Limitless Learners | School as it should be… (2024)


May 15

Good morning!

Did you all enjoy the gorgeous weather yesterday afternoon? Did it inspire new thinking for your fantasy writing? There’s a short story in today’s work that will offer additional inspiration – while you read, keep thinking what if…? And I wonder…? And continue to collect ideas!

Please be sure to add your poems (you can add more than one) to our shared folder titled “3B Poetry 2020”

This morning we have our Pajama BookClub at 9:30. Bring your notebooks. You then have a zoom with Mr Weber at 10:30 and finally Library Broadcast with Ms.Sorensen at 2:30 – a terrific way to end the week!

Planners ready? Let’s get started…


Design & Construct several Paper Airplanes, Test and Measure the distance. Which type went the furthest? How far did it go?

Fold ‘N Fly

Copy and Paste slides: Measurement Paper Plane Throw

print option: MeasurementActivity

World Record Paper Airplanes Video

Here’s another meterstick if you need to make a new one –Meterstick template

Need some more math for the day? Head over to iXL Math (from the Heathcote Gateway) and look for the Recommendations

SOCIAL STUDIES: Analyzing an artifact

Today you will be combining your knowledge of Ancient Greece and primary sources to analyze an artifact. Watch the video below to show the process.

Analyzing Artifacts with Mrs. Mangan

Analysis Sheet- To Print

Slides to Copy OR Complete the activity on SeeSaw

ELA : Fantasy Writing Inspiration

  • Read the story, “The Wishing Tree.” The Wishing Tree
  • Answer the 5 questions on Seesaw. Note-Each question is on a different page.
  • Use capitals and periods
  • Check for spelling
  • Use text evidence whenever possible
  • Read your work before submitting

Smart Fact

On this day in 1618 German astronomer, Johannes Kepler discovered the third of his three planetary laws, his “harmonics law”. Kepler’s third law (the Harmonic Law), relates the orbital period of a planet (that is, the time it takes a planet to complete one orbit) to its mean distance from the Sun. This law states that the closest planets travel at the greatest speeds and have the shortest orbital periods. If this is his third law, what are the first and second you ask? Watch this NASA video to learn about Kepler and his “out of this world” discoveries.

And to help you stay organized…


  • ELA
    • Fantasy
      • Read, “The Wishing Tree”
      • Answer the 5 questions on the Seesaw activity
  • Math
    • Watch the Paper Airplanes video
    • Visit the Website Fold ‘N Fly
    • Create at least 2 paper airplanes
    • Measure 2 of your airplanes’ flying distance and record the results on the data sheet slides
    • Copy slides into your May E-Learning Slideshow or tell me about it on SeeSaw
  • Social Studies
    • Watch the lesson on analyzing artifacts
    • Analyze the gold artifact
    • Record your thinking on the analysis sheet and share on Slides or SeeSaw

I’ll see you all at 9:30!

MsBoyer xo

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May 14

Good morning!

The thinking work that you all did yesterday for our new fantasy writing unit was so impressive! The way you shared ideas and built new ones by combining thoughts made me so proud! Today, in our zoom, we will be revisiting your wonderings and what if’s so bring your writing work and don’t be late.

This morning you have PE with Mr.Borgia at 9:00am and we have small groups today at 10am and 11am. Make a plan to attend one and of course, you are always welcome to attend both. The day rounds out with Library Broadcast with Ms.Sorensen at 2:30.

Planners ready? Let’s get started…


Watch “Lou,” a Pixar short film before your zoom meeting today. It is about 4 minutes. You may decide to watch this more than once to notice all the details in the film. What makes this story a Fantasy? Who are the characters? What character traits do you notice? Feelings? Any character changes? Lessons learned? Theme?

Introduction to Lou with Mrs. DeGrazia

Slides- Analyzing Pixar Short Film– these are in your writing folder

Add to the padlet when you are ready and we will look at your posts during your zoom class. Remember to add text evidence to your thinking and connect with any of your peers’ ideas similar to La Luna.

Boyer/Luciano Padlet

MATH: Operations involving meters and centimeters

Watch this video below. You will need a paper and pencil as you will be asked to practice adding/subtracting meters and centimeters as well as utilizing mental math strategies to make the number equations more friendly.

Operations involving meters & centimeters with Mrs. Luciano

Copy and Paste Slides: Workbook page 178-180

Print Option: Workbook pages 178-180

SOCIAL STUDIES: Traveling to Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece Video with Mrs. Mangan

Today you will be traveling back to Ancient Greece through TrueFlix! As you read the text, “Ancient Greece” explore the different photographs and drawings that make this non-fiction text so captivating. Watch the video above for instructions on how to access TrueFlix, and how to complete the graphic organizer for this text. There are two ways to show us your work, one by copy and pasting your graphic organizer into your own Slideshow and the other is on Seesaw

  1. Watch the lesson video
  2. Read the text, “Ancient Greece” on TrueFlix

Heathcote Gateway–Library–Databases–TrueFlix–

  1. Find 5 pictures in the text and think, “How does this picture help me learn about life at that time?” “Is the item in the picture a primary source or a secondary source?”
  2. Copy and paste your finished graphic organizer into your May E-Learning Slides OR complete the activity assigned to you on Seesaw

Ancient Greece G.O. Slide to Copy OR Find it in SeeSaw to complete


  • BookClub – Read for 30 minutes and complete one BINGO Board activity. If you are in need of another padlet for a new book, please let me know.
  • Read to me on SeeSaw at least one time by Friday

Smart Fact

On this day in 1787 Delegates gathered in Philadelphia to draw up the US Constitution. While the Constitution was the final result of this meeting, the delegates’ original plan was to re-write the Articles of Confederation (the first set of rules for our country) but that didn’t work out once they realized how many flaws the original set of rules had. To learn more about this historic event, visit Ducksters. Read about the Constitutional Convention and take the quiz!

And to help you stay organized…


  • ELA
    • Book Clubs
      • Read your agreed upon book club amount
      • Complete a new Bingo Board activity and post to Seesaw
        • Maybe challenge yourself by using loose part materials today?
    • Theme
      • Watch intro video
      • Watch “Lou” video in the Boyer/Luciano Padlet
      • Record your thinking
        • Answer many, if not all of the listed questions with evidence from the film
        • Use your first name for every jot
  • Math
    • Watch math lesson video
    • Complete Workbook pages 178-180
  • Social Studies
    • Watch the lesson on primary and secondary sources and Ancient Greece
    • Read, “Ancient Greece” on TrueFlix
    • Record your thinking on the graphic organizer
    • Post your work to Seesaw activity or copy slides into E-Learning Slides
  • Complete unfinished work from yesterday
    • Book Club Padlet
    • Math Worksheet
    • Primary Source Task Cards Recording Sheet
    • Fantasy ideas

I’ll see you all later!


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May 13

Good morning!

I am so excited for you all to see the new writing work that we are launching today! I know your creative minds will be thrilled with this new learning journey. We will talk more about this when we meet later. You may want to get a special notebook and sharpen your pencils because it’s going to be grand!

This morning we have a 10:30 zoom session and you have a 2:30 library broadcast with Ms. Sorensen. Have your snack before our zoom in case we stay on a little longer.

Plan a special today by visiting one of your teacher’s pages on the Heathcote Gateway. I always encourage you to do something creative as well, but I think that will come with the new writing work (I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about it!).

Planners ready? Let’s get started…

MATH: Subtraction from Meters

Today you will be learning how to subtract from meters. You will have to recall your knowledge of converting centimeters to meters and meters back to centimeters. You will also be reminded of some mental math strategies you have learned in previous units that might help you solve some of these problems. You will need a pencil and paper to complete this work.

Subtraction from meters video with Mrs. Luciano

Workbook pages 177 slide: Workbook page 177

Print Option: Workbook page 177


Writer’s today is the day you’ve been waiting for! For the first time ever, third graders are going to be writing fantasy stories. In order to do this type of writing well, there needs to be a structure that is followed. We know how creative you all can be and want this to be an awesome learning experience, so please take your time with today’s exercise in letting your mind wander. Get your pencil and notebook ready, and then watch this video.

Imaginative Narrative: What is it? Introductory Video

Imaginative Narrative Part 1 Slides (these are in your writing folder)


Primary Source Task Cards Lesson Video

Today you will be practicing your knowledge of primary and secondary sources.

  1. Watch the lesson video – this is important. Like really, really important!
  2. Check out the Primary Source Task cards to make educated guesses about whether the source stated is primary or secondary.
  3. Record your guesses on the Recording Sheet.
  4. Check your answers by using the QR code on each card and your smartphone or iPad.
  5. Share your Recording Sheet either on E-Learning Slideshow by copying and pasting or taking a picture of your printed sheet. Or, post a picture to Seesaw.

Task Cards #1 & Recording Sheet Slides – this is in your social studies folder

Task Cards #1 PDF

Recording Sheet PDF

Smart Fact

On this day in 1767 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s first opera “Apollo et Hyacinthus”, written when he was 11 years old, premiered in Salzburg. I know Mozart has been featured in the smart facts section before, but can we just stop and recognize the genius that he was, having written his first opera at age 11. He was essentially a 6th grader when he did that! The Book of Henry, Gifted and Little Man Tate are stories/movies that feature child prodigies who struggle with their gifts and their desire to lead a normal life. Perhaps suggest one for your next family movie night?

And to help you stay organized…


    • Reading: Book Clubs
      • Read your agreed upon book club amount
      • Record your jots on your group’s padlet, with your initials and the date
    • Writing
      • Watch intro video
      • Jot down wonders, questions and ideas in your notebook or on E-Slides
      • Share your ideas on Seesaw or save them to share in small group on Thursday
    • Math
      • Watch math lesson video
      • Complete Workbook page 177
      • Participate in any extra IXL or challenge games (optional)
    • Social Studies
      • Watch the lesson on primary and secondary sources
      • Check your S.S. folder for the slides, “Task Cards #1”
      • Answer cards 1-16 and record your answers on the recording sheet
      • Check your answers using the QR code
      • Post your recording sheet on Seesaw or E-Learning Slides

See you all at 10:30!

MsBoyer xo

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May 12

Good morning!

I am so impressed with the work that was handed in yesterday! Your storyboards are terrific, the math is thorough and there are so many strong details in the science work! Thank you for the great efforts. Please don’t forget to add your poems to our shared folder on Drive titled3B Poetry 2020.

This morning you have ART with Ms. Cameron at 10:30. We have a class zoom at 1pm with Mr. Casal and there’s library broadcast at 2:30 with Ms. Sorensen. Be sure to schedule a snack break and time to be creative today!

Planner’s ready? Let’s get started…


SOCIAL STUDIES: Primary and Secondary Sources

Today you will be learning about the ways we can study the past. Both primary and secondary sources allow us to learn, but what is the difference? Watch the lesson below to find out.

Primary and Secondary Sources Video with Mrs. Mangan

When you are done, please watch the short video to continue your understanding of the two different types of sources.

Primary and Secondary Sources Tutorial

And then head on over to Seesaw to test your knowledge. There is an assignment there called Primary and Secondary Sources. Please record the answers to both questions using the microphone tool.

ELA: Character Traits & Feelings

When developing theories about our characters, it is helpful to find as much text evidence as you can. Watch this video closely to learn about the activity you will be doing on the shared padlet provided below. In order to understand what is expected of you, it is important that you watch the lesson’s video BEFORE you click on your class padlet.

Character Trait & Feeling Video with Mrs. Luciano

Boyer – Mangan Padlet

BookClubs: Read for 30 minutes. Today is a BINGO Board day. Please choose one activity you haven’t tried yet, put your best efforts into completing it, and then post it to SeeSaw to share with us.

Read to me on SeeSaw at least once by Friday.


On this day in 1956 Brooklyn Dodger Carl Erskine’s 2nd no-hitter, beat NY Giants, 3-0. For many years, New York had two baseball teams, the Brooklyn Dodgers and the NY Giants and we still do, however the teams are different. Do you know the name of the two teams that are in New York now? Do you know how many states have two or more teams? Take a virtual tour of the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY to learn more about American’s favorite pastime.

And to help with organization…

****By the end of today I need to have completed:

  • Complete your Bingo Board Activity for your book club and post to Seesaw
  • Watch the short Pixar Film “La Luna” and post on your class padlet
  • Watch both math videos and complete the Centimeter Jump Record Sheet
  • Watch both Social Studies videos on primary and secondary sources
  • Complete the Social Studies Seesaw activity
  • Make sure you have corrected and completed all previous work on your May E-Learning Slideshow

I’ll see you all at 1pm with Mr.Casal. If you need me before then, please email me.

Ms.Boyer xo

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May 11

Good morning!

I hope you all enjoyed the weekend! Did you see the snow yesterday? Crazy weather! I enjoyed a new book and marveled over my new little plants. I posted a photo of my growing seedlings on SeeSaw – take a look and post your photos this week too! Seeing these little seedlings growing so well made me feel really proud, knowing that I had done that. I took care to plant them in good soil, watered them, and now they will grow into healthy plants. Our discussion starter this morning is my question to all of you: What have you done lately that you are really proud of? Let’s try to practice posting and commenting on each other’s posts to generate a rich virtual conversation this morning.

This morning we have our zoom at 10:30 – bring your reading notebook. You have a zoom session at 1:00 with Senor Johnson and 2:30 is the library broadcast with Ms.Sorensen. Please note that the Zoom schedule has been placed in your social studies folder (titled B Week Zooms) but the links have been shared with you as calendar links. We can review how to access them when I see you later.

Planner’s ready? Let’s get started…

MATH: Measure in Meters and Centimeters

Watch the video to learn about our new math unit on length. We will learn about meters and centimeters. Today you will need to print out a paper meterstick which you will assemble. Then you will go to Seesaw to find your Scavenger Hunt activity for today. Directions for today’s assignment is at the end of the video.

Measurement Video with Mrs. DeGrazia

  • Watch the video
  • Print and assemble the paper meterstick
  • Go to Seesaw activities and use the template for the scavenger hunt assigned to you
  • Have fun measuring

Print: Paper Meterstick

Print option: Scavenger Hunt


This is the final installment of our Weather Unit and Dr. Jeff is the perfect person to lead you through the four seasons to gain a deeper understanding of the patterns in nature. There is a fun song at the end and an OPTIONAL arts & crafts activity. The 3 Stop & Think questions are NOT optional. Please complete using details from the video and your best efforts!

Seasons Part Three Video

Seasons Part Three Slides

ELA: Theme and Fantasy

Today you will be creating your own story! Fantasy, mystery, realistic fiction; the choice is yours! The only rule is, it must tell a story of BRAVERY. Can you think of a character who shows bravery? What do they want? What are the challenges? How do they react?

Plan out your story using the Story Mountain graphic organizer, and then draw and write your final copy in the Storyboard graphic organizer. These are both placed in your Reading Folder.

When you are done, post your storyboard to the Seesaw assignment (click on the assignment tab in SeeSaw) or on the May E-Learning Slides.

Day 5 Video with Mrs. Mangan

  • Continue reading your book club agreed upon pages, and use your notebook to jot or post directly to Padlet using your initials and date.
  • Be sure to read to me on SeeSaw at least once by Friday.


On this day in 1858, Minnesota entered the Union as the 32nd state. Minnesota is nicknamed “The Land of 10,000 Lakes,” but it has at least 11,842 lakes of 10 acres or more. Minnesota is a midwestern state that’s a neighbor to Canada and Lake Superior, the largest of the Great Lakes.

Charles M. Schulz was a famous Minnesotan – do you know why he is famous? Visit to learn about the cast of beloved characters that he created and we still enjoy today.


Design Squad Global Webinar

Friday, May 15th, 4pm

Build and Q&A with Nate Ball

Check out Design Squad on Twitter: @DesignSquad

Register for the Webinar here: Design Squad Zoom


This year, Mo Willems became the Kennedy Center Education Artist-in-Residence at Home. He did a 15 day series of drawing tutorials starting in March.

If you missed any of Mo Willems’ Lunch Doodles, check them out here!

Mo Willems’ Lunch Doodles

May is all about kindness! He is now starting a new series, Thank-You Thursdays. Click here to check out what it is all about!

And to help you stay organized…


  • ELA
    • Watch Theme Storyboard lesson
    • Complete 2 graphic organizers (Reading Folder)
    • Post final version of Bravery Storyboard to Seesaw or May E-Learning Slideshow
    • Read 30 mins including your agreed upon Book Club book
    • Post your jots using your initials and date on Book Club Padlet
    • Take a peek at your new Fantasy Book/Audiobook and Video Collection
  • Math
    • Watch the math lesson video
    • Print and tape sections of the paper meterstick together
    • Complete the Scavenger Hunt on Seesaw
  • Science
    • Watch the Seasons 3 introduction video
    • Check your science folder for the Seasons 3 Slides
    • Watch Generation Genius Video
    • Copy Stop and Think questions and paste into your own slides, answer using full sentences and details from the video. I am looking for excellent work on these 🙂

I’ll see you all at 10:30!

Ms.Boyer xo

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May 8

Good morning!

Happy School Spirit Day! Today we have a buddy dance party at noon – don’t be late! I emailed the zoom link to all of you (and your parents as a back up). Find your favorite Heathcote gear and let’s party with our buddies!

This morning we have our bookclub zoom at 9:30am (pj’s are acceptable attire for this zoom). At 10:30 you have a zoom with Dr. Schultz and Mr. Weber and a 2:30 zoom for library broadcast with Ms.Sorensen.

Be sure to plan time for a snack and time to be creative!

Planners ready? Let’s get started…

MATH: Word Problems with Liters and Milliliters

In the video below you will be shown how to tackle word problems with liters and milliliters. You will need to have a paper and pencil while watching the tutorial. At times, you will be asked to “pause” the video and write the number sentence that matches the bar model and then solve for the unknown. If you arrive at a different solution than the one in the tutorial, please rewatch that section of the video again to identify your mistake before moving on.

Word Problems with L and mL Part 2 Tutorial with Mrs. Luciano

Copy and Paste Slides to your May E~Learning Slideshow Workbook pages 52-53

Printable PDFs: Workbook pages 52-53

Continue to practice IXL: Log in with your Scarsdale account

  • Today you will practice G #5-7 Multiplication fluency with 6,7,8
  • Here is a quick video to help you remember how to log into IXL:

BookClubs: Using Text Evidence to Support Your Theme

Day 4 Videowith Mrs. Mangan

Today you will be learning how to support your theme with evidence from the text. Watch the video and then see if you can think about how the theme you developed about your book club book can be supported by details from your book. What happened in the story that proves the theme you chose is truly a big lesson the author wanted to teach you?

Here is the graphic organizer from the lesson you may want to think about: Shareable Graphic Organizer

We will get together with our book clubs today during our class Zoom, but if you would like to have additional conversations and make plans for next week feel free to connect live with your group through Zoom or Facetime.


On this day in 1835, the 1st installment of Hans Christian Andersen’s “Fairy Tales” was published by C. A. Reitzel in Copenhagen, Denmark. Fixed Fairytales is an animated series that takes classic fairytales and gives them a new twist. Check out this modern version of The Princess and The Pea (originally by Hans Christian Andersen) to see how many feel it should have ended.


If a family member of yours has Facebook and you are interested in some interactive LIVE activities, the Liberty Science Center has some amazing events you might just want to look into. These are ongoing events, so if you cannot do today’s, there are many more opportunities for you to explore and participate. Have fun!

Liberty Science Center – Facebook Live Trivia (note this video is from last week, however the trivia games are ongoing throughout the month of May, so the directions remain the same)

To help with organization…

By the end of today I need to have completed:

    • Words Their Way Due – submit all activities for the week
    • Read 30 minutes – work on graphic organizer to be ready to share during book clubs
    • Watch math video- complete math workbook pages 52-53 (show ALL work)
    • IXL- G #5-7 Multiplication fluency problems
    • Check previous assignments for feedback and make any necessary corrections (this includes Seesaw)
    • Try the Liberty Science Center Trivia

I’ll see you all at 9:30 for BookClubs! Bring your notebooks!

MsBoyer xo

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May 7

Good morning!

I hope you all enjoyed Wellness Wednesday! I started my day as I do so many, with a cup of coffee and SeeSaw. Listening to you all share your work, (math experiments, reading, solar cookers, bingo board activities) really is the best way to start the day. Please check SeeSaw to see if you owe any work and be sure to add that to your to-do list.

Today we have two small group zooms, this is not optional so please plan on attending one of the sessions. We will be discussing BookClubs (no breakout rooms, just a general discussion) and sharing as we always do. The first session is at 10am and the second one is at 11am. There is also a library broadcast zoom with Ms. Sorensen at 2:30.

Please be sure to schedule a snack and some time to be creative today!

Daily planners ready? Let’s get started…


Adding and Subtracting Liters and milliliters (Part 1) using various strategies

Watch this video below. Make sure you have a pencil and paper handy so that you may work alongside the video. At times, you will be asked to “pause” the video to think through an idea or “pause” the video to work through the problem to arrive at your next step or solution. If your answer does not match the solution on the video, you may want to watch that portion again to see what your misunderstanding was.

Adding and Subtracting Liters and milliliters part 1 VIDEO with Mrs. Luciano

Copy and Paste to May E-Learning Slideshow: Workbook B pages 49-51

Printable pdf: Workbook B pages 49-51


This lesson focuses on the movement of the Earth around the sun (it’s orbit) and how that affects the changing seasons. Watch the video below so that you will know the steps involved to be successful with this learning opportunity.

Seasons Part Two Video

Seasons Part Two Slides


Theme with Bingo Board

Today you will be diving deeper into one of the Bingo board activities that focuses on theme. Watch the video and if you would like, choose activity #17 to connect your book club book theme to other books, movies and t.v. shows with the same theme.

Day 3 Video on Theme with Mrs. Mangan

If you choose a different Bingo board activity for today, just be sure to pick something different than what you have chosen before. Post your final product to Seesaw, explaining which book you are reading and identify the name and number of the activity you completed.

WTW due Friday

READ to me on SeeSaw due Friday


On this day in 1846 first printed copies of “Poems” by Emily, Charlotte, and Anne Brontë, were published under pseudonyms (pen name) of Acton, Currer, and Ellis Bell. Women often had to write using a man’s name because it wasn’t considered proper for a woman to be working in the world of literature. Even the wildly popular Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling was asked to NOT use her name, Joanne Rowling, but instead her initials to attract more male readers. Check out this website to learn about J.K. Rowling’s other pen name and books that she published using that name.

Weinberg Nature Center Special Events:

Sam Weinstock, the naturalist at Weinberg Nature Center, has organized a weekly Virtual Field Trip for K-5 students. The webinar is designed to enrich your passion for the natural world and the animals that live within it. Each week, a different animal group will be observed.

Take a look at this schedule to get the links for these special events (it is also in your science folder).

And to help you with organization…

By the end of today, I need to have completed….

    • Words Their Way Due Friday
    • Read 30 minutes – book club bingo board activity- put in your BEST effort
    • Read to Ms.Boyer on SeeSaw
    • Science Brainpop Video on Seasons – take the quiz and complete worksheet
    • Seesaw activity with Seasons
    • Math workbook pages 49 – 51
    • Check previous assignments for feedback and make any necessary corrections.

See you all later!

Ms.Boyer xo

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May 5

Good morning!

I am happy to announce that my seeds are sprouting. Does anyone else see signs of growth? Take pictures and share on SeeSaw, please. After yesterday’s lesson, your bookclub padlets are VERY impressive as they are filled with new thinking and insight. Thank you for putting so much effort into your contributions! Today is a Bingo Board day. Please choose and complete the task with no less than 100% effort, as I know you will. Post on SeeSaw when you are done.

Daily planners ready? Wait, are you setting up your daily schedule or is mom or dad doing it for you? As an almost-fourth-grader, you should start by reading the blog each morning and making your own plan for the day. Add our 1pm Zoom with Mr.Casal to your schedule and Ms. Sorensen’s 2:30 pm library broadcast. Mom and dad can help or approve your final schedule, but you can certainly start doing the heavy lifting here.

Now, let’s get started…

MATH: Extra Practice to convert liters and milliliters

Watch the first video of our two friends in 3rd grade as they demonstrate what happens when you add a container greater than a 1 liter and another container less than a liter. It is a great visual to understand adding liters and ml. Great work girls!

Student demonstration Video

Watch the video below for extra practice to convert and subtract L and ml. You will need paper and a pencil to complete the problems.

Converting & Comparing ML and L with Mrs Degrazia

Copy and paste: Workbook pp47-48

Print option: WB 47-48


Today we begin the 4th Section of our Weather Study.

  1. WATCH the video to learn how to create your own Puzzling Vocabulary matching game to practice new terms and definitions.
  2. LISTEN to the directions for the related SeeSaw activity titled “Puzzling Vocabulary”
  3. PRINT the template and get started…

Seasons Part One Video

Seasons Part One Slides (these are also in your science folder on Drive)


Today as we continue our talk about theme, we discuss the difference between theme and main idea. Watch the video below and then go on over to Seesaw to look for an assignment called, “The Invisible Boy-Theme.” Watch the video and write one idea of what you think the theme of the book could be.

Day 2 Lesson with Mrs.Mangan

Continue reading the assigned book club book amount and then pick one activity from the BINGO board to complete for today. Be sure to identify which activity you choose either by name or by number and post your final project to Seesaw by the end of the day.

Words Their Way – Due Friday

Read Aloud to me on SeeSaw – Due Friday (more than once is good if you have time).


On this day in 1891 Music Hall (Carnegie Hall) opened in New York, Tchaikovsky was the guest conductor. Tchaikovsky was the first Russian composer whose music made a lasting impression internationally, which he bolstered with appearances as a guest conductor later in his career in Europe and the United States. One of these appearances was at the inaugural concert of Carnegie Hall in New York City in 1891. Disney’s movie, The Nutcracker and The Four Realms is a great way to enjoy Tchaikovsky’s famous score.

AND to help you with organization…

By the end of today, I need to have completed….

  • Words Their Way Due Friday
  • Listen to the “Invisible Boy” read aloud (You can find that on your assigned Seesaw post) and record your ideas about what the theme of the story is
  • Read 30 minutes – book club bingo board activity (Posted on Seesaw)
  • Math workbook pages 47-48
  • Print out the Puzzling Vocabulary Template
  • Complete the Vocabulary Activity and post to Seesaw
  • If you haven’t done the engineering challenge from yesterday, you can still complete it – take a video or picture of it, upload to seesaw and voice record your explanation
  • Check for feedback on the work you handed in on slides and/or SeeSaw. Make corrections if needed.

Have a great Tuesday, my fabulous third graders! I’ll see you all at 1:00 pm.

Ms.Boyer xo

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May 4

Good morning!

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend and spent lots of time outdoors! The weather was beautiful (I think the actual weather was much better than the predicted weather). An old saying states, “April showers bring May flowers” so perhaps the rain is over.

Let’s get organized for May. I’ve put new slides for the month of May in your social studies folder. Put all of your previous work in the April folder to keep the workspace organized. The May slides are a little different in that they are organized by day/date instead of the subject area. We will talk about this when I see you later.

Our zoom session today is at 10:30 – bring your reading notebook. You have a 1:00pm Spanish Zoom with Senor Johnson and a 1:45 Music Zoom with Ms. Bescherer. At 2:30 there’s library broadcast with Ms. Sorensen. Your new zoom schedule is in your social studies folder.

For our Monday discussion starter, the inspiration comes from watching an old favorite movie with my boys, IronMan. I’m curious to know what your favorite older movies are and if you like to rewatch them. Here’s the link to our Padlet Discussion Starter.

Daily planners ready? Let’s get started…


Convert between liters and milliliters Video with Mrs. DeGrazia

In this video you will convert between liters and milliliters, subtracting and adding milliliters. You will need paper and a pencil to practice all the problems. You will pause and un-pause throughout this video and be expected to compare your solution with the video’s solution. Please watch and practice all the problems in its entirety before completing your math workbook pages.

Copy and paste: Workbook p45-46

Print option: WB pp 45-46


Watch this video to learn about NASA’s Climate Kids Website and the wealth of information it holds. There’s a video for you to watch, a few questions to answer, and an Engineering Challenge that you are sure to love!

Weather & Climate Part Four Video

Weather & Climate Part Four Slides (these are also in your science folder on Drive).


Theme Day 1 Video with Mrs. Mangan

Today you will be learning about the story element, theme. The theme is the big idea or message that you take away after reading your book. Watch the video, and then push yourself to add an idea about your book club book’s theme when you are recording your ideas on Padlet today. I’ve added a column for you to focus your thinking on theme.

BrainPopJr Video on Theme – if this link isn’t working, then log onto BrainPop from the Gateway. This video is in your assignment.

WORDS THEIR WAY – Be sure to log in through the Heathcote Gateway. Due by Friday


On this day in 1979, Margaret Thatcher became the first woman to be elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom (UK) comprises four countries: England, Scotland, and Wales (which collectively make up Great Britain) and Northern Ireland (which is variously described as a country, province or region). The flag of the United Kingdom is known as The Union Jack. “Why do countries have flags?” you ask, well check out this website to find out why and learn about flags from all over the world.

To help you stay organized:

By the end of today, I need to have completed….

  • Words Their Way Due Friday
  • Read 30 minutes – book club padlet post
  • Watch the Brainpop video on theme
  • Math workbook pages 45-46
  • Watch the science video and complete the Seesaw activity
  • Complete the engineering challenge – take a video or picture of it, upload to seesaw and voice record your explanation – hopefully it will be warm enough to complete today

See you all at 10:30am!

Ms Boyer xo

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May 1

Good morning!

Sharing poetry with our buddies yesterday was so much fun! You all were such good listeners, supporting our buddies and clapping for them was really nice to see! They were just as excited to cheer for you too!

I have loved listening to so many of you reading on SeeSaw. I hope you realize how much you have grown as readers! If you haven’t done this yet, please post it by the end of the day today. The two Bookclub Bingo Board activities should be posted on SeeSaw by the end of today too.

This morning we have a Book Club zoom at 9am. You all have Mr. Weber at 10am. We are together again for Gardening at 11am – Start to get your supplies ready ahead of time. I can’t wait!!

And at 2pm you have an optional Spanish game.

Before our 9am bookclub talks please read the following paragraph and watch the awesome video Mrs. Mangan made for you.


Book Clubs- Virtual Book Club Conversations

The best part of being in a book club is that you get to talk with your classmates about the book you are reading. You get to laugh together about your favorite part, build on each other’s ideas and see different perspectives by respectfully disagreeing with one another. It is these conversations that help you grow as a reader and thinker. Watch the video to remind yourself of what a great book club conversation looks and sounds like both in the classroom and virtually.

LIVE BOOKCLUB TALK Video with Mrs. Mangan


Today you are going to explore IXL. Watch the video tutorial below to learn OR be reminded of how to log onto your Scarsdale Schools IXL account. (Remember, if you have a private IXL account that is linked to your PERSONAL email, that is separate from your Scarsdale Account!)

Tutorial for IXL

Click on the link for the Heathcote Gateway: Heathcote Gateway

You will be doing the following practice skills:

Third Grade

  • G (Multiplication Fluency) #1-4: Multiplication Tables for 2,3,4,5 and 10 – Fact Practice, True/False, Sorting and Finding the Missing Factor
  • BB (Units of Measurement) #19: Compare and Convert Metric Units of Weight


If a family member of yours has Facebook and you are interested in some interactive LIVE activities, the LIberty Science Center has some amazing events you might just want to look into. These are ongoing events, so if you cannot do today’s, there are many more opportunities for you to explore and participate. Have fun!

Liberty Science Center – Facebook Live Trivia

Weather & Climate Part 3

Yesterday’s Assignment was a 2-day assignment – Creating a World Climate Map to learn more about how location affects climate. Be sure to post your Climate Map and new learnings/questions on SeeSaw

After completing the Mystery Doug Video, this video is a wonderful way to summarize all the information we have learned about the different climate zones. Different Climate Zones – What do we wear?


On this day in 1786 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s opera “Marriage of Figaro” premiered in Vienna, Austria with Mozart himself directing. Mozart completed this opera just shy of his 30th birthday. Read more about Mozart’s life and music here: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

See you all at 9am!

MsBoyer xo

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Limitless Learners  | School as it should be… (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.