the various crimes they committed, including several vicious murders, some of which involved dismemberment; Micah is said to have personally killed two dozen men during this time, with a newspaper article remarking that Micah’s "acts of lawlessness rival that of Van der Linde himself"[6]. Additionally, Micah found himself in the custody of a sheriff at some point but managed to escape. Sometime later, Micah murdered a family, including a young girl that Cleet tried to save. Micah tried to kill him for his insubordination, but Cleet managed to escape. Micah also reunited with Dutch at some point, and they managed to recover the Blackwater money. By 1907, his gang would be based in Mount Hagen. That same year, Sadie catches wind of Micah's activities, and ventures out with John and Charles to exact revenge on him.

After a trek up the mountain, during which Joe is killed, John confronts Micah and the two exchange fire, ending up in a deadlock. Wounded, Sadie manages to flank Micah from behind, catching him off guard and forcing him to surrender. Before Micah can be killed, Dutch emerges from a cabin, guns drawn. Micah simultaneously manages to overpower Sadie, holding her hostage, and a Mexican stand-off ensues between John, Micah, and Dutch. Dutch initially appears to be on Micah’s side, but after an exchange of words, he shoots Micah in the chest, mortally wounding him. In a last-ditch effort, Micah attempts to shoot John and Dutch, but John silently raises his revolver and delivers the killing shot to Micah. Having already lost so much blood, Micah meanders away in an attempt to save himself, before collapsing to the floor, dead. Dutch looks at Micah's body, before silently glaring at John and leaving them to retake the Blackwater money.

During the credits, Edgar Ross and Archer Fordham are seen discovering Micah's corpse in the mountains. Further scenes imply that the discovery of his death led to the Bureau of Investigation tracing the murder of Micah back to John, thus leading to the events of Red Dead Redemption. John can later visit his corpse and take one of his revolvers, after which his body will go missing.



I'm a survivor, Black Lung! A survivor! That's all there is, living and dying.
Micah Bell to Arthur Morgan

Micah is considered to be perverse, wild and unpredictable, even by the Van der Linde gang's standards. He is said to enjoy the action in his life, going as far as shooting what Arthur claims to be half the town of Strawberry in order to reclaim his prized revolvers. In spite of his brash nature, Micah is an experienced criminal and hitman, earning him the favor of Dutch himself. Micah has a poor relationship with most of the gang members, as he frequently antagonizes and bullies them, sometimes going as far as making colorful threats to those he dislikes. Besides Dutch, Micah also tries to get Arthur's trust and approval initially, despite Arthur openly disliking him, viewing him as selfish, untrustworthy, and opportunistic. Arthur's fears are proven true later in the game, when Micah starts working as a mole for the Pinkertons after escaping from Guarma. When confronted with his disloyalty, Micah simply labels himself a survivor, showing no loyalty to anyone but himself and highlighting his self-serving, every-man-for-himself attitude to life. Observing his interactions in camp reveals his attitude to be a profoundly anarchistic and nihilistic one; he openly states his disbelief in the concept of right and wrong, seeing no true meaning to life, seemingly a justification for how he approaches things. Like Arthur, Micah seems to be aware that he is an immoral person, stating that if damnation was real, he'd "feel right at home there". Nevertheless, in contrast to Arthur, he has no remorse for the things he has done and doesn't make any effort to redeem himself.

Over the course of the game, Micah's relationship with Arthur turns into a bitter rivalry, as he exploits Dutch's paranoia when he and Arthur begin to distrust each other. Micah often flaunts his new position as Dutch's right-hand man at Arthur and ridicules his tuberculosis, calling him “Black Lung”. Micah seems to have always been jealous of Arthur and his close bond with Dutch, stating that he had been "waiting a long time to do this" in the potential knife fight with Arthur. This jealousy is also evident at the end of the game if the player's Honor is low and Arthur helps John to escape, where Micah acrimoniously exclaims that Arthur is not better than him, before killing him, laughing, and then spitting on his corpse. Micah treats everyone he meets with sad*stic and psychopathic contempt, holding no moral standards whatsoever. He expresses admiration of Alberto Fussar's barbaric actions on Guarma,[7] forcibly flirts with most women at the camp (most notably Abigail)[8][9][10][11] and is implied to have sexually harassed Sadie when they first met. He violently teases four-year-old Jack and in 1907 is accused of killing an entire family, including a little girl who Cleet tried to save.[12][13] Micah is an unrepentant racist, insulting Lenny, Charles, and Javier solely because they are not white. He calls Lenny and Charles "darkies", Charles a "redskin", and tells Javier to "f*ck off back to Mexico".[14] He is also seen frequently stereotyping Sean's Irish heritage. However, he does have a few friendly interactions with Javier, showing he is capable of building rapports despite his prejudiced views.[15]

My oh my, ain't life grand? Well, it is. Trust me on that one, it is! Old Micah Bell told me. That was my daddy. Micah Bell, like his daddy too. Pair of wild horses they was. Father and son... and then me. At one point my daddy was wanted for murder in five counties. Five! Never did suffer fools. Damn near killed my brother one time, but... my brother always was a fool. And a coward. Yellow as pissed on snow. Never could stand him. Nor his wife. Lives over in California, by the sea. Pathetic. What kind of a man lives by the sea, I ask you? Hmm? Huh? Huh? The kind of man that gets told where to live by his wife. Ain't no woman never told me nothing, apart from "Make yourself scarce!" And that suits me about fine.

– Micah Bell talking about his past.

Bell is purposely vague and mysterious about his past, though he does mention that his father taught him that "sympathy is for the weak" and that the United States is a survival of the fittest, Darwinist, dog-eat-dog world. He is clear about his view that the gang is too big and has too much "dead weight", labelling Uncle a "parasite"[16] and listing Molly O'Shea and Reverend Swanson as examples of people who don’t contribute anything and should be cut loose. When Micah, Arthur, and Bill head off to rob a stagecoach together, Micah mentions that his ideal gang is a "tight crew of five or six strong gunmen", but ultimately, Micah goes against his own ideals by forming a large gang of his own by 1907, which contained at least 50 gunmen.

Micah has a callous and unsympathetic attitude towards death, brushing it off as "part of the game" in a conversation with Hosea about the Blackwater Massacre after the latter expresses anger at him for indirectly causing the deaths of Jenny, Mac, and Davey. After Kieran's death, unlike the rest of the gang, Bell doesn't mourn him and instead speculates that Kieran tried to sell the gang out to the O'Driscolls. He is similarly dismissive with the deaths of Hosea and Lenny, stating that the former was "dying anyway" and derisively ridiculing Lenny's confidence, saying "you know what they say about pride before a fall..." He also has a hatred for dogs, calling them parasites, which is evident by the fact that he frequently kicks Cain and is even implied to have killed him when the dog disappeared.[17]

Micah is an atheist, stating on various occasions that he doesn't believe in God. He is cynical about religion as a whole, saying to Reverend Swanson that men and women of the cloth are "parasites" who deceive people into believing a greater evil and that his "being up in heaven doesn't give two sh*ts about him", treating Swanson with evident disdain, and stating to Susan at one point that he doesn’t like religious people.[18] However, he doesn’t rule out the existence of Hell as an afterlife, even going as far as saying that he’d like to see what it’s like.[19] Micah is dangerously shrewd and manipulative, being capable of acting as a mole for some time without being discovered and making his way through Dutch's mind in order to become his right-hand man upon noticing that Van der Linde's sanity was starting to perish. Despite his selfish and imperious attitude, Bell appears to have his own sense of respect for those who he deems capable in combat. He surreptitiously shows some admiration for Arthur's skill and appears to enjoy fighting alongside him, even proclaiming that they always "get the job done". Likewise, he is regretful of the Callander brothers' deaths, lamenting them as "real fighters," the only deaths he expresses any remorse for. In addition, he is quite charismatic when necessary, being able to verbally acquire information about a stagecoach with relative ease and later lead a successful, unprecedentedly feared gang of many men.

Micah is also hostile to John, though to a slightly lesser extent than to Arthur. He mocks John for playing with Jack[20] and also teases him about being attacked by wolves. In Beaver Hollow, Bell is unhappy that John was rescued from prison and encourages Dutch in his suspicion that Marston betrayed the gang. During his fight with Arthur, Micah threatens to kill John if Arthur helped him to escape. However, during his last encounter with John in 1907, Micah states that he doesn't want to kill him and tries to convince John to leave. Later, during the standoff, Micah tries to convince John to join himself and Dutch, although his treacherous nature leaves the real motives of this in doubt.



In 1899, Micah has shoulder-length blond hair, along with a thick horseshoe mustache and side-whiskers. Micah is slightly portly and often wears an undone black leather coat, a red or black shirt accompanied by a red vest, a blue neckerchief, beige trousers, and a white hat. He's also seen sporting a short-tailed, buttoned-up leather coat during chapter 2 and promotional artwork. In cold temperatures, he is instead seen with a long brown leather coat, while in warmer climates he's seen without a jacket and just his red shirt. Micah is armed with a pair of custom Double-action Revolvers with "Vengeance is hereby mine" engraved into the barrel, sporting dark grey frames and grips that are painted red and black in a skull-like design, which he uses with immense skill.

For the bank robbery in Saint Denis, Micah wears a white suit with a black shirt, a red vest, and a white tie. While in Guarma, he wears the same black shirt, but has it undone and with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, along with slightly longer hair now tucked behind his ears and his mustache and side-whiskers becoming a full beard. His face appears sunburnt.


By 1907, Micah has lost weight and is slimmer, while also having paler skin, suggesting that he has been in the mountains for a long time. He has shorter hair and seems to have aged fairly considerably, with a more lined face and his hair having mostly gone grey. His brown leather coat is more worn-looking and accompanied instead by black trousers and grey half chaps.

Depending on the decisions made in the mission "Red Dead Redemption", Micah might have a huge scar on his left eye (due to Arthur slashing his eye with a knife if he had high Honor and went back for the money).

When encountering Micah's corpse after "American Venom", his skin has turned pale white, and his hat is nowhere to be found. Regardless of what decision made in the mission "Red Dead Redemption", Micah's body does not have the scar on his left eye, nor are any bullet wounds inflicted by John visible.

Mission appearances

Red Dead Redemption 2

Companion Activities

Notable Murders Committed


How about you and me go and redistribute some property?
Micah Bell to Arthur Morgan.
I make the money, not wash the clothes.
Micah complaining about his chores
Sons of Dutch, makes us brothers...and sometimes brothers make mistakes.
Micah responding to Arthur's criticisms of his actions in "Blessed are the Meek?".
Hello, Scarface.
Micah greeting John Marston on Mount Hagen.
Snake? Okay, and you’re a vulture! Robbing Dutch after all he’s done for you!
Micah to Arthur Morgan, during the knifefight if the player decides to go back for the money.
You're not better than me, Morgan! Damn you!
Micah to Arthur Morgan, if the player's honor is low and they go with John.
Hey, Redskin. Go fetch me something to eat.
Micah to Charles Smith.
I shot a lot of folk like you.
Micah to Lenny Summers.
You wanna watch that temper of yours, boy!
Micah to Charles Smith.
Why don’t you f*ck off back to Mexico...eh?
Micah insulting Javier Escuella.
You hit like you dress...all feminine.
Micah after being punched in the face by Javier Escuella.
Oh, I'll wipe that smile off your face one day. Believe me.
Micah to Arthur after the latter snickers at the result of the former being hit by Javier
Sit down, my dearest friend, and show me just what you got.
Micah challenging Arthur to a game of Five-Finger Fillet
There's a big picture here, Arthur. Trust me.
Micah discussing plans to blow up Bacchus Bridge; a line Arthur remembers from Micah during his last ride, if his Honor is low
Ah, Saint Denis, it’s good to be back...happy memories, huh, John?
Micah taunting John Marston before the final train robbery.
Oh, Black Lung, you ain't gonna reach that gun. You ain't. You've lost, my sick friend. You lost.
Micah mocking Arthur for trying to reach the former's revolver if the player went with John
He's sick, he's dying, he's talking crazy.
Micah persuading Dutch van der Linde to go with him and get the money, after his fight with Arthur Morgan if the player went with John.
You got me pretty good, Black Lung...
Micah to Arthur Morgan, after Arthur takes his eye out during the knifefight, as a result of having high Honor and going back for the money.
Get greedy did you, Black Lung? I knew you wanted the money as much as any of us...
Micah to Arthur, after the former fails to take his eye out during the knifefight, as a result of having low Honor and going back for the money.
I told you, Dutch. That he'd come back here to rob us. Like I said he would.
Micah to Dutch van der Linde, after his fight with Arthur Morgan if the player had low honor and went back for the money.
It's nonsense. Of course it is!
Micah to Dutch, denying that he was a spy in an attempt to get him to come back, if Arthur had high Honor and went back for the money.
I never— Dutch!
Micah to Dutch, in an attempt to get him to come back, if Arthur had low Honor and went back for the money.
Well... I must say, Arthur... it’s been a lotta fun.
Micah's final words to Arthur before killing him, if Arthur had low Honor and went back for the money.
You shot me...you shot me pretty good...
Micah's last words, after being shot by Dutch.


  • Despite being the most immoral member of the Van der Linde gang and the main antagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2, Micah is almost never seen without a white hat on his head, which is traditionally associated with protagonists or "good guys" in classical Westerns. This distinction can be interpreted to foreshadow Micah turning against the gang (which would typically be seen as an antagonist due to it being an outlaw faction). Conversely, despite being the main protagonist of the story, Arthur wears a black hat, with black hats being associated with villains in Westerns; this reflects the more conventional view of the outlaws being evil and the law being good.
  • Micah's appearance seems to resemble that of Charlie Prince, the main antagonist of the 2007 Western film 3:10 to Yuma:
    • Their hats and coats are very similar, if not identical, albeit with swapped colors.
    • Both are loyal, cold-blooded right-hand men of notorious gang leaders, who then shoot and kill them in the end.
    • Both have blonde hair and facial hair.
    • Both use two revolvers, even holstering and reloading in the same manner.
  • If the player visits Micah's temporary Strawberry camp at any point after "An American Pastoral Scene", they will find two newspaper clippings and a torn wanted poster of indeterminate age for Dutch van der Linde, listing a bounty of $1000 for his capture or death. One of the articles, from 1877, mentions Micah and his father as the primary suspects in the gruesome murder of an Ohio rancher and his wife. The other details the ferry heist and mentions that local authorities are still searching for the $150,000 stolen from the steamboat by the gang.
    • It is unknown why Micah is carrying the wanted poster, but his mercenary nature and later betrayal of his fellow gang members suggest that Micah may well have intended to turn Dutch in and collect on the reward once the Blackwater money had been recovered.
    • Considering that Agent Milton reveals to Arthur that the bounty on him alone is $5000, it seems likely that the prize on Dutch himself as the head and the most wanted member of the gang at that time is even higher than $5000. This suggests that the poster in Micah's possession announcing a bounty of $1000 for Dutch's capture is not a recent one. The likelihood of it being dated implies that Micah may have had his eye on Dutch for a long time before they eventually met in 1898.
  • Micah uses a pair of custom Double-action Revolvers in-game, although promotional artwork depicts him using a pair of Schofield Revolvers instead. Additionally, only one of his revolvers can be looted from his corpse.
  • There is a small match in the band of Bell's hat.
  • In dialogue, Micah claims that he had sex with Jenny Kirk when the gang was camped near Blackwater. He goes on to describe her as a "dirty little thing" and laments how she "could’ve been carrying Micah Bell the Fourth for all I know".[21]
  • Micah seems to have respiratory problems, constantly snorting, clearing his throat, and coughing.
  • In parallel to Bill Williamson in the first Redemption, Micah starts his own gang after leaving the Van der Linde gang, only to be tracked down and killed by his former comrade, John Marston.
  • If the player antagonizes him enough, Micah will shove Arthur, just like Dutch.
  • Micah seems to be very attached to his guns, risking his life to go back and get them in Strawberry, admitting to Arthur afterwards, "Ain't much I care about more than those guns." Additionally, Micah can often be seen checking and cleaning his guns whilst in camp.
    • Micah's attachment to his guns is best exemplified in that he is the only member of the Van der Linde gang to be in possession of his usual sidearms when he is in Guarma - Arthur, Dutch, Bill and Javier all use something different while they're here due to the absence of their normal weapons, showing the extent to which Micah cares for his revolvers.
  • Micah is only ever seen using sidearms in gun-based combat. He is seen holding a Carbine Repeater in a cutscene while holding up Cornwall's train and again while guarding the gang's camp in Guarma, but doesn’t use it in either of these occasions; he is never seen with a shotgun at all. After commandeering the banking coach with Arthur in "An American Pastoral Scene", Micah gives a Lancaster Repeater to Arthur and says that it’s "more [Arthur's] style", suggesting that he opts not to use long arms at all.
  • After retrieving his guns in "Blessed are the Meek?", Micah unholsters them by putting his trigger fingers around the trigger guards and twisting them mid-air, which is a modified version of the Road Agent's Spin, a trick popularized by western media of the 1950s. But the trick itself dates back to the early 2000s.
  • At various moments in the game, Micah refers to the Van der Linde gang as his family and to Arthur in particular as his brother. In the Old Testament, Micah is the name of a prophet who at one point (Micah 7:6) warns of internal familial threats: “A man’s enemies are the men of his own house” (often can be translated into various alternatives, such as more modern versions which say: "Your worst enemies will be in your own family").
  • The circ*mstances surrounding Micah's defection to the Pinkertons are unclear; it is unknown whether he was arrested and forced to serve as a spy in an alternative to being executed, or whether he sought them and made a deal whereby he would serve as an informant in exchange for his freedom.
  • Of the four ex-partners John Marston finds and defeats in the Redemption saga, Micah is the only one whom the player is mandatorily required to kill: Javier can be captured, Bill can be left to be killed by Reyes and Dutch will commit suicide.
    • This is because Micah is the only former gang member John wanted to kill, due to his betrayal and his involvement in Arthur's death.
  • If the player examines Micah's corpse after the epilogue, they will notice that he has the scar over his eye regardless of the decisions made in the mission "Red Dead Redemption". Additionally, his hair will be more of a light brown color instead of its aged grey. His corpse will also be labelled as "Stranger".
  • Micah is the only character in the Red Dead franchise who is immune to the time-slowing effects of Dead Eye, as seen in the final half of "American Venom".
  • Micah can never be seen eating and is almost never seen sleeping. He cannot be seen sleeping at any of the camps except for Beaver Hollow, where he can sometimes be seen napping while leaning back in a chair with his feet propped up on the table, as opposed to lying down. The one time he is seen lying down to sleep is during the opening cutscene of "Fleeting Joy", when he rests in a hammock next to Uncle. The other time Micah sleeps is during one camp interaction at night when he gets drunk along with Javier and they chat with each other for a bit before Javier walks away, and Micah drops off to sleep with his arm on the table. If he is greeted at night, Arthur may comment that he has never seen him sleep, to which Micah replies, "It's overrated".
  • Micah shares similarities with Dimitri Rascalov, another main antagonist of another title by Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto IV:
    • Both characters see betraying everyone as 'Survival of the Fittest'.
    • Both were thought to be allies to the main character at the start of the game.
    • Both are more or less loyal to only one person, with Micah being loyal only to Dutch van der Linde while Dimitri was loyal only to Ray Bulgarin. However, Micah had to betray Dutch in order to manipulate Dutch that his fellow gang members were traitors, while it's implied that Dimitri stayed loyal to Bulgarin only because Bulgarin was more powerful, which would make betraying him a bad idea and would end with Dimitri's death.
    • Both have blond hair and blue eyes.
    • Both betray their bosses at some point with Micah betraying Dutch while Dimitri betrayed Mikhail Faustin.
    • Both killed a hero character only to be killed by the hero's close one in return, Micah killing Arthur (at low Honor) while Dimitri (by proxy) killed Roman Bellic in the Deal ending. However, both of the heroes' deaths to the antagonists are optional. In contrast, Roman was not a playable character, whereas Arthur is.
  • Micah also shares similarities with Brad Snider, a minor but significant character from Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto V:
    • Both share a philosophy of "every man for himself."
    • Both revel in their violence and lack empathy.
    • Both were in criminal groups with two protagonists, with Micah being affiliated with John and Arthur in the Van der Linde gang while Brad was affiliated with Michael Townley and Trevor Philips' crew.
    • Both were blond.
    • Both die due to a protagonist's actions; Micah dies after getting shot multiple times by John while Brad dies after getting shot by corrupt FIB agent Dave Norton, with whom Michael had made a deal.
  • Due to his role in coming up with the heist that would result in the Blackwater Massacre, Micah is the primary cause for the events of Red Dead Redemption 2 occurring, which would also result in the Van der Linde gang eventually disbanding.
    • Micah is also posthumously responsible for the events of Red Dead Redemption happening, as it was through investigating Micah's death that Edgar Ross was able to track down his killer, John Marston, and instigate the main events of the first game, which would eventually lead to John's own death.
  • Micah is the first former member of the Van der Linde gang that John Marston is seen hunting down and killing in the series, though he's the only one John kills for personal revenge for his role in the gang's disbanding and for causing Arthur's death, rather than being blackmailed to do so by Edgar Ross.



Micah Bell (2)

Promotional Artwork

Micah Bell (3)

See Also

Micah in the Official RDR2 artwork

Micah Bell (4)

Micah Bell and Arthur Morgan in the third trailer

Micah Bell (5)

Micah in the gameplay trailer

Micah Bell (6)

Micah Bell fighting in Strawberry

Micah Bell (7)

Micah fighting alongside Arthur


Micah Bell (8)

Micah's first appearance, in "Outlaws from the West"

Micah Bell (9)

Micah sitting at campfire in Horseshoe Overlook

Micah Bell (10)

Micah's alternate attire

Micah Bell (11)

Micah and Hosea

Micah Bell (12)

Micah Bell (13)

Micah wearing his black neckerchief

Micah Bell (14)

Micah Bell (15)

Micah in the suit he wears for the Saint Denis bank robbery

Micah Bell (16)

Micah standing guard in Guarma

Micah Bell (17)

Micah aiming his guns at Beaver Hollow

Micah Bell (18)

Micah if Arthur has high Honor and manages to stab him in the eye

Micah Bell (19)

Micah Bell in 1907, with the scar

Micah Bell (20)

Micah's frozen corpse

Micah Bell (21)

Micah Bell (22)

Micah's custom revolver in his holster

Micah Bell (23)

Micah's knife

Micah Bell (24)

Micah's horse, Baylock


  1. Stated in a newspaper scrap which can be found in-game.
  2. Mentioned twice during a letter from Amos to Micah. Firstly: "What with you being my family and all that we done together". Secondly: "If only he would help me repent of all that I done when we was running together".
  3. https://youtube.com/watch?v=L28HlrLyqBM
  4. Mentioned in Arthur's journal, describing Micah before the events of the game.
  5. Red Dead Redemption 2 - Mission #9 - Exit Pursued by a Bruised Ego (9:19 playtime: "Where you think Micah and Lenny got to? Susan sent them out scouting, but I figured they'd be back by now.")
  6. 'We Are Helpless'
  7. Dialogue during "Paradise Mercifully Departed"
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNavcvQUnG4
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jn_8DAw16c
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6ity2Lmr-k
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro52iuMG-6I
  12. 'We Are Helpless'
  13. Cleet's dialogue during "American Venom"
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRriq_2dfRM
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vigKLgMKsxg
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi6jXt9P4yA
  17. https://youtube.com/watch?v=EgveKJh8JSQ
  18. https://youtube.com/watch?v=_t58PYQadqc
  19. https://youtube.com/watch?v=xsK6vl2zDXw
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmiKVqasmgo
  21. https://youtube.com/watch?v=wKfQ0GVFqCQ



Characters in Red Dead Redemption 2
Van der Linde gang
Major Characters
Supporting Characters
People of Interests/Strangers
Minor Characters/NPCs

Abe | A.J. Banks | Albert Cakes | Alden Carruthers | Aldridge T. Abbington | Amos Levi | Anastasia | Anders Anderson | Anders Helgerson | Andreas | Angus Geddes | Ansel Atherton | Antoinette Sanseverino | Archer Fordham | Angel | Arturo Bullard | Ashton | Baptiste | Ben Calloway | Benjamin Lambert | Benjamin Lazarus | Benjamin P. Lockhart | Billy Lime | Blind Man Cassidy | Bob Brownlee | Bob Crawford Jr. | Bob Crawford Sr. | Brynn Tildon | Agent Bunter | Bubba | Camilla McClair | Charles De Coursey | Chester Damsen | Clay Davies | Cleet | Cleet (Saint Denis) | Clive Davies | Cooper | Chip Cooper | Curtis Malloy | Danbury | Desmond Blythe | Didsbury | Dorothea Wicklow | Duncan Geddes | Edgar Watson | Elijah Watson | Ethan Watson | Etta Buckley | Eugene Wegner | Ezra Watson | Fredrick Mitchell | Gloria | Good Samaritan | Hamish | Hanley | Harmon Thomas | Hector Barlow | Herbert Moon | Heston Jameson | Hobart Crawley | Holdern | Hortensia | Guido Martelli | Iain Gray | Jacob Worth | James Langton | Janson | Jeb | Jimmy Brooks | Jock Gray | Joe | Joseph R. Barnes | Agent Johns | Jon | Jones | Jules | Laramie gang leader | Leon Fuentes | Levi Simon | Lillian Powell | Luther | Mabel | Malcolm MacIntosh | Mama Watson | Marcel Beliveau | Mavis Chambers | Meredith Buckley | Milliken | Miriam Wegner | Moira Calthorpe | Morris Peyton | Mr. Devon | Mr. Dockery | Mr. Feeny | Mr. Pierre | Mrs. Geddes | Nate Davison | Nicholas Timmins | Norris Forsythe | Olive Calhoon | Agent Orly | Oswald Dunbar | Palmer | Percy Whitsickle | Peter Fotheringham | Pierre | Mr. Pierre | Pit Boss | Quentin Fern | R.L. Dalton | Robin Koninsky | Roscoe Brenner | Ruprecht O'Keith | Sam Freeman | Scott Gray | Seamus | Sister Calderón | Sonny | Soothsayer | Timothy A. Donahue | Thomas | The Mysterious Maya | The Petit Flâneur | Tommy | Trapper | Vernon Farley | Willard Wayne

Bounty Targets
Red Dead Online Characters
Legendary Bounty Targets

Abel Atherton | Agnes Guyon | Amos Bell | Alfred MacAlister | Bart Love | Beatrice Morgan | The Butcher Brothers | Cal Balfour | Cameron Spence | Charles Kinnear | Darragh MacGuire | Eliza | Elijah | Ethel Boshared | Fay Delard | Felix Hawley | Francisco Ramirez Torres | Frank Heck | Gavin | George Dixie | Geraldine Emerson | Giant | Harold MacDougal | Heidi McCourt | Herberta Solomons | Ike Skelding | Ilsa Ulmer | Isabeau Katharina Zinsmeister | Isabelle Barlow | Jack Hall | Jake Adler | JD McKnight | Jennie Willetts | Landon Ricketts | Laurence Carson | Leila Stetson | Lyle Morgan | Maud Delaney | Maud Engel | Nigel West Dickens | Otis Miller | Pauline Henderson | Percival Kinnear | Quincy T. Harris | Ronald Alger | Sadie Russell | Sherman M. Rhodes | Slick Hutton | Thaddeus Waxman | W. G. Hoyt | Walt Murfree | Archibald Jameson



Red Dead Redemption 2


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Micah Bell (2024)
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