Magick Archer (2024)

Magick Archer (1)

The Magick Archer is one of three Hybrid vocations in Dragon's Dogma. Hybrid vocations are exclusive to the Arisen, and cannot be learnt by Pawns. It costs 1,500 Discipline Points to switch to this vocation.


  • 1 Overview
    • 1.1 Non-Arisen Magick Archers
  • 2 Skills and Augments
    • 2.1 Core Skills
    • 2.2 Dagger Skills
    • 2.3 Magick Bow Skills
    • 2.4 Staff Skills
    • 2.5 Augments
  • 3 Stat Growth
  • 4 Notes
    • 4.1 Bows
    • 4.2 Daggers
    • 4.3 Equipment
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 External links


"A skilled explorer and well-balanced adventurer, able to wield a magick bow."

Magick Archers combine elements of Mages and Striders, allowing them to equip both Daggers and Staves as a primary weapon and have access to some armor and clothing suitable for both bow users and spellcasters. For their secondary weapon, Magick Archers have exclusive access to Magick Bows. Magick Archers have unique offensive and support spells that can be cast from all three weapon types.

Magick Archer (2)

The Magick Archer, being a hybrid of physical and magickal vocations, has a selection of weapon skills that utilize both Magick and Strength, though it leans more towards magick in terms of abilities.

  • For Magick, the Magick Bow and Staves rely on this stat for their magick arrows and weapon skills. In addition, this vocation also has exclusive access to a handful of dagger spells that also utilize Magick (notably Scension and Sunflare).
  • For Strength, melee attacks common to other Daggerist vocations as well as Backfire based skills will use this stat.
  • In addition Magick Archer has a range of support skills that though magickal do not depend at all on magick power.

A Magick Archer can be a powerful attacker in its own right, with access to some extremely effective spells, and the versatility to switch between magick- or strength-based skills and equipment as needed. However, its growth with experience is mostly defensively based, especially in Magick Defense. Magick growth is above average, but Defense growth is low, and Strength mediocre.

Additionally it can be effective as a non-healing support class. Magick Archer is able to provide debilitation resistances, magick power boosts, magick defense boosts, and set magick traps through its spells. It can even provide temporary light sources.

Non-Arisen Magick Archers[]

Pawns may not learn the Magick Archer vocation, though some other humans have done so. Ophis wields a Magick Bow, and some other more experienced bandits, such as found in the Cursewood and in the Pastona Cavern have mastered the magick bow. Pawns refer to such enemies as 'Sorcerers'.

In Dark Arisen, Corrupted Pawns in Bitterblack Isle may also be Magick Archers, as seen in The Pilgrim's Gauntlet.

Skills and Augments[]

Skills in bold are unique to the Magick Archer.
Skills in italics can only be obtained via Skill Rings and Bands found in Dark Arisen.

Core Skills[]

Magick BowSeekerAlready learned-Fire magical arrows with additional properties.
Magick BowTrue Seeker64,000An advanced form of Seeker that boasts improved seeking capabilities.
DaggerCarveAlready learned-Continuous attacks with a dagger.
DaggerTwo StepAlready learned-A two-level stabbing strike straight forward.
DaggerVaultAlready learned-Executes a jump to a higher location.
DaggerRoundelay1600An advanced form of Two-Step that appends a whirling slash to victims.
DaggerEngrave1800An advanced form of a Carve that includes kicks after a flurry of dagger blows to strike at a broader range.
DaggerDouble Vault51,800An advanced form of Vault that kicks at the air to propel the user in a second leap.
DaggerForward Roll52,200Curls forward into a tumble effective as an evasive maneuver.
StaffFeather JumpAlready learned-A light jump. More effective when grabbing to platforms or rocks.
StaffMagick BillowAlready learned-Swing your staff downward to stagger the enemy. Follow-up attacks can send the enemy to the ground.
StaffMagick BoltAlready learned-Launches a magick bolt from your staff. Press repeatedly for additional effect. Can add elemental effect via enchantments.
StaffLevitate2600An advanced form of Feather Jump that mitigates gravity's pull, enabling a gentle landing even from great heights.
StaffFocused Bolt63,000An advanced form of Magick Bolt. Focuses the user's active enchantment into a powerful burst that can be fired from the ground or air.
StaffMagick Agent63,000An advanced form of Magick Billow. Conjures spheres of magickal energy around the user to attack encroaching foes. Also employable from mid-air.

Dagger Skills[]

Scarlet KissesNoneAlready learned-Concentrates a flurry of slashes on a single point, easily shredding foes with meager endurance.
Biting WindNone1200Dashes past the target with blades extended, delivering slashes that can be followed with further attacks on contacs.
SunburstFire1300Kicking downward, plunges the blades into the earth, channeling magick so that a pillar of flame erupts directly ahead.
Toss and TriggerFire, Physical3700Steps in with blade strike that sends the target aloft. Additional button presses throw and detonate a store of powder.
ScensionHoly31,100Imbues daggers with magick before an upward slash sends forth a shockwave. Saps foes' Health with holy power. Hold the assigned button to incant, release it to deploy.
SunflareFire31,100An advanced form of Sunburst that creates an even larger pillar of flame.
Cutting WindNone4900An advanced form of Biting Wind. Slashes past the target, appending more strikes to the onslaught upon connecting with foe.
Dazzle HoldNone4900Casts a firework explosive into the fray that stuns nearby foes.
ResetNone4900Returns the user to a neutral stance, eliminating openings caused by other actions.
ShadowpinDark41,500Plunges the blades into the ground to form a magick sigil that traps enemies within its confines. Hold the assigned button to incant, release it to deploy.
Advanced TriggerFire, Physical51,200An advanced form of Toss and Trigger that both strengthens the upward slash and broadens the subsequent blast.
Grand ScensionHoly52,000An advanced form of Scension that extends the shockwave's reach.
Magick RebufferHoly52,000Plunges the blades downward to form a magick sigil that improves Magick Defenses except when facing the undead. hold the assigned button to incant, release to deploy.
ShadowshackleDark62,500An advanced form of Shadowpin that extends the effective range of the sigil and persists for a longer period of time.
Dazzle BlastNone72,000An advanced form of Dazzle Hold that tosses an explosive crafted to stun foes within a broader radius.
Hundred KissesNone72,000An advanced form of Scarlet Kisses that focuses a quick flurry of slashes on a single point, allowing for more strikes.
Instant ResetNone72,000An advanced form of Reset employable even while under attack that returns the user to a neutral stance, eliminating openings caused by other actions.
BackfireFire, Physical73,200Sets the user's body ablaze, eroding their own life but also causing harm to all they touch. Press the assigned button to light, press it again to extinguish.
Magick RebalancerHoly84,000An advanced form of Magick Rebuffer that boosts the beneficiary's Magick as well, save when facing the undead.
ImmolationFire, Physical95,000An advanced form of Backfire that harms the user less while ablaze.
Thousand KissesNoneRequires Daggerist's Band-An advanced form of Hundred Kisses that heightens the speed and number of slashes in the flurry.
Shearing WindNoneRequires Daggerist's Ring/Band-An advanced form of Cutting Wind that increase the attack range, the amount of strikes, and the speed of dash.
ShadowsnareDarkRequires Magick Archer's Ring/Band-An advanced form of Shadowshackle that expands both the range and duration of its enemy-trapping sigil.
FlameshroudFire, PhysicalRequires Magick Archer's Ring/Band-An advanced form of Immolation that erodes even less of the user's life yet extends the duration of the flames.

Magick Bow Skills[]

Threefold BoltIceAlready learned-Fires three magickal arrows at a single target.
Seeker BoltHoly1300Fires magickal arrows that seek out their targets. Up to five foes can be targeted at once.
Hunter BoltHoly31,100An advanced form of Seeker Bolt that allows up to ten foes to be targeted at once.
Magickal FlareHoly31,100Fires an arrow of magickal light to illuminate the area. The flash it creates surprises foes and damages the undead.
Ricochet SeekerLightning41,500Looses a magickal arrow that increases in power as it ricochets towards its target. Quite effective in cramped quarters.
Sixfold BoltIce41,500An advanced form of Threefold Bolt that fires still more arrows.
Funnel TrailDark52,000Looses a magickal arrow that draws in nearby lightweight foes.
Magickal GleamHoly52,000An advanced form of Magickal Flare that illuminates a broader area for a longer period of time.
Explosive BoltFire62,500Fires a magickal arrow that remains lodged in the target for a time, which explodes when struck with a blow.
Ricochet HunterLightning62,500An advanced form of Ricochet Seeker that fires three magickal arrows.
Bracer ArrowHoly73,200Looses a magickal arrow that fortifies an ally against reeling from enemy blows for a time.
Ward ArrowHoly73,200Looses a magickal arrow that makes an ally impervious to all manner of debilitations for a time.
Explosive RivetFire84,000An advanced form of Explosive Bolt that remains lodged in its target for a longer period of time and causes more damage.
Vortex TrailDark84,000An advanced form of Funnel Trail that persists for a longer period of time and boasts an expanded range.
Great Bracer ArrowHoly95,000An advanced form of Bracer Arrow that bolsters the whole party's resistance to enemy blows.
Great Ward ArrowHoly95,000An advanced form of Ward Arrow that protects the entire party from debilitations.
Sacrifical BoltDark95,500Summons forth the ultimate magickal bolt at the cost of one pawn's life. Time slows while the user is aiming.
Great SacrificeDark97,500An advanced form of Sacrificial Bolt that boasts greater destructive power and slows time further while aiming.
Ninefold BoltIceRequires Magick Bowman's Ring/Band-An advanced form of Sixfold Bolt that fires yet more arrows.
Magickal RadianceHolyRequires Magick Bowman's Ring/Band-An advanced form of Magickal Gleam that further extends the breadth and duration of the magickal light.
Explosive VolleyFireRequires Magick Bowman's Band-An advanced form of Explosive Rivet that fires additional magickally explosive arrows.

Staff Skills[]

IngleFireAlready learned-Looses a ball of fire that explodes upon contact, engulfing both the target and surrounding foes.
FrazilIce1200Creates a concentrated field of cold in front of the user that freezes solid whatever enemies it visits.
LevinLightning1200Smites the enemy from abovde with tongues of lightning. Especially effective at driving foes out of hiding.
High IngleFire3700An advanced form of Ingle that looses a number of fiery projectiles that explode on contact.
High FrazilIce3700An advanced form of Frazil that creates an expanded field of cold around the user that deals ice damage to those it touches.
High LevinLightning3700An advanced form of Levin that smites foes with multiple lighting bolts from above.
ComestionFire51,400Generates a towering wall of flame; though only modest in power, it ignites adversaries with ease.
FrigorIce51,400Generates a giant chunk of ice that can serve as a stepping stone.
BrontideLightning51,400Wraps the users body in a whip-like bolt of lightning capable of damaging foes. (Attack with heavy and light attacks, press Jump to cancel)
PerditionDark63,500Invokes a magickal sigil that curses foes who enter it.
High ComestionFire71,800An advanced form of Comestion that invokes an even longer wall of flame easily able to ignite foes.
High FrigorIce71,800An advanced form of Frigor that generates three spires of ice. The last one can serve as a stepping stone.
High BrontideLightning71,800An advanced form of Brontide that calls forth a longer-lasting whip of lightning that drops more bolts when dismissed.
High PerditionDark77,500An advanced form of Perdition that invokes a larger, longer lasting fog that curses foes who enter.
Grand IngleFireRequires Staff-Bearer's Ring/Band-An advanced form of High Ingle that looses a greater number of fiery projectiles that explode on contact.
Grand LevinLightningRequires Staff-Bearer's Ring/Band-An advanced form of High Levin that smites foe with an even greater number of lightning bolts.
Grand FrigorIceRequires Staff-Bearer's Band or Mage's Ring/Band-An advanced form of High Frigor that generates an even greater quantity of icy spires.
Grand BrontideLightningRequires Staff-Bearer's Band or Mage's Ring/Band-An advanced form of High Brontide that erodes less Stamina and periodically drops lightning bolts around the user.


AugmentNotesRankDiscipline Points
Expands one's field of vision, more easily revealing unknown areas of the map
Removes more of the fog from the map when exploring an area the first time.21,000
Extends the limit of your stamina
Stamina is increased by 100.21,000
Halves the severity of injuries you sustain from falling
Halves Fall Damage.64,000
Doubles the increase in your affinity when you give items to non-pawns
(Probably bugged and has no significant increase in affinity gain from gifts)87,000
Causes your Health to slowly return with the passage of time
Heal one health every three seconds.87,000
Increases the effect when you debilitate adversaries with the Five Archmagicks
Description is misleading; only affects spells with debilitation as their primary effect. (Also bugged for some spells including Perdition.)97,500
Reduces cumulative damage when you are debilitated by non-Archmagick attacks
Description is misleading; actually greatly increases resistance to many sources debilitations including some from spells - in many cases practical immunity.97,500

Stat Growth[]

HPStaminaAttackDefenseMagick AttackMagick Defense
Lvl 10+21202334
Lvl 100+10100 (1)013 (2)
Parenthesis enclosed values are changes from Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen.


  • Because the Magick Archer, like the Mystic Knight, uses both physical and magickal skills, the Magick Archer is not left without skills if subjected to Silence.
  • It is common to extensively level as Sorcerer (for Magick) and another Daggerist vocation (for Stamina and/or Strength) before switching to Magick Archer.
  • Unlike other Vocations none of Dagger or Magick Bow skills exclusive to Magick Archer inherit debilitations from weapons used. Only Core skills are capable of inflicting debilitations.
  • Because all of its long range attacks are Magick based, the Magick Archer can sometimes have trouble against highly magick-resistant enemies intended to be fought with physical attacks; the Magick Archer will be forced to rely on good Daggers or physical attack Pawns against such foes.


  • Unlike physical bows, magick power and damage is generally unchanged with distance. However there can be a small change at very close range, such as with True Seeker, which has an approximately +20 increase in power at "shotgun" distances (<3m). Scaling with magick power is unchanged at these close distance.
  • An enchanted magick bow does not affect the properties of spell cast with it, similar to the elements of spells cast with Staffs or Archistaves. The exception is the core skill Seeker. All other bow spells are innately imbued with one of the Five Archmagicks, indicated by the color of the icon of the skill, charging bolt, and its targeting sigil.
  • Magick Archer bow spells are capable of "Locking On" to one or multiple targets via a targeting sigil, similar to staff spells. This together with the illumination provided by bow spells such as Magickal Flare makes Magick Archers effective while fighting in darkness.
    • Enemies can be sniped with magick bow spells beyond the targeting distance if correctly aimed.
    • Magick Bow damage is unaffected by distance, unlike physical bows.
    • The augment trajectory extends the range of the magick bow.
    • It is common for "Locked-On" projectiles to miss a highly nimble target (flying, jumping) at medium to close distance due to sudden loss of focus. Thus, it is generally advised to use Magick Bow skills from afar.
  • Sacrificial Bolt (or Great Sacrifice) has sufficient power to damage even usually magick resistant enemies, such as Golems.
  • Magickal Flare generally only damages Undead (including Skeletons and Ghosts), but has an additional use in providing a bright illumination.
  • Ward Arrow and related bow spells grant impervious, and so protect from all debilitations for a time.



The Equipment of the Magick Archer in the Change Vocation Menu is:

There are three armor sets can be said to be Magick Archer specific - the Novice's Armor Set, Raptor Armor Set, and Holy Armor Set.


Magick Archer (3)

External links[]

Magick Archer (2024)
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