A Review on MULA - Fee-Only Financial Planning in Malaysia - Dividend Magic (2025)

By Leigh
Filed Under: Dividends 0

A Review on MULA - Fee-Only Financial Planning in Malaysia - Dividend Magic (1)

I recently got to try out and get a financial planning session with Priscilla Yong, a CFP from MULA.

You may have seen and heard of MULA:
Website: https://www.mula.com.my/
Instagram: @mula.advisory
Referral code: A007

I was interested in having a financial planning session because I wanted to have an unbiased third-party view on how my financials stand. Being a CFP myself and managing my own finances since forever, it was an eye-opening experience. On one hand, it helped solidify some beliefs and I got some reassurances but I also found that I was a little too comfortable with some parts. More on this later.

My Plan

A Review on MULA - Fee-Only Financial Planning in Malaysia - Dividend Magic (2)

I won’t be posting the whole report I got as some of the information are private and also because these are not meant to be shared with the public. I’ve gotten prior approval and permission from MULA to share these.

As above, this is the table of contents. From here, you should have a rough idea on what the financial plan from MULA covers.

A Review on MULA - Fee-Only Financial Planning in Malaysia - Dividend Magic (3)

My goals – kept it simple, needed just about RM5,000 per month and some for travelling every year. For now.

A Review on MULA - Fee-Only Financial Planning in Malaysia - Dividend Magic (4)

This was the part where I was a little too snuggled in my comfort zone and was rightly brought back to reality by Priscilla who informed me that my current mortgage rate was a little higher compared to what is being charged in the market. And this is where I benefited from having a financial planner look through my numbers. I think I will be saving a lot more once I get my mortgage looked at.

Reasons for Engaging a Financial Planner

The main reason I looked for a financial planner was to make sure I was on track financially and also to get a second opinion on the handling of my finances. There will always be ways where I can optimise and do better.

Your reasons for engaging the services of a financial planner may differ from mine. But I think even if you’ve been absolutely thorough with your own financial plan, it is still good to have someone else take a look at it.


I’d like to point out that I was first asked to provide feedback on MULA’s app when they first launched. After learning more about them, I decided to give them a shoutout here and also got a referral code to share with everyone.

Fee-Only Financial Planners

I’m a huge advocate of fee-only financial planners. You don’t want them to push certain products just because they are incentivized by commissions. Always, always go for a fee-only planner.

MULA is one of the cheapest I’ve come across in the industry at RM1,999 for a one-year plan. You get a comprehensive plan, and a thorough explanation of said plan via a video call.
AND you get access to your financial planner throughout the year where you can schedule a quick call if you need to reconfirm figures etc or just to get their opinion. Realistically one would only do a review semi-annually or annually.
Also, with MULA, it gets cheaper by 10% every year you renew your plan.

Technologi Terkini and Very User-Friendly Interface

When I started the financial coaching process, I had to key in all my financial info in their MULA App. I must say, I really like their simple UI.
They also have your data stored securely and you can pull them up to refer at any given time via the app. The amount of data I had to key in initially was a lot. I spent close to an hour going through old documents to make sure my figures were correct. But I still went through with it as it would be valuable information that I could compare with in the future

All your reports, old and new will also be available.

MULA Promo and Referral Code

First off, the code to sign up is: A007
MULA has also very generously provided us with some T-shirts. They’ll be given to the first 5 customers who sign up using the above code.

A Review on MULA - Fee-Only Financial Planning in Malaysia - Dividend Magic (5)

Please show your love to MULA as I believe they’re leading the financial planning industry onto the right path by first and foremost being – Fee-only. And they’re also making financial planning easily available to the masses. Trust me, we all need it. And of course, all these at a very reasonable rate.

On a personal note, I will be stepping into the financial planning industry as well (which was actually what brought MULA to my attention initially). I’ll have more updates for everyone soon as I look to join a financial planning firm and take on some clients! It’ll of course be a fee-only FP firm.


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About Leigh

I am a certified financial planner with the Financial Planning Association of Malaysia, a passionate investor looking for financial independence as well as hoping to educate Malaysians on financial literacy.

Aiming to become financially independent by 35 years old, I enjoy living a frugal lifestyle (with the occasional lavish spending) while meticulously adding to my portfolio of dividend growth stocks. I’m here to show you what real investing is really like, and that anyone can invest.

There will be losses, there will be gains, I aim to be 100% transparent in my investment journey, documenting all aspects of it. This is my promise to you.

Do join us on FACEBOOK.

Also, our our FB Group where we hope to have some more enlightened discussions on investing.

Onwards and upwards!


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A Review on MULA - Fee-Only Financial Planning in Malaysia - Dividend Magic (2025)


A Review on MULA - Fee-Only Financial Planning in Malaysia - Dividend Magic? ›

Fee-Only Financial Planners

How much does a financial planner cost in Malaysia? ›

The fees to engage a financial planner in Malaysia range from RM1,000 to RM20,000 a year depending on asset size.

How to become a financial planner in Malaysia? ›

Certification Pathway Options

For Non degree holder, if you have SPM qualification and at least 5 years of relevant work experience, you can sit for Prior Learning Recognition Assessment (PLRA) – a multiple-choice test. Once passed, you are eligible to apply for CFP programme.

Are financial planner fees worth it? ›

A financial advisor is worth paying for if they provide help you need, whether because you don't have the time or financial acumen or you simply don't want to deal with your finances. An advisor may be especially valuable if you have complicated finances that would benefit from professional help.

Which is better financial advisor or planner? ›

A financial advisor answers your one-off concerns, while a planner helps your finances holistically. The Mint app has shut down as of Jan. 1, 2024. For alternatives, check out CNBC Select's ranking of the best budgeting apps.

How many licensed financial planners are there in Malaysia? ›

Between 2015 and 2022, the number of financial planning firms increased by 42 per cent, from 31 to 44 firms as at end-2022, while the number of licensed representatives grew by 145 per cent over the same period to 1,455.

How much money do you need to start financial planning? ›

Note that some traditional financial advisors decline clients who don't have enough to invest; the definition of “enough” varies, but many advisors require $250,000 or more.

How much money do you need to go to a financial planner? ›

The right amount of money you'll need will depend on what you're looking for a financial advisor to do as well as how much you'll have to pay in fees. Generally, having between $50,000 and $500,000 of liquid assets to invest can be a good point to start looking at hiring a financial advisor.

How much money should you have to get a financial planner? ›

Some traditional financial advisors have minimum investment amounts they require to work with clients. These can range from $20,000 to $500,000 or even more. Why? Because their fees need to cover their time and expertise, and managing smaller portfolios may not be cost-effective for them.

How much does a financial planning advisor charge? ›

Financial adviser ongoing fees

You agree an ongoing fee in advance, which may be a percentage of assets under management. A typical independent financial adviser fee might be between 0.25% and 1%, but some advisers may charge a different percentage depending on your circumstances.

How do financial planners make money in Malaysia? ›

While some financial planners only offer full planning services, others provide both planning and transactional services. Although some financial planners in Malaysia are employed on a salary, most of them are working as a business partner to a financial advisory firm.

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.