It's so hot in Mexico that howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees (2024)

It’s so hot in Mexico that howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees.At least 138 of the midsize primates, who are known for their roaring vocal calls, were found dead in the Gulf Coast state of Tabasco since May 16, according to the Biodiversity Conservation of The Usumacinta group. Others were rescued by residents, including five that were rushed to a local veterinarian who battled to save them.“They arrived in critical condition, with dehydration and fever,” said Dr. Sergio Valenzuela. "They were as limp as rags. It was heatstroke.”While Mexico's brutal heat wave has been linked to the deaths of at least 26 people since March, veterinarians and rescuers say it has killed dozens and perhaps hundreds of howler monkeys. Around a third of the country saw highs of 113 degrees Fahrenheit on Tuesday.In the town of Tecolutilla, Tabasco, the dead monkeys started appearing Friday, when a local volunteer fire-and-rescue squad showed up with five of the creatures in the bed of a truck.Normally quite intimidating, howler monkeys are muscular and some can be as tall as 3 feet, with tails just as long. Some males weigh more than 30 pounds and can live up to 20 years. They are equipped with big jaws and a fearsome set of teeth and fangs. But mostly they're know for their lion-like roars, which bely their size.“They (the volunteers) asked for help, they asked if I could examine some of the animals they had in their truck,” Valenzuela said Monday. “They said they didn't have any money, and asked if I could do it for free.”The veterinarian put ice on their limp little hands and feet, and hooked them up to IV drips with electrolytes.So far, the monkeys appear to be on the mend. Once listless and easily handled, they are now in cages at Valenzuela's office. “They're recovering. They're aggressive … they're biting again,” he said, noting that's a healthy sign for the usually furtive creatures.Most aren't so lucky. Wildlife biologist Gilberto Pozo counted about 138 of the animals dead or dying on the ground under trees. The die-off started around May 5 and hit its peak over the weekend.“They were falling out of the trees like apples,” Pozo said. “They were in a state of severe dehydration, and they died within a matter of minutes.” Already weakened, Pozo says, the falls from dozens of yards up inflict additional damage that often finishes the monkeys off.Pozo attributes the deaths to a “synergy” of factors, including high heat, drought, forest fires and logging that deprives the monkeys of water, shade and the fruit they eat, while noting that a pathogen, disease or other factor can't yet be ruled out.For people in the steamy, swampy, jungle-covered state of Tabasco, the howler monkey is a cherished, emblematic species; local people say the monkeys tell them the time of day by howling at dawn and dusk.Pozo said the local people — who he knows through his work with the Biodiversity Conservation of The Usumacinta group — have tried to help the monkeys they see around their farms. But he notes that could be a double-edged sword.“They were falling out of the trees, and the people were moved, and they went to help the animals, they set out water and fruit for them,” Pozo said. “They want to care for them, mainly the baby monkeys, adopt them.”“But no, the truth is that babies are very delicate, they can't be in a house where there are dogs or cats, because they have pathogens that can potentially be fatal for howler monkeys,” he said, stressing they must be rehabilitated and released into the wild.Pozo's group has set up a special recovery stations for monkeys — it currently holds five monkeys, but birds and reptiles have also been affected — and is trying to organize a team of specialized veterinarians to give the primates the care they need.Belatedly, the federal government acknowledged the problem Monday, with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador saying he had heard about it on social media. He congratulated Valenzuela on his efforts and said the government would seek to support the work.López Obrador acknowledged the heat problem — “I have never felt it as bad as this” — but he has a lot of human problems to deal with as well.By May 9, at least nine cities in Mexico had set temperature records, with Ciudad Victoria in the border state of Tamaulipas clocking a broiling 117 F.With below-average rainfall throughout almost all the country so far this year, lakes and dams are drying up, and water supplies are running out. Authorities have had to truck in water for everything from hospitals to fire-fighting teams. Low levels at hydroelectric dams have contributed to power blackouts in some parts of the country.Consumers are feeling the heat as well. On Monday, the nationwide chain of OXXO convenience stores — the nation's largest — said it was limiting purchases of ice to just two or three bags per customer in some places.“In a period of high temperatures, OXXO is taking measures to ensure supplies of products for our customers,” parent company FEMSA said in a statement. “Limits on the sale of bagged ice seek to ensure that a larger number of customers can buy this product.”But for the monkeys, it's not a question of comfort, but of life or death.“This is a sentinel species,” Pozo said, referring to the canary-in-a-coal-mine effect where one species can say a lot about an ecosystem. “It is telling us something about what is happening with climate change.”


It’s so hot in Mexico that howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees.

At least 138 of the midsize primates, who are known for their roaring vocal calls, were found dead in the Gulf Coast state of Tabasco since May 16, according to the Biodiversity Conservation of The Usumacinta group. Others were rescued by residents, including five that were rushed to a local veterinarian who battled to save them.

“They arrived in critical condition, with dehydration and fever,” said Dr. Sergio Valenzuela. "They were as limp as rags. It was heatstroke.”

While Mexico's brutal heat wave has been linked to the deaths of at least 26 people since March, veterinarians and rescuers say it has killed dozens and perhaps hundreds of howler monkeys. Around a third of the country saw highs of 113 degrees Fahrenheit on Tuesday.

In the town of Tecolutilla, Tabasco, the dead monkeys started appearing Friday, when a local volunteer fire-and-rescue squad showed up with five of the creatures in the bed of a truck.

Normally quite intimidating, howler monkeys are muscular and some can be as tall as 3 feet, with tails just as long. Some males weigh more than 30 pounds and can live up to 20 years. They are equipped with big jaws and a fearsome set of teeth and fangs. But mostly they're know for their lion-like roars, which bely their size.

“They (the volunteers) asked for help, they asked if I could examine some of the animals they had in their truck,” Valenzuela said Monday. “They said they didn't have any money, and asked if I could do it for free.”

The veterinarian put ice on their limp little hands and feet, and hooked them up to IV drips with electrolytes.

So far, the monkeys appear to be on the mend. Once listless and easily handled, they are now in cages at Valenzuela's office. “They're recovering. They're aggressive … they're biting again,” he said, noting that's a healthy sign for the usually furtive creatures.

Most aren't so lucky. Wildlife biologist Gilberto Pozo counted about 138 of the animals dead or dying on the ground under trees. The die-off started around May 5 and hit its peak over the weekend.

“They were falling out of the trees like apples,” Pozo said. “They were in a state of severe dehydration, and they died within a matter of minutes.” Already weakened, Pozo says, the falls from dozens of yards up inflict additional damage that often finishes the monkeys off.

Pozo attributes the deaths to a “synergy” of factors, including high heat, drought, forest fires and logging that deprives the monkeys of water, shade and the fruit they eat, while noting that a pathogen, disease or other factor can't yet be ruled out.

For people in the steamy, swampy, jungle-covered state of Tabasco, the howler monkey is a cherished, emblematic species; local people say the monkeys tell them the time of day by howling at dawn and dusk.

Pozo said the local people — who he knows through his work with the Biodiversity Conservation of The Usumacinta group — have tried to help the monkeys they see around their farms. But he notes that could be a double-edged sword.

“They were falling out of the trees, and the people were moved, and they went to help the animals, they set out water and fruit for them,” Pozo said. “They want to care for them, mainly the baby monkeys, adopt them.”

“But no, the truth is that babies are very delicate, they can't be in a house where there are dogs or cats, because they have pathogens that can potentially be fatal for howler monkeys,” he said, stressing they must be rehabilitated and released into the wild.

Pozo's group has set up a special recovery stations for monkeys — it currently holds five monkeys, but birds and reptiles have also been affected — and is trying to organize a team of specialized veterinarians to give the primates the care they need.

Belatedly, the federal government acknowledged the problem Monday, with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador saying he had heard about it on social media. He congratulated Valenzuela on his efforts and said the government would seek to support the work.

López Obrador acknowledged the heat problem — “I have never felt it as bad as this” — but he has a lot of human problems to deal with as well.

By May 9, at least nine cities in Mexico had set temperature records, with Ciudad Victoria in the border state of Tamaulipas clocking a broiling 117 F.

With below-average rainfall throughout almost all the country so far this year, lakes and dams are drying up, and water supplies are running out. Authorities have had to truck in water for everything from hospitals to fire-fighting teams. Low levels at hydroelectric dams have contributed to power blackouts in some parts of the country.

Consumers are feeling the heat as well. On Monday, the nationwide chain of OXXO convenience stores — the nation's largest — said it was limiting purchases of ice to just two or three bags per customer in some places.

“In a period of high temperatures, OXXO is taking measures to ensure supplies of products for our customers,” parent company FEMSA said in a statement. “Limits on the sale of bagged ice seek to ensure that a larger number of customers can buy this product.”

But for the monkeys, it's not a question of comfort, but of life or death.

“This is a sentinel species,” Pozo said, referring to the canary-in-a-coal-mine effect where one species can say a lot about an ecosystem. “It is telling us something about what is happening with climate change.”

It's so hot in Mexico that howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees (2024)


It's so hot in Mexico that howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees? ›

It was heatstroke." While Mexico's brutal heat wave was linked to the deaths of at least 26 people since March, veterinarians and rescuers say it killed dozens, perhaps hundreds, of howler monkeys.

What are some interesting facts about the black howler monkey? ›

Black howler monkeys are the loudest terrestrial animals in the Western Hemisphere! Found in South America, they are usually the largest, most abundant primate in their range. These monkeys are born with blond fur, but the male's fur turns black as they mature.

Why are black howler monkeys endangered? ›

The Yucatán black howler monkey (A. pigra), which is native to Guatemala, Belize, and southern Mexico, has been listed as an endangered species since 2003. Since 1978 it has declined by more than 60 percent because of hunting, habitat loss, and disease.

How long do howler monkeys live for? ›

Lifespan. Assuming they reach their full lifespan and are not eaten by predators, howler monkeys live, on average, about 15-20 years in the wild.

How many howler monkeys are left in the world? ›

Overall, about 100,000 howlers of all subspecies remain in the wild. The Colombian red howler has the largest population among all 15 types of howlers.

Are howler monkeys aggressive? ›


And while howlers are not particularly aggressive, they definitely sound the part! The thunderous males address each other every morning with a guttural sound more similar to a lion's tremendous roar than the calls of a small, tree-dwelling folivore.

What makes a howler monkey special? ›

Howler monkeys are the loudest of all monkeys. They call to let others know where their territory is, alerting them to stay away. The calls sound like a loud whooping bark or roar. After one group of howlers call, another group answers.

Are howler monkeys smart? ›

Howler Monkeys are actually quite intelligent.

Are howler monkeys rare? ›

The red howler species is the most common, but it is often targeted by hunters eager for bushmeat. Other species of howler monkey may be critically endangered over sections of their ranges.

What helps a howler monkey survive? ›

Adaptations: Their tale is a prehensile tail and can support their whole body weight. Living mostly in the canopy it helps to have an extra “hand” to hold on with. The underside of the tail is even hairless with a gripping pad. Males and Females look are very different in both size and color.

How long are howler monkeys pregnant? ›

Howler monkeys have a gestation period of 6 months and give birth to one baby. All infants are born golden and, if male, they gradually darken until they are completely black in colour at around 2 years old.

Do howler monkeys sleep at night? ›

While not particularly perky primates, they are most active during the day (diurnal), sleeping high in rainforest trees at night.

How many times do monkeys mate a day? ›

Male monkeys can mate 10 times a day and females can give birth twice a year.

How big can a howler monkey get? ›

These are the largest New World monkeys and generally attain lengths of about 40–70 cm (16–28 inches), excluding the 50–75-cm (20–30-inch) tail. Howlers are stoutly built bearded monkeys with a hunched appearance and thickly furred prehensile tails that are naked on the underside of the tip to afford a better grip.

What is the oldest howler monkey? ›

Zuele from the Beardsley Zoo in Bridgeport, Conn., was the oldest howler monkey in captivity. She died at the age of 32.

How strong is a black howler monkey? ›

Howler monkeys are not as agile and quick as many other types of monkeys, but they are very strong. When moving along the tops of trees, howler monkeys generally use four limbs and their tail. They grip the branches with at least one hand and their tail at all times. Their tails are used as a main support when moving.

How loud is a black howler monkey? ›

Known for their haunting, lion-like roars, black howler monkeys are considered the loudest land animal in the world. Their calls can be heard up to three miles away and can reach 140 decibels. (A jet engine at takeoff is about 150 decibels—loud enough to rupture eardrums.)

How tall is a black howler monkey? ›

Howler monkeys are among the largest primates in the Neotropics. They can grow to be 22 to 36 inches tall when standing. And, their tails are about the same size in length as their bodies! Male howlers are black, while females are brown.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.