Customer Top Tips For Growing Leeks (2024)

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By Paulina Kurpiewska

Customer Top Tips For Growing Leeks (1)

We ran a survey and asked our valued customers to submit their top tips for successfully growing leeks. Some have been featured in our catalogues but we thought we would publish these online to allow other growers to benefit...

We must add that we haven't tried all of the hints and tips below but it may offer some insights to how other growers approach sowing and growing leeks.

  • Sow seeds in a large (8-9") pot of compost in a cold frame or poly tunnel for early germination and to avoid taking up space in the border. Then plant out in the final position when large enough.
  • Sow in seed tray to propagate, and once sturdy, transplant into a deep trough, and leave until pencil thick. When at this stage, transplant into prepared ground. Use a bulb planter to make a hole 6in deep, put the cardboard insert from a toilet roll into the hole, trim off roots to 1/2in and leaves of leeks so that the leeks are approx. 8-10in tall, and then place into the toilet roll insert. Fill with water. Once leeks grow, bank up with soil. The cardboard toilet roll inserts will disintegrate into the ground.
  • Start them off in seed trays on Christmas Day. Then when large enough trans plant into pots till they are fairly thick a then bore a hole with a crow bad bout 6in deep and drop the plant in and just water it, god will fill the hole in.
  • Start the seeds as early as the weather will allow. Leek moth is the worst thing to contend with but if you get an attack then just cut the leeks down to almost ground level and you I'll be amazed how they will recover.
  • For good size leeks give them good soil and take care of them - if they are just stuck in anywhere in the garden or on the allotment, they don't grow to a decent size.
Customer Top Tips For Growing Leeks (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.