Berserker ring (2025)

Berserker ring
Berserker ring (1)
Released7 November 2005 (Update)
Quest itemNo
OptionsWear, Drop
ExamineA ring reputed to bring out a berserk fury in its wearer.
Value10,000 coins
High alch6,000 coins
Low alch4,000 coins
Weight0.004 kg
Grand Exchange
Exchange4,924,377 coins (info)
Buy limit8
Daily volume3,890


Advanced data
Item ID6737
Berserker ring (2)

The berserker ring is the strength bonus variant of the Fremennik rings and is dropped by Dagannoth Rex in the Waterbirth Island Dungeon. The Fremennik rings are some of the very few rings to give stat bonuses. Group Ironmen require at least 1 Dagannoth Rex kill before they are able to wear this item.

It can be imbued into a berserker ring (i), doubling its bonuses, by using 650,000 Nightmare Zone reward points, 260 Soul Wars Zeal Tokens, or a scroll of imbuing purchased for 200 PvP Arena reward points.

The berserker ring is one of a handful of rings that provide a strength bonus. Thus, it is commonly used in melee setups because strength bonus raises the player's maximum hit, which is generally more beneficial than accuracy for DPS against targets with low defence.

The ring is most useful when facing monsters with low Defence levels, as the extra hits can increase overall kill times. If crush accuracy is needed, the Tyrannical ring should be used; slash accuracy should use a warrior's or bellator ring.

Players can use a chisel on the berserker ring to create a berserker icon after learning how to combine ring icons from Peer the Seer. This process requires 80 Crafting (boostable), and is part of the process for creating the ultor ring.


  • 1 Combat stats
  • 2 Products
  • 3 Item sources
  • 4 Used in recommended equipment
  • 5 Transcript
  • 6 Changes
  • 7 Trivia

Combat stats[edit | edit source]

Berserker ring (3)Attack bonuses
Berserker ring (4)Berserker ring (5)Berserker ring (6)Berserker ring (7)Berserker ring (8)
Berserker ring (9)Defence bonuses
Berserker ring (10)Berserker ring (11)Berserker ring (12)Berserker ring (13)Berserker ring (14)
Berserker ring (15)Other bonusesSlot
Berserker ring (16)Berserker ring (17)Berserker ring (18)Berserker ring (19)Berserker ring (20)

Products[edit | edit source]

Berserker ring (21)Berserker icon
Berserker ring (22)
  • Berserker ring (23) 80
  • Berserker ring (24) 400
Berserker ring (25)Berserker ring (i)
(Emir's Arena)
Berserker ring (26)
  • None
  • None
Berserker ring (27)Berserker ring (i)
(Nightmare Zone)
Berserker ring (28)
  • None
  • None
Berserker ring (29)Berserker ring (i)
(Soul Wars)
Berserker ring (30)
  • None
  • None

Item sources[edit | edit source]

For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.

Dagannoth Rex303 Berserker ring (31)11/128

Used in recommended equipment[edit | edit source]

4Alchemical Hydra/Strategies (Melee)
5Ancient Wyvern/Strategies (Melee)
2Barbarian Assault/Strategies (Melee)
4Corporeal Beast/Strategies (Team melee)
4Corporeal Beast/Strategies (Melee masses)
4Corporeal Beast/Strategies (Void)
4Corporeal Beast/Strategies (Solo melee)
3Giant Mole/Strategies (Melee & Prayer Budget)
4Nightmare Zone/Strategies (Melee (Dharok's))
4Nightmare Zone/Strategies (Melee (Guthan's))
4Nightmare Zone/Strategies (Melee)
2Scurrius/Strategies (Melee (mid level))
5Skeletal Wyvern/Strategies (Melee)
3Tombs of Amascut/Strategies (Melee switch)
5Ultimate Ironman Guide/Equipment

Transcript[edit | edit source]

The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Berserker ring.

Using a chisel on the ring

  • Break down the Berserker ring?
  • Yes.

    • Berserker ring (32)

      You successfully break down the Berserker ring into a Berserker icon.

    • (End of dialogue)
  • No.

    • (End of dialogue)

Changes[edit | edit source]


The Seer, Archer, Warrior and Berserker rings can be imbued, improving their combat stats.


This content was included when the Old School RuneScape servers officially launched.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • In Norse history, whom the Fremennik are based on, berserkers are warriors said to have fought in a trance-like fury.




Rumble mode power-ups
Provided items


Dagannoth Kings
Rock-shell armour
Skeletal armour
Spined armour
Fremennik helmets
Berserker ring (2025)


What does a berserker ring do? ›

The berserker ring is one of a handful of rings that provide a strength bonus. Thus, it is commonly used in melee setups because strength bonus raises the player's maximum hit, which is generally more beneficial than accuracy for DPS against targets with low defence.

Is a berserker ring worth imbuing? ›

A berserker ring (i) provides inferior bonuses compared to the onyx ring (i), which costs the same amount of zeal to imbue. Other ring alternatives exist such as the Sixth-Age circuit and asylum surgeon's ring; as such, it may be considered a waste of reward credits to create this ring.

What does imbuing the berserker ring do? ›

The Berserker Ring (i) (Berserker ring imbued) is one of the most worn rings in-game. This ring is a Melee-based ring that grants the user an increased Crush and Strength boost. It's a perfect choice for some additional Strength bonus for PvM (Player vs Monster), PvP (player vs player), or even Dueling.

Do you lose the Imbued berserker ring on death? ›

If not protected, dying to another player will cause the imbued ring to lose its imbued status, but the player will be reimbursed the Nightmare Zone points, Zeal Tokens or Scroll of imbuing to re-imbue it via the aforementioned methods. Dying to a monster will not remove its imbued effect.

What does the berserker symbol mean? ›

Viking Berserker Symbol

The Old Norse had a rudimentary written language that consisted of runic symbols. One of these is the Viking berserker symbol. The berserker runic character symbolizes the uncontrollable rage of a berserker, bloodlust, and also protection.

What is the role of a berserker? ›

Many earlier sagas portrayed berserkers as bodyguards, elite soldiers, and champions of kings. This image would change as time passed and sagas would begin to describe berserkers as boasters rather than heroes, and as ravenous men who loot, plunder, and kill indiscriminately.

Why is berserker so good? ›

What helps stand Berserk apart from other dark fantasy series is that there's an overwhelming nihilism that fills its characters. Guts is unquestionably strong, but he's witnessed such bleak tragedies and views Midland as a broken world, making each of his heroic gestures hit a little harder.

Is the berserker armor worth it? ›

There's no need to get it during the early waves, but once Scrakes and FPs start arriving, if you can spare the money you should buy it. Armour can be the difference between surviving a nasty attack and not.

Is berserker helm better than rune? ›

The berserker helm's defensive bonuses are roughly on par with the rune full helm. More specifically, the berserker helm is slightly better than the rune full helm in both stab and crush defence, but is slightly worse in slash defence.

How many max hits does the berserker ring give? ›

If you throw a Berserker (i) for the ring slot it only goes up to 51, when usually the ring should be a +2 max hit increase.

What does imbuing ring of suffering do? ›

It can be imbued into a ring of suffering (i) using 725,000 Nightmare Zone reward points. This doubles its equipment bonuses. The ring can also be charged with rings of recoil to give it the recoil effect, renaming the item as the Ring of suffering (r).

Is the Ring of death Untradable? ›

When attempting to wear a new (tradeable) ring of death, a warning message will appear stating that if you wear it, it will become permanently untradeable. Even if it is not used or onyxes are used to return it to full charges, it remains untradeable.

Is the berserker ring worth it in OSRs? ›

The Fremennik rings are some of the very few rings in RuneScape to give stat bonuses, and the Berserker ring is considered to be the best ring for Melee users. Many players seek out this ring because it is the only ring that provides a strength bonus.

What does imbuing Archer ring do? ›

A fabled ring that improves the wearer's skill with a bow... The Archers ring (i) is an upgraded version of the regular Archers ring. It can be imbued as a reward from the Nightmare Zone, costing 650,000 reward points. Its stats are double those of the archers' ring.

Is the Berserker ring worth it in FFXVI? ›

The Berserker Ring is one of the best accessories in FF16, not only because of its effect, but because you can collect it so early in the game. All you have to do to get your hands on the Berserker Ring is unlock the Patron's Whisper and collect it as a reward for earning 85 Renown.

What does the rage ring do? ›

Energy Projection: The ring can be used to fire blasts of Rage energy. This power is unique as it takes the form of rage-energized blood. The ring can project this blood as a blast that has the effect of a concussive blast with high destructive capability.

What is the reward of beating berserkers? ›

Berserker Gravestone - Once you've killed the 12 Berserkers, you can return to where it all began, and where you got the broken Hilt of Skofnung. Defeat him and receive a repaired Hilt of Skofnung, Helheim's Virtue, 300 Bonded Leather and 250,000 Hacksilver.

What do you get from berserker gravestones? ›

Alfheim Berserker Gravestones

After you defeat the bosses, you will get five Tempered Remnants, 180 Bonded Leather, 75 Shattered Runes, Berserker Cuirass (Chest Armor), Asgard's Security (Amulet Enchantment), and a Frozen Flame.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.